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Essential Learning Outcomes: 1. Understand the inquiry process 2. Experience tools that may support the inquiry process 3. Consider the role of inquiry.

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Learning Outcomes: 1. Understand the inquiry process 2. Experience tools that may support the inquiry process 3. Consider the role of inquiry."— Presentation transcript:


2 Essential Learning Outcomes: 1. Understand the inquiry process 2. Experience tools that may support the inquiry process 3. Consider the role of inquiry in your content area

3 Planning and Predicting A.Organization Tool: Teacher Web Site Tool: Symbaloo B. Create Background Knowledge What is Project Based Learning? (PBL) Tool: Video Discussion Tool: Backchannel Chat Twitter Chat Framework – Q1, A1 Twitter Hash Tag #pblchat Q1: What’s your experience with Project Based Learning? Q2: What do you you need to know to create successful PBL experiences? Q3: What do you think students need to know to be successful with PBL experiences?

4 Planning and Predicting C. Generate Questions What Makes A Good Question? Text Marking Share ideas with Whole Group Tool: LINO Activity: Review sources on questioning Individually record two things to share on a post- it note one for ! and one for ? Discuss as a small group Post group thinking to LINO

5 Planning and Predicting A.Collaboration/ Planning/Discussion B.Create a Question for the small group to research C. Add your question to a graphic organizer Tool: Popplet D.Citing sources

6 Planning and Predicting A.Resources for Research What Can Your Library Do for You? Tool: Destiny Tool: Symbaloo B.What Makes for a Quality Source? C.Differentiated Sources Everyone should have a voice D.Annotating on a PDF Article: Student choice Practice: Jeff Wilhelm article Inquiry Starts Here Tool: PDF Escape E.Individually find 1-2 ideas to share

7 Planning and Predicting Sharing Information Start with the Question (on Popplet) Share everyone’s ideas Discuss how the ideas relate to the question Organize Big Ideas into order Add Supporting Details Tool: Popplet

8 Planning and Predicting When you started your research, you had an idea of where you wanted to go. Do the new understandings that you have about your Inquiry Question match that idea? If they do, you have confirmed, or proved, your conjecture. If they do not, you will need to revise, or change, your conjecture. In an Inquiry Project, your conjecture may change as you learn more. You might need to revise your Inquiry Question to help point your research in the right direction. This is all part of the Inquiry process.

9 Planning and Predicting Confirm or Revise, continued: Confirming: If your research matches your conjecture, great! But you may still have more questions or “holes” in your research. You may need to fill the holes with more information. You may need to work with your Inquiry Group and make a plan to continue your research. Revising: If your research does not match, don’t worry. You simply need to adjust your conjecture; it may just need a small change or you may want to make bigger changes. Do you need more information? Make a plan with your Inquiry Group to continue collecting information.

10 Planning and Predicting A. 21 st Century Skills Critical Thinking Collaboration Creativity Communication B. Teacher Directed vs Student Choice -Gradual release model video C. May Involve Technology D. Create a 2 Minute Presentation Tools: iPod or iPad – Videotape iPad App: Educreations Screencast-o-matic, Prezi, Padlet Popplet Screencast

11 Planning and Predicting A. Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts B.Speaking and Listening continuum C.Speaking of Speaking article D.Gallery Walk (specific to tool) E.Post on web page

12 Planning and Predicting A.Discuss with your Inquiry Group what you need to consider for assessment Group Assessment Self Assessment B.Research and Inquiry create new questions Add new questions to the Inquiry Group Popplet

13 Team Planning Opportunities for Q & A K-2 Focus Lesson Kid Friendly Search Engine: Tech Tool Assistance Teacher Web Sites Symbaloo Back Channel Chat Destiny Easy Bib LINO Popplet PDF Escape iPod iPad iPad App: Educreations Screencastomatic Popplet Screencast QR Codes Padlet iPad as a Teleprompter

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