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December 8, 2014 1  What is Book Sharing?  How do we Increase Engagement?  Example of Joint Attention During Book Sharing  Generalizing Targeted.

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2 December 8, 2014 1

3  What is Book Sharing?  How do we Increase Engagement?  Example of Joint Attention During Book Sharing  Generalizing Targeted Skills Throughout the School Day  Examples of Generalizing Targeted Skills  Using These Strategies at Home  Conclusion 2

4  A Theme is Selected ◦ Zoo animals, colors, clothing, etc.  Targeted Theme’s Vocabulary Words Selected ◦ Theme Related Words ◦ Everyday Words  Pictures in Book Support Theme and Vocabulary  Book’s Script can be Altered if Necessary 3

5 Book: Pony Brushes His Teeth Theme: Brushing Teeth Everyday Vocabulary: pony, clean, dirty, mirror Theme Related Vocabulary: teeth, brush, toothbrush, toothpaste 4

6  Focusing on Joint Attention ◦ Shared focus of two individuals on an object ◦ Coordinates attention between participants and objects in a meaningful way ◦ Provides a shared reference point from which to understand each other ◦ Can be reinforced  Looking back and forth between student and object  Eye gazing  Pointing  Verbal and non-verbal cues 5

7  Focusing on Joint Attention (cont.) ◦ Requires motivation to share with another person ◦ Children share information with others ◦ Children gain information from the environment ◦ Utilizes Joint Attention targets ◦ Pictures or objects are strategically linked to the subject  Immersing Children in Targeted Vocabulary ◦ Theme Related Vocabulary ◦ Everyday Vocabulary 6

8  Utilizing 2D (pictures) and 3D (objects)  Increasing Peer-to-Peer Interactions  Incorporating Routines and Structure ◦ Repetition of Book and Activities ◦ Visuals to Support On-Task Behavior ◦ Instructional Assistants Provide Modeling and Student Support, as Needed 7

9  Book reader provides cue for the children to look at the targeted item in the book ◦ Teacher looks and points to picture in the book  “Here is the pumpkin!”  Book reader pauses, waiting for children to look at the target 8

10  Book reader looks and then points to another pumpkin ◦ “LOOK!” (pointing to another pumpkin)  Goal is to get the children to look at the referenced object 9

11  Book reader then asks “WHERE is the pumpkin?”  Book reader waits for the children to respond (pointing to or touching the target) 10

12 11 Where is the---? There it is!

13  Target skills are used throughout the school day Math  Counting  Identifying numbers ◦ Science ◦ Dramatic play ◦ Language ◦ Art ◦ Snack time ◦ Lunch time ◦ Gross Motor Activities ◦ Fine Motor and Sensory Activities ◦ Music 12

14  During Math ◦ Theme :Concepts ◦ Book: Give the Mouse a Cookie ◦ Targeted Vocabulary: tall, short ◦ Example Joint Attention  Here’s a tall (or short) building ( reference tall (or short) block building)  Where is another tall ---- ?  Generalization Activities :building tall and short buildings with blocks. 13

15  During Math  Theme: Counting ◦ Example Movie:  Theme: Identifying Numbers ◦ Example Movie: 14

16  During Science ◦ Theme :Body Parts ◦ Book: Big Green Monster ◦ Targeted Vocabulary: eyes, nose, hair ◦ Example Joint Attention  Here is a nose (reference nose)  Where is another nose?  Generalization Activities ◦ The children will sort and match different kinds of hair 15

17  During Dramatic Play ◦ Theme :Community Helpers ◦ Book: Fireman ◦ Targeted Vocabulary: firetruck, firehose, firehouse, firemen ◦ Example Joint Attention  Here is hose (reference firetruck)  Where is another firetruck?  Generalization Activities : ◦ During dramatic play the children will dress up as firemen ◦ They will look at themselves in the mirror ◦ A firehouse can be made of cardboard boxes ◦ They will use props such as a fire hose and make-believe firetruck and will play fireman  16

18  During Language ◦ Book: Pout Pout Fish ◦ Theme: Ocean Life ◦ Example Movie: 17

19  During Art ◦ Theme : Painting ◦ Book: I Paint ◦ Targeted Vocabulary: paint, paper, paintbrush ◦ Example Joint Attention  Here is a paintbrush (reference paintbrush)  Where is another paintbrush? ◦ Generalization Activities  Painting: opportunity to create picture using paint, paint brush, smock, etc.  Incorporates joint attention, sharing, visual supports 18

20  At Snack Time ◦ Theme : Counting ◦ Book: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie ◦ Targeted Vocabulary: mouse, cookie, milk, napkin, plate ◦ Example Joint Attention:  Here is a cookie (reference picture of cookie).  Where is another cookie? ◦ Generalization Activities  How many cookies do you have?  How many cookies does your peer have?   How many cookies does the mouse have? **Adult support provided as needed.** 19

21  During Lunch ◦ Theme : Identifying Foods ◦ Book: Eating the Alphabet: Fruits & Vegetables from A to Z ◦ Targeted Vocabulary: Names of Fruits and Vegetables ◦ Example Joint Attention  Here is corn (reference picture of corn)  Where is more corn? ◦ Generalization Activities  Touch one piece of corn  Pick up one piece of corn 20 **Adult support provided as needed.**

22  During Gross Motor Activities ◦ Theme :Concepts ◦ Book: Up ◦ Targeted Vocabulary: up, down, beside, behind ◦ Example Joint Attention  Here is going up the mat (reference mat, teacher models going up)  What else can we climb up on…?  Generalization Activities ◦ Children will climb up mats and up stairs 21

23  During Fine Motor and Sensory Lessons ◦ Theme :Colors ◦ Book: Pete the Cat and His White Shoes ◦ Targeted Vocabulary: ◦ Example Joint Attention  Here is a white (reference white shaving crème)  Where is there something else white?  Generalization Activities ◦ Painting with white shaving cream 22

24  During Music Lessons ◦ Theme :Musical Instruments ◦ Book: Tubby the Tuba ◦ Targeted Vocabulary: drums, cymbals, piano ◦ Example Joint Attention  Here is a drum (reference drum)  Where is another drum ?  Generalization Activities ◦ Playing with musical instruments 23

25  During Writing Lessons ◦ Theme :Things we are Thankful for ◦ Book: Happy Thanksgiving ◦ Targeted Vocabulary: family, friends, food ◦ Example Joint Attention  Here is a Mom (reference Mom)  Where is Mom?  Generalization Activities ◦ Draw pictures of who you are thankful for? 24

26 25 Parent says: Here is a red toothbrush. (parent points to toothbrush) Where is another red toothbrush? Parent says: Here is the toothpaste. (parent points to toothpaste) Where is more toothpaste? Parent says: Here are my teeth. (parent points to their teeth) Where are your teeth?

27  Improves children’s communication skills  Immerses the children in the vocabulary  Enhances peer to peer interaction skills  Enhances use of visual supports  Helps children achieve Common Core Standards and Goals and Objectives with the use of hands on materials.  Provides multiple opportunities for students to engage in theme related activities with theme related materials 26

28  Book Sharing has enabled us to add techniques to our curriculum that enhance communication skills and increase the children's abilities to answer questions related to themes.  Book Sharing also helps us to incorporate the Common Core Standards. Many of our children need visual as well as hands-on techniques to progress to their potential. The abundant use of visual supports aids in accomplishing this need. 27

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