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Landscaping accounts for about half the water people use at home. Showers account for another 18 percent, while toilets use about 20 percent. An acre.

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Presentation on theme: "Landscaping accounts for about half the water people use at home. Showers account for another 18 percent, while toilets use about 20 percent. An acre."— Presentation transcript:



3 Landscaping accounts for about half the water people use at home. Showers account for another 18 percent, while toilets use about 20 percent. An acre foot of water is about 326,000 gallons. One-half acre foot is enough to meet the need of a typical family for a year. There are 7.48 gallons in a cubic foot of water.

4 Typically, outdoor water use accounts for up to 50 percent of water consumed by households. Experiment with gradual reductions in irrigation to see if plants can tolerate less water. Some people use no irrigation, but have healthy plants. Maintaining a 3-inch layer of mulch will help retain moisture, suppress weeds, etc.

5 Fixing leaks and installing a few inexpensive water saving devises in your home could save you an estimated 20,000 gallons of water each year. Water losses caused by leaking faucets can range from several gallons to hundreds of gallons of water per day. Dripping showerheads can waste 75 to several hundred gallons of water a week, depending on the size of the drip.

6 Up to 60% of the human body is water, the brain is composed of 70% water, and the lungs are nearly 90% water. Lean muscle tissue contains about 75% water by weight, as is the brain; body fat contains 10% water and bone has 22% water. About 83% of our blood is water, which helps digest our food, transport waste, and control body temperature. Each day humans must replace 2.4 liters of water, some through drinking and the rest taken by the body from the foods eaten.

7 Water Conservation America uses 293 gallons of water per person per day. How can we help use less water? We can do that by turning off the water while we brush our teeth or shave we can save up to 10 gallons a day.

8 Water is made up of two elements oxygen and Hydrogen. Water can be a solid, liquid or gas. Its part of the “water cycle” the four main parts are evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection. Evaporation is when water turns into gas and goes into the air. Condensation is when vapor in the air turns into a liquid, precipitation is when rain, sleet, snow or, hail falls from the sky. Collection is when water soaks into the ground. Without water life on earth wouldn’t exist. There is a fixed amount of water on earth. That means that that is the same water that has been here for years. That is why we need to conserve.

9 We have used water since prehistoric times by bathing in it, drinking it, playing in it, using it to cook, and growing food by taking it from rivers, creeks, ponds, or lakes and putting them in pots or buckets to bring it to where we live or going into the rivers, creeks, lakes, streams, or ponds. Water has been and still is one of the most important resources to all living things.

10 People started to conserve water when shortages of water in America started to occur. People in America started conserving water in 1970.They conserved by not using as much water as they usually would have. They took shorter showers, came up with one day to do laundry, and only washed the dishes when it was absolutely necessary. That is why and how we conserve today and I hope that we continue to conserve.

11 A______= Bath: 50 gallons Shower: 2.5 gallons per minute Teeth brushing: 1 gallon Hands/face washing: 1 gallon Face/leg shaving: 1 gallon Dishwasher: 20 gallons/load Dishwashing by hand: 5 gallons/load Clothes washing (machine):: 10 gallons/load Toilet flush: 3 gallons Glasses of water drunk: 8 oz. per glass (1/16th of a gallon) How much water used

12 1 st part of Experiment Experiment: How much water we use in my house in a week! How many times my house used things with water.


14 2 nd part of experiment Hypothesis-I think I will use about 150 gallons in a week. Experiment: How much water we reduced from last time in a week.

15 Graph

16 Water Conservation Things you and I can do to use less water! In the kitchen, if you have a double sink, you can use less water by filling one side of the sink for washing dishes and the other for rinsing. Once you're done, recycle the rinse water to water plants or a garden. If you have a dishwasher, only run it when it is full, and use an energy efficient cycle.



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