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Gender Based Theory HSP3M.

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1 Gender Based Theory HSP3M

2 Basic Beliefs Carol Gilligan theorized that moral development differed between both sexes. She believed male moral development derives from a justice perspective. She also believed females have a “care and responsibility perspectives.”

3 The Theory Explained (male)
According to Gilligan, males and females develop different morals. Through her studies, she found that males consider formal rules and abstract principles to be important in defining right and wrong. Example Males seek justice through retribution or restitution. Gilligan claimed that a boy might see stealing as wrong because it is “against the rules” and he may want the thief to be punished.

4 The Theory explained (female)
Gilligan theorized that females judge actions based on how actions affect personal relationships and loyalties. Females have a more person-based approached. A girl is more likely to wonder why a person would steal and she would want to help such a person.

5 Criticisms Critics suggest that Gilligan’s findings are valid but do not tell us why the differences exist. Gilligan suggested that it is largely a matter of socialization, but there is obviously room for the other solution in this discussion.

6 References Bain M. Colin, Colyer S. Jill. (2001) The Human Way. Ontario, Canada: Oxford University Press.

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