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Monday, March 5 1. Put your Monroe Doctrine worksheet on my desk (We will grade it tomorrow) 2. Update your spiral DateEntry TitleEntry # 2/24Early Industry.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, March 5 1. Put your Monroe Doctrine worksheet on my desk (We will grade it tomorrow) 2. Update your spiral DateEntry TitleEntry # 2/24Early Industry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, March 5 1. Put your Monroe Doctrine worksheet on my desk (We will grade it tomorrow) 2. Update your spiral DateEntry TitleEntry # 2/24Early Industry and Invention notes 27 2/29Era of Good Feelings questions 28 3/5James Monroe movie (KWL) 29 3/5Monroe’s main points notes 30 3. Turn to entry #29 and title it James Monroe movie (set up a KWL chart and write everything you know about him under the K column)

2 Did Mrs. Siek take role???? Yes – go on to next slide No – GO TAKE ROLE NOW!!!!!

3 2nd Period AssignmentMandatory Tutorials – Tuesday - March 6 Mandatory Tutorials – Thursday, March 8 Dolly Madison Primary Source Tyler Anderson Crystal Brown Lupe Segura Jeremy Swyhart Chuck Babendreier Kameron Sanders

4 – 3 rd Period AssignmentMandatory Tutorials – Tuesday - March 6 Mandatory Tutorials – Thursday, March 8 Dolly Madison Primary Source Kayla Margenau Ambien Prescher

5 5 th Period NameMandatory Tutorials –Learning Recover – Monday, March 5 Noah NevarezEmbargo Act Cartoon AssignmentMandatory Tutorials – Tuesday - March 6 Mandatory Tutorials – Thursday, March 8 Dolly Madison Primary Source Noah Nevarez Hailey Parsons Jesse Kennedy

6 6 th Period NameMandatory Tutorials – Tuesday - March 6 Mandatory Tutorials – Thursday, March 8 Dolly Madison Primary Source

7 8 th Period NameMandatory Tutorials – Tuesday - March 6 Mandatory Tutorials – Thursday, March 8 Cameron Carroll Joel Rodriguez Dolly Madison Primary Source

8 #29 March 5: James Monroe Movie KWL Summary: James Monroe’s greatest accomplishment was…. Because….

9 Main points of Monroe #30 I. Era of Good Feelings *Intense national unity *Federalist party disappears

10 Main points of Monroe I. Era of Good Feelings *Intense national unity *Federalist party disappears II. Supreme Court *McCulloch v. Maryland – state can’t tax national bank Expands *Gibbons v. Ogden – Interstate commerce (trade) is regulated by the federal government

11 Main points of Monroe I. Era of Good Feelings *Intense national unity *Federalist party disappears II. Supreme Court *McCulloch v. Maryland – state can’t tax national bank Expands *Gibbons v. Ogden – Interstate commerce (trade) is regulated by the federal government III.Sectional Leaders *Sectionalism became a major issue when Mo applied for statehood A. Calhoun of South (relied on cotton and slavery) B. Webster of North (Manufacturing and trade) C. Clay of West (cheap land and better transportation)

12 Main points of Monroe IV.Helping business grow *Congress passes a protective tariff (again) *Southern object – they have few factories and trade w/ Britain

13 Main points of Monroe IV.Helping business grow *Congress passes a protective tariff (again) *Southern object – they have few factories and trade w/ Britain V. Missouri Compromise *Missouri comes in as a slave state *Maine comes in as a free state *Slavery was banned from North of 36’30 latitude

14 Main points of Monroe IV.Helping business grow *Congress passes a protective tariff (again) *Southern object – they have few factories and trade w/ Britain V. Missouri Compromise *Missouri comes in as a slave state *Maine comes in as a free state *Slavery was banned from North of 36’30 latitude VI.Foreign Affairs *America given right to settle in Oregon territory *Adams –Onis Treaty gives the U.S. Florida

15 Main points of Monroe IV.Helping business grow *Congress passes a protective tariff (again) *Southern object – they have few factories and trade w/ Britain V. Missouri Compromise *Missouri comes in as a slave state *Maine comes in as a free state *Slavery was banned from North of 36’30 latitude VI.Foreign Affairs *America given right to settle in Oregon territory *Adams –Onis Treaty gives the U.S. Florida VII.Monroe Doctrine * North and South America is closed to European colonization *America, in return, would not involve itself in European affairs 4 questions Summary

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