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© 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. AP Environmental Science Mr. Grant Lesson 82 Winter Term Final Exam Follow-Up & Chapter 14 Preparation.

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1 © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. AP Environmental Science Mr. Grant Lesson 82 Winter Term Final Exam Follow-Up & Chapter 14 Preparation

2 © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Have you seen this interesting article in The Week? Retail: Whole Foods to label GM items Whole Foods said it would label all products that contain genetically modified ingredients in its North American stores within five years, said Stephanie Strom in The New York Times. The Austin-based chain is the first national grocer to set a deadline for labeling foods that contain such common GM ingredients as corn syrup and soybean oil. Such labeling is already required in Europe, but several trade groups have opposed it here, claiming that mandatory labeling would only “mislead consumers” over ingredients that regulators have deemed safe.

3 © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Have you seen this interesting article in The Week? Pakistan - Exploited by Big Agribusiness Zahrah Nasir The Nation Pakistani farmers are falling prey to the chemical industry, said Zahrah Nasir. Most farmers are uneducated and easily swayed by salesmen peddling fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, and even genetically modified seeds. They have been going into debt to buy these products, convinced “that the more toxins they apply, the more profit they will ultimately reap.” The long-term consequences are dire. We’ve seen it play out next door, in India’s Punjab province, where the incidence of cancer has skyrocketed, and there are “horrifyingly high rates of farmer suicide” as farmers can’t pay their bills. Yet the Pakistani government won’t educate its people about the Indian example, wrong-headedly assuming that we have nothing to learn from our longtime enemy. Instead, it simply shrugs while more and more Pakistani farmers become beholden to companies like Monsanto, whose genetically modified seeds produce terrific crops but have to be purchased anew every season. These non-reseeding crops “are already responsible for the almost complete loss of indigenous seed varieties here.” Pakistan is facing a food emergency. But if we depend on chemical inputs and big agribusiness, we’ll end up with a poisoned environment, bankrupt farmers—and famine.

4 © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Objectives: Hand back and discuss winter term final exam. Prep Unit 6 with class. Chapter 14 Pre-Reading: In class exercise to help activate background knowledge, make connections, stimulate predictions, and form a purpose for reading. TED - Break down the oil slick, keep it off the shores: that's grounds for pumping toxic dispersant into the Gulf, say clean-up overseers. Susan Shaw shows evidence it's sparing some beaches only at devastating cost to the health of the deep sea.

5 © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Unit 6: Humans and their Environmental Impact Chapter 14 – Environmental Health and Toxicology Chapter 22 – Managing Our Waste Chapter 23 – Minerals and Mining Unit Plan WikiSpaces APES Multiple Choice Practice APES Free Response Practice Unit 5 Preparation…

6 © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 14 Vocabulary… infectious disease acute exposure allergens bioaccumulation biomagnification bisphenol A carcinogens case history chronic exposure dose dose-response analysis dose-response curve ED50 endocrine disruptors environmental health environmental toxicology epidemiological studies LD50 mutagens neurotoxins REACH response risk risk assessment risk management synergistic effects teratogens threshold dose toxicant toxicity toxicology Toxic Substances Control Act toxins

7 © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 15 Pre-Reading… 1.Describe some environmental health hazards that you think you may be living with indoors. 2.Do you think animals should be used in experiments in toxicology? Why or why not?

8 © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. TED Video Susan Shaw is an internationally recognized marine toxicologist, author and explorer. "Both types of Corexit dispersants used in the Gulf contain solvents – petroleum distillates that are animal carcinogens – capable of killing or depressing the growth of a wide range of aquatic species. For vulnerable species such as phytoplankton, corals and small fish, the combined effects of Corexit and dispersed oil can be greater and last longer than the effects of oil alone." Susan Shaw: The Oil Spill's Toxic Trade-Off (16:42)

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