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September 2008 The Evolving Media Economy. 2 Once Upon a Time, Marketing = Media + Creative Traditional media was primary (sole?)

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Presentation on theme: "September 2008 The Evolving Media Economy. 2 Once Upon a Time, Marketing = Media + Creative Traditional media was primary (sole?)"— Presentation transcript:

1 September 2008 The Evolving Media Economy

2 2 Once Upon a Time, Marketing = Media + Creative Traditional media was primary (sole?) venue for communications objectives

3 3 But Fragmentation Fractured That Proposition

4 4 Music Was The Canary In The Coal Mine Source: Magna, RIAA Digitization changed production, distribution and consumption

5 5 And DVRs Were To Be The Last Nail In The Coffin

6 6 With A Digital Revolution Blooming In The Aftermath

7 7 But Traditional Media Never Died “Television is the worst form of advertising, except all the others that have been tried”

8 8 But Traditional Media Never Died New advertisers rely on it for mass branding effects Source: Magna analysis of TNS-CMR data

9 9 But Traditional Media Never Died Large brand-based advertisers: focus on reach… Source: Initiative Analysis of Nielsen Data

10 10 Source: Magna, US Census, Veronis Suhler, OPA But Traditional Media Never Died …And frequency

11 11 Source: Magna, WARC, InternetWorldStats. Weekly reach figures for France and UK, daily for other countries. Reach definition for magazines = issue reach in France, Italy and Spain. Internet reach typically = % of population online monthly per Nielsen NetRatings, ITU and other sources as of June 30 2007 (except for US = March 31, 2007) But Traditional Media Never Died This is true in established markets…

12 12 But Traditional Media Never Died …And emerging ones Source: Magna, WARC, InternetWorldStats. Weekly figures for Brazil and Russia. Russia, China and India magazines are issue reach figures. Indian TV and radio = daily, newspapers = issue. Chinese TV = weekly and radio = daily. Internet typically = % of population online monthly per Nielsen NetRatings, ITU and other sources as of June 30 2007

13 13 But Traditional Media Never Died It also holds for young audiences… Source: Magna analysis of Nielsen Media Research data

14 14 But Traditional Media Never Died …In the US and around the world Source: WARC

15 15 Consequences of Reach and Frequency Paradigm 20 YEARS AGO Models that were well-designed…

16 16 Consequences of Reach and Frequency Paradigm 20 YEARS AGO …For an era of homogenous media platform access…

17 17 Consequences of Reach and Frequency Paradigm TODAY …May not be as well-suited for a world of Web 2.0%…

18 18 Consequences of Reach and Frequency Paradigm TODAY …Which will reach some audiences and miss others

19 19 Drivers of Online Spend = Endemics, New Businesses Largest advertisers drive TV, smaller advertisers drive online Source: Magna analysis of TNS-CMR data

20 20 Source: Magna, US Census, Veronis Suhler Drivers of Online Spend = Endemics, New Businesses Reflecting effectiveness for SMEs…

21 21 Drivers of Online Spend = Endemics, New Businesses …Who benefit from a Democratization of Advertising Source: Magna analylsis of IRS data

22 22 Beyond search, emerging media = small business today Emerging Media: Systemic Growth Requirements Source: Magna, IAB

23 23 Emerging Media: Systemic Growth Requirements Impacting “gut” decisions = ?

24 24 Emerging Media: Systemic Growth Requirements Establishing better infrastructure

25 25 Emerging Media: Systemic Growth Requirements Re-aligning organizational structure Operating Division Retail Distribution Product Development Branding CEO Other Corporate Functions COO PR / Corporate Communications Operating Division Product Development Branding Operating Division Product Development Branding CMO / Central Marketing CreativeOtherMedia Marketing, PR, Retail, Sales Source: Magna Direct / Online Sales

26 26 Emerging Media: Systemic Growth Requirements Focusing on people, not pages (or ratings)

27 27 Emerging Media: Systemic Growth Requirements Assessing value, not cost Top 10 DMAs $>$ National Network

28 28 Emerging Media: Systemic Growth Requirements Transforming data into actionable insights = + ?

29 Contact: Brian Wieser, CFA Tel: 646-865-2260 Email:

30 30 Discussion Roger Keating SVP, Digital Media Hearst-Argyle Television Steve McGowan SVP, Insights and Client Research Initiatives The Nielsen Company

31 31 Issue #1 Consumers in Control Vs. Controlled Consumers? Source: Magna

32 32 Issue #2 Fragmentation: Friend or Foe? Source: Magna analysis of Nielsen data

33 33 Issue #3 Who Crosses Platforms? Source: Magna

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