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50 Years Later – The Legacy of the 1964 Flood Mary Ann Madej.

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1 50 Years Later – The Legacy of the 1964 Flood Mary Ann Madej


3 Landslides strip soil and trees off hillslopes

4 (1978 Photo) Redwood Creek 1964 flood caused massive landsliding on the North Coast 6 million cubic meters in Redwood Creek alone

5 Arcata Marsh: 307 acres-

6 Entire Arcata Marsh: Could be covered by 17 ft. of sediment (McKinley statue) from Redwood Creek alone

7 Simon Creek 1966 1978 Long-term loss of soil productivity


9 Formation (and persistence) of large log jams



12 Log jam on Van Duzen River, 1964 From Rumney and Stockton, 2014


14 Trees killed by gravel deposits Height of flood deposits


16 Palm Cafe Orick

17 1964 Flood Deposits in Orick Valley: Sand and Silt From Ricks, 1995

18 Overbank flood deposits High water mark


20 Near-shore sediment deposition – Preservation of flood events Several studies of Eel River shelf


22 Construction of flood control levees in 1968 dramatically changed circulation patterns in estuary


24 100-year flood inundation map for Orick valley (Data from USGS, NOAA, USDA, NASA and more) Revised FEMA mapping

25 Increased recognition of impacts of logging helped lead to: 1) establishment of Redwood National Park in 1968 2) California Forest Practice Rules, 1973.

26 1964: G. I. Joe enters the market

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