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What is TEMPUS TEMPUS IV BELARUS 3rd call for proposals.

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2 What is TEMPUS TEMPUS IV BELARUS 3rd call for proposals

3 TEMPUS is The European Union’s programme that supports the modernisation of higher education in 27 countries of 4 geographical areas: Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Western Balkans and the Mediterranean Region. Through university cooperation projects.

4 TEMPUS IV  TEMPUS PROGRAMME started in 1990  TEMPUS IV started in 2008  Budgetary period 2007-2013  1st call for proposals: 28 April 2008  2 nd call for proposals: 28 April 2009  3rd call for proposals: 09 March 2010

5 BASIC FEATURES OF TEMPUS IV Objectives:  To establish an area of cooperation and modernisation in higher education between the European Union (EU) and the partner countries in the surrounding area.  Strong linkage with EU higher education policies (Lisbon Agenda and Bologna Process).

6 BASIC FEATURES (II) Approach: Institutional cooperation Bottom-up programme mainly implemented through calls for proposals seeking projects targeting reforms in higher education institutions and/or systems. Strong involvement of national authorities. Strong accent on dissemination, sustainability and exploitation of results.

7 BASIC FEATURES (III) Local Support:  National Contact Points in EU Member States  National Tempus Offices in Partner Countries (PCs) in Belarus: Mr Nikolai Listopad.

8 2 TYPES OF ACTIONS  Joint Projects, implemented at institutional level to reform curricula, improve university governance, create more links with society.  Structural Measures, implemented at national level for the development and reform of national higher education structures and systems in PC

9 GRANT SIZE = € 500 000 to € 1 500 000  For both Joint Projects and Structural Projects. Need to prove cost effectiveness!  Minimum grant size for national projects from Central Asia, Montenegro and Kosovo lowered to € 300,000.  Minimum co-financing : 10% PROJECT DURATION = up to 36 months

10 ELIGIBLE PARTNERSHIPS National projects: minimum of 6 HE institutions  3 from Partner countries  3 from 3 different EU countries. Multi-country projects: minimum of 7 HE institutions  2 from each Partner country (minimum 2 PC)  3 from 3 different EU countries Exception: Montenegro and Kosovo only 1 HE institution

11 Programme priorities  A range of themes are defined based on the EU higher education modernisation agenda.  National and Regional priorities are selected from the list of themes.

12 ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS Joint Projects: State-recognised public or private HE institutions (either in EU or PC) Associations, organisations or networks of HE institutions Structural Measures: State-recognised public or private HE institutions (either in EU or PC) Associations, organisations or networks of HE institutions Rector/teacher/student organisations (not Ministries)

13 ELIGIBLE PARTNERS  State-recognised public or private HE institutions (either in EU or PC)  Associations, organisations or networks of HE institutions  Rector/teacher/student organisations  Non-governmental organisations  Social partner and their training organisations  Private and public enterprises  Research institutions  Public administrations, Ministries or national/regional authorities (special conditions)

14 BELARUS  Joined the Programme in 1993  104 projects (60 JP, 4 SM, 40 IMG)  31 Universities participated (Belarus State University, Grodno State University, Polotsk State University)  Tempus IV: 8 joint projects (7 multicountry and 1 national)  Total budget allocated 15 million euros of which 2.700.000 in Tempus IV

15 Third Call for proposals  Launch: 30 November 2009  Deadline: 9 March 2010  Results: Summer 2010  Eligibility period: 15 October 2010 - 2013

16 Additional info on Tempus  TEMPUS website:  National Tempus Office in Belarus: Mr. Nikolai Listopad Central Information and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Education of Belarus 59, Zakharova Str., 220088 Minsk Tel: +375 172 941594 - Fax: +375 172 100099 e-mail: 

17 Thank you for your attention

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