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Phelps County Disaster Committee Overview VOAD. History... n Formed as an ad-hoc response to Beaver Manor subdivision flooding, April 2002. n Organized.

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Presentation on theme: "Phelps County Disaster Committee Overview VOAD. History... n Formed as an ad-hoc response to Beaver Manor subdivision flooding, April 2002. n Organized."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phelps County Disaster Committee Overview VOAD

2 History... n Formed as an ad-hoc response to Beaver Manor subdivision flooding, April 2002. n Organized & implemented cleanup effort. n Follow-up meetings showed need and interest in long-term existence of PCDC. n SEMA encouraged incorporation as VOAD. n VOAD affiliation (through SEMA), 2002. n Citizen Corps affiliation (through DHS & FEMA), 2003 (administered by SEMA).

3 Mission... n To improve emergency preparedness, disaster response, long-term recovery, and cooperation between volunteer, and government agencies, as well as individual citizens in Phelps county. n Clearing house for unattached volunteers. n Areas of effort include: * Cooperation * Coordination * Communication * Education * Leadership Development * Mitigation * Outreach * Regular Meetings

4 Goals… n Encourage volunteerism in Phelps County. n Improve competency of volunteers. n Encourage and improve working relationships between volunteer and professional organizations. n Educate general public in personal emergency preparedness and response. n Establish these as perpetual programs.

5 Membership… n Full - Members of volunteer, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organizations (e.g., Red Cross, Salvation Army, VFD, ham radio). n Affiliate - Members of other organizations with disaster planning and operations responsibilities (e.g., public-safety, emergency-management, health, other government, public, private organizations or businesses).

6 Membership (continued)... n American Red Cross, Phelps-Pulaski n Salvation Army n Amateur Radio Emergency Service n Health Department n Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) n ABLE Commission n Missouri Ozarks Community Action (MOCA) n Phelps County Emergency Management n Rolla Rural Fire Department n Rolla Police Department n Rolla Fire Department

7 PCDC Officers… n President: Buz Harvey n Vice President: Dan Babcock n Secretary: Joseph Counsil n Treasurer: Edna Bridges

8 Grant Opportunity, 2004/2005... n DHS/Office of Domestic Preparedness, administered by SEMA. n Citizen Corps program enhancement, with emphasis on collaborative efforts among organizations in the community. n Application must be sponsored by government entity (e.g., Phelps County Commission). Grant activity implemented by PCDC. n Funded November 2004: $31,755


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