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Strategies Working With Two-Parent Families August 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies Working With Two-Parent Families August 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies Working With Two-Parent Families August 2007

2 Agenda We will review Basic participation rate information Two-parent family definitions Families that are included in the separate two- parent family rate Two-parent family participation rate Denominator Numerator

3 The Participation Rates “Work-eligible” recipients of cash assistance are required to participate in activities that are designed to Achieve employment goals Move the family from welfare to work The State is evaluated to determine the success of engaging work eligible adults in families receiving Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) through the “Participation Rates”

4 The Participation Rates The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunities Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) Established two participation rates An all-family rate that includes two-parent families as a single unit A separate rate for two-parent families Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) The DRA maintained the requirements for both the all-family rate and the two-parent family rate The rates have different requirements

5 The Participation Rates Federal law allows states to use Maintenance of Effort (MOE) funds to serve various populations Under PRWORA, the families served under MOE funds were removed from the participation rates Florida’s two-parent population is served with MOE funds Florida was previously not subject to the 90 percent two-parent family rate As of October 2006, Florida has been subject to the two-parent family participation rate requirement of 90 percent

6 The Participation Rates The DRA increased accountability for serving two-parent families The DRA required all separate state programs funded by MOE to meet participation requirements for both rates

7 Engaging Two-Parent Families What is the definition of a two-parent family? Two parents of a mutual child are living in the same household For the two-parent participation rate Both parents reside in the home The parents in the home share a mutual child Both parents are work eligible individuals  Neither parent is disabled/limited from work for greater than 30 days

8 Engaging Two-Parent Families Two-parent families that do not count in the two-parent participation rate include Two-parent families with an ineligible alien Two-parent families with a “disabled” parent

9 Engaging Two-Parent Families Two-parent families with a disabled parent who cannot work/participate full-time are determined through two indicators The Department of Children and Families (DCF) marks the case on its system A deferral is entered on the Alternative Plan screen of the One-Stop Service Tracking (OSST) system Must be a medical or alcohol, drug, mental health deferral lasting greater than 30 days

10 Engaging Two-Parent Families Previously, OSST medical deferrals had 90 day indicators

11 Engaging Two-Parent Families Indicators prior to October 2007 Medical Deferral (90 days or more), code 31 Alcohol, Drug, Mental (90 days or more), code 34 Updated indicators as of October 2007 Medical Deferral (30 days or more), code 42 Alcohol, Drug, Mental (30 days or more), code 44

12 Engaging Two-Parent Families To reduce confusion, the following deferral types are being deactivated Deferred-high risk pregnancy Deferred-SSI applicant There will be other locations on the Alternative Plan’s Deferral screen to record this information

13 Engaging Two-Parent Families

14 Calculating the two-parent rate Denominator Number of two-parent families receiving assistance that meet the required definition of a two-parent family Minus those that are subject to sanction

15 Engaging Two-Parent Families Calculating the two-parent rate Numerator Number of two-parent families receiving assistance that meet the two-family definition And have met the required hours of participation for the month  Core required hours are completed and recorded in the system  Total required hours are completed and recorded in the system

16 Engaging Two-Parent Families Calculating the two-parent rate Numerator How many hours are required to meet participation for a two-parent family rate?  If the family is not receiving federally subsidized childcare, the family must complete  30 hours in a core activity (or activities)  35 hours total (may combine core and core plus activities)

17 Engaging Two-Parent Families Calculating the two-parent rate Numerator How many hours are required to meet participation for a two-parent family rate?  If the family is receiving federally subsidized childcare, the family must complete  50 hours in a core activity (or activities)  55 hours total (may combine core and core plus activities)

18 Engaging Two-Parent Families Remember This includes two-parent families with two work eligible adults This does not include families with a parent that is disabled or unable to participate greater than 30 days Document signed by a licensed physician is secured and retained in the case file Disability status is recorded in the system appropriately

19 Engaging Two-Parent Families Engagement How do we know if we are moving in the right direction? How can we gauge our program’s success with serving two-parent families?

20 Engaging Two-Parent Families Securing information OSST (searches and reports) We can use Search and Reports features in OSST Data warehouse We can use data warehouse to pull reports

21 Engaging Two-Parent Families Internal indicators can be developed How are two-parent families leaving cash assistance each month? Sanctions Employment Time limits expire Other

22 Engaging Two-Parent Families Internal indicators can be developed Each of these elements can provide us with indicators about two-parent family success Sanctions  Are a lot of families leaving due to sanctions?  Why?  Are their activities directly related to their goals?  Do they receive their weekly activities (who, what, when, where) in writing?

23 Engaging Two-Parent Families Internal indicators can be developed Employment  Are our participants leaving with employment directly from Work Experience, Community Service or Job Search programs?  Are our activities helping participants to gain skills that lead directly to employment?

24 Engaging Two-Parent Families Internal indicators can be developed Time limits  How quickly are two-parent families being engaged by the program?  Are the activities leading to work or are they staying on cash assistance for long periods of time?

25 Engaging Two-Parent Families Internal indicators can be developed Are two-parent families engaged in countable activities? Review the population monthly Are participants assigned to activities? Do the activities meet the core and total requirements? Did the participant agree to the activities? Are the activities related to the family’s goals and the participants’ individual goals?

26 Engaging Two-Parent Families We can look at indicators on the Internet Monthly Management Report (MMR) The MMR provides preliminary information each month Quarterly Key Measures (QKM) Looks at quarterly data Data is compiled at least 40 days after the quarter has ended May catch some data missed by the MMR

27 Engaging Two-Parent Families Strategies Establish the basics Ensure staff understand the basic requirements to meet the participation rates  The two-parent family is made of two parents with a mutual child  The two-parent family included in the participation rate is made of two work eligible parents of a mutual child  The two-parent family must meet core and total requirements to be included in the numerator Each individual should be engaged to establish goals, discover their skills, review their work history and create a plan

28 Specialized case-management Two-parent families are a very small population Select a staff member to be trained and learn about serving the needs of two-parent families, as well as meeting participation rate requirements Not all career specialists will be required to know the complicated requirements, which are often confused with “all family” requirements Engaging Two-Parent Families

29 Participation rate requirements can be very confusing, develop “threshold” requirements Examples  All participants are engaged a minimum of 35 hours per week unless documentation is secured by a licensed physician or other good cause is accepted  All participants are required to complete a core number of hours in a core activity (or activities)  All participants develop and sign an Individual Responsibility Plan  Both parents are required to attend appointments (separate or together based on schedule/needs) to turn in documentation and update their steps to self-sufficiency  Two-parent families are “seen” as a unit unless domestic violence is an issue

30 Engaging Two-Parent Families  Participants are given support services to complete work and alternative activities  Participants/families are given support services based on need

31 Engaging Two-Parent Families Create best practices to engage two-parent families Contact families on a regular basis to encourage participation Offer counseling services for two-parent families Focus on the participant’s wants, the family’s wants/needs and develop a plan using services and activities that move the family towards their wants Ensure both parents leave each appointment with clear requirements detailed in a signed plan (or plan update) Ensure both parents have regular follow-up appointments to turn in documents and review their steps towards self-sufficiency

32 Engaging Two-Parent Families Create best practices to engage two-parent families Develop activities that engage participants in goal related work and skill attainment Reach out to the community to utilize employers and training that already exist Use TANF dollars, according to RWB approval, to create specialized training, on-the-job training, subsidized employment and other activities Bring providers in-house for apprenticeship programs, basic education training, special skills training, counseling, etc.

33 If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact the Welfare Transition Team through the Agency for Workforce Innovation’s Call Center at 1-866-352-2345 An equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. All voice telephone numbers on this document may be reached by persons using TTY/TDD equipment via the Florida Relay Service at 711.

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