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WHAT – DEMO DEMO 2. WHAT – Demo Scenario Disaster Happens: Terrorist attack in an Iraqi marketplace and civilians are hurt. Assistance is needed by support.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT – DEMO DEMO 2. WHAT – Demo Scenario Disaster Happens: Terrorist attack in an Iraqi marketplace and civilians are hurt. Assistance is needed by support."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT – Demo Scenario Disaster Happens: Terrorist attack in an Iraqi marketplace and civilians are hurt. Assistance is needed by support resources. US Navy has collected high resolution sensor imagery over the Iraq area to assess collateral damage and identify a viable location to distribute medical supplies Navy Analyst drops a map point, visible to American Red Cross and United Nations personnel, to mark medical supply distribution site American Red Cross drops map points, visible to Navy Analysts United Nations to indicate the deployment of assets 3

3 Demo Scenario – Navy Analyst Perspective High resolution imagery is collected by the Navy of the Iraqi Market Analyst uses the CGS-E Widget to query the DIB for imagery over the attack area DIB returns metadata regarding imagery and the Analyst chooses an image Analyst uses CGS-E to pull imagery from IPL Analyst marks an area to drop supplies CGS-E sends plot data to OWF Eventing Channel Plot reflected on NRO Map Widget 4 CEE-West

4 Demo Scenario – UN Perspective CGS-E plot event broadcast to all widgets subscribed to eventing channel. Shouter Widget receives plot event and relays it to the Android Mobile App via the Shouter Web App and Enterprise Messaging Component UN Personnel receive a notification and see the drop point plotted on their map UN team takes up a position near the medical supply drop point 5

5 Demo Scenario – Red Cross Perspective CGS-E plot event broadcast to all widgets subscribed to eventing channel. Navy’s Event Relay Widget receives plot event and sends it to all other subscribed Event Relay Widgets Event Relay Widget on the Red Cross server receives the remote event and converts it back to a local event Red Cross Personnel see the medical supply drop point plotted on their map Red Cross deploys a medical team to recover the supplies 6

6 Demo Scenario – Red Cross Perspective Red Cross Personnel approach the drop site and turn on their GPS Beacon Widget Beacon Widget sends its plot event to the local OWF eventing channel Red Cross Map widget receives event and plots beacon point Event Relay Widget receives the local plot event and sends it back out as a remote event to other listening Event Relay Widgets 7

7 Demo Scenario – UN Perspective Event Relay Widget on the Navy server receives the remote event and converts it back to a local event Shouter Widget receives plot event and relays it to the Android Mobile App via the Shouter Web App and Enterprise Messaging Component UN Personnel receive a notification and see the Red Cross drop point plotted on their map UN Personnel intercept the Red Cross team and provide a security escort 8

8 Demo Scenario – Navy Analyst Perspective Event Relay Widget on the Navy server receives the remote event and converts it back to a local event NRO Map Widget receives local event and plots Red Cross location Navy Analyst relays updated situation report 9

9 Questions – Demo Architecture 10 CEE-West

10 Conclusion Ozone Widget Framework is well positioned to be quickly picked up by new development resources OWF Widgets can work with and in a mobile environment A formal Remote Eventing specification is an important near- term evolution needed to standardize cross-desktop and cross- server widget communication 11

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