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Compare the past and present

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Presentation on theme: "Compare the past and present"— Presentation transcript:

1 Compare the past and present
entertainment of Hong Kong youths

2 Outline - Entertainment that young people had in the past
- Entertainment that young people have in the present - Comparison - Conclusion

3 Methods - By interviews - By collecting data - By comparison

4 Age range - present entertainment: 13-15 years old
- past entertainment: years old

5 What is Entertainment? - Toys and games - Can bring happiness
- Can release pressure

6 Why did we choose this topic?
Out of Curiosity!

7 Entertainment in the past

8 Play with marbles - Made of glass.
- Put the marbles on the floor and, every time, roll one marble to the other side. The one who can enclose the marbles of the opposite side wins.

9 Kick shuttlecocks - Made of feathers - Very popular among our parents
- Kick it with your feet

10 Whip top Made of wood. Looks like a clock which is turned over. The bottom is connected to a metal sphere. Wind the rope to the whip top and pull on it.

11 Cricket fight Put two male crickets in a container.
Let them fight one another. The owner of the cricket which dies first loses the game.

12 Sling - Made of rope and rubber band. - Played using a sling.
- Put an object on the sling and pull it. - The object will be catapulted away to a long distance.

13 Hide-and-seek - Choose a “ghost”.
- Cover his/her eyes with a handkerchief. - Make noises to attract the “ghost” to catch them.

14 Why did they like them? - There were not many choices
- Popular in the old days - There were not many choices - Children had nothing to do - Children had no money - Alternatives were not allowed by parents

15 Entertainment in the present

16 Dolls - Dolls collection are popular for all ages. - Popular as gifts.

17 Stamp collection - Popular all over the world.
- For mailing and collecting.

18 Computer - Artificial intelligence. - For work, games or homework.

19 Playing musical instruments
- Welcomed by many teenagers. - Many types of instruments.

20 Listening to music - Popular for all ages.
- Buying CDs and downloading MP3s from the internet.

21 Why do they like them? - Affordable - More choices
- No need to design it

22 Survey

23 Result Entertainment : 16(Present)> 4(past)
- Entertainment nowadays is more convenient and easy to play with. - They are cheaper. - People can afford.

24 Suggestions - Need to keep the old forms of entertainment.
- History and memories. - Treasure them. - Make more attractive old fashioned toys.


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