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C LUB F RIDAY S ELECTIONS. DRAMA CLUB – Do you work well with technology? Are you comfortable with being in front of a camera? Do you like to work with.

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Presentation on theme: "C LUB F RIDAY S ELECTIONS. DRAMA CLUB – Do you work well with technology? Are you comfortable with being in front of a camera? Do you like to work with."— Presentation transcript:


2 DRAMA CLUB – Do you work well with technology? Are you comfortable with being in front of a camera? Do you like to work with other students developing problem solving and critical thinking skills? Are you able to follow directions, use self- control around expensive equipment and work under pressure? The Morning Announcements Team might be the place for you!!!! We are looking for 6 th graders who want to develop these skills to run the morning announcements during Club Fridays this school year at Crestdale Middle. Contact Mrs. Costello for more information. 15-20 students

3 6 TH GRADE SPORTS CLUB - This will consist of playing various sports throughout the school year and allowing 6th grade students the opportunity to participate in athletic activity. Students will play sports such as football, basketball, soccer and many others. We would like to keep this club between 30 and 40 students.

4 6 TH G RADE C OMPUTER G AMES CLUB - Educational and fun computer games and challenges. 26 students.

5 24 G AME CLUB - a fast-paced, competitive problem solving game. Students will compete against classmates each week. An afterschool, school-wide competition will take place in the spring! Come learn how to play this math game and eventually compete to become school champion. 24 students

6 K ICKBALL CLUB - We will accept 40 students only. 20 boys and 20 girls. We will play kickball on teams and compete weekly. In case of bad weather we will play games inside the classroom.

7 B EGINNER ' S Y OGA CLUB - Learn yoga basic poses such as Downward Facing Dog. Warrior I, and relaxation. A yoga mat is needed, but not necessary for this club. 15 students.

8 P EER B UDDIES CLUB - This club will work with physically and mentally challenged students. We will meet with Mrs. Tate and Mrs. Jackson's students in their classrooms. Partnerships will be created in which these students will have the opportunity to form relationships. Students must complete an application and submit it to Ms. Gregory in room 612. 20 students

9 S QUARE & B OARD G AMES - We will practice the rules of good sportsmanship while involved in competitive games. Before each activity, the rules and procedures will be presented and discussed. Students will discuss ways to exhibit good sportsmanship and team support for each activity. During the games, students will then follow game rules, support team mates and exhibit good sportsmanship. Board games, such as Monopoly, Life, Mancala, Checkers, Chess, etc will be used and the outdoor game of 4- Square will be also be an activity. 20 students.

10 S CRABBLE / W ORDS WITH F RIENDS CLUB - Students will play games which build vocabulary and challenge their spelling skills. They can incorporate technology by playing the online version. 24 students

11 B UILDING WITH K INEX / L EGOS - Students will create various models using Kinex and Lego building materials. 25-30 students

12 C ROSS STITCH C LUB - Students will create a cross stitch using a prepared pattern that needs to be purchased from a craft store such as Michael’s or AC Moore. I will show them the technique and then they will create their masterpiece! 20 students

13 S KETCHING CLUB - A creative tool to motivate students to draw a picture that will depict the theme, setting, character, and feelings of given reading excerpts. In addition, students can choose any of the ideas listed with each drawing as a springboard to writing. 25 students.

14 D ANCE CLUB - This class provides a fun and enriching dance experience that prepares individuals to express ideas, feelings, and/or inner visions through the performance of one or more of the dance disciplines, including different genres of dance, and focuses on the study and analysis of dance as a cultural phenomenon.

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