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1 Presented by: Susan G. Allred, Interim Assoc. Commissioner Office of Next Generation Schools and Districts Ginger L. Kinnard, Project Manager - KDE Misty.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Presented by: Susan G. Allred, Interim Assoc. Commissioner Office of Next Generation Schools and Districts Ginger L. Kinnard, Project Manager - KDE Misty."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Presented by: Susan G. Allred, Interim Assoc. Commissioner Office of Next Generation Schools and Districts Ginger L. Kinnard, Project Manager - KDE Misty Cato, Project Manager - AdvancED ASSIST and School Improvement

2 2  Continuous school improvement is the best way to ensure that all important pieces of data, not just test scores, are considered all the time in making improvements in a learning environment.  Plans should be collaborative, transparent, well written and communicated. ASSIST helps us do that. Continuous improvement is never done and over. Continuous School Improvement

3 3 AdvancED and The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) will work collaboratively to provide a common improvement planning process and system for all schools and districts in Kentucky resulting in a streamlined monitoring and compliance process. Partnership

4 4 What is ASSIST?  Web-based system  Platform to bring together process, content and technology  System to guide meaningful continuous improvement  Decision support system  Single location to document the improvement process and accountability requirements

5 5 Why ASSIST?  Eliminate duplication of effort  Streamline accountability and compliance requirements – reduce paperwork  Build the capacity of school and district staff  Create a common statewide planning process  Provide diagnostic tools and guidance to facilitate data-based planning  Consolidate monitoring of state priorities and federal program requirements

6 6 Current ASSIST Functionality Program Reviews (due 6/1/13)  Arts and Humanities  Writing  Practical Living and Career Studies  K-3  Next Steps

7 7 Terminology  Tools designed to help schools and districts self-assess strengths and areas in need of improvement related to organizational effectiveness, performance, stakeholder perceptions in order to support ongoing improvement processes and practice.  NOTE: Diagnostics are always available for self-activation in ASSIST. You no longer have to wait for them to be activated. Diagnostics

8 8 Terminology Assurances Compliance and/or accountability statements or questions that require a Yes or No certification response. Completion of assurances in ASSIST will also support the upload of supporting documentation as well as narrative comments. Assurances

9 9 Terminology ASSIST Tasks The requirements assigned to an institution, identifying which reports need to be completed by a specified date. The tasks are requirements that can be defined and assigned by KDE or AdvancED.. NOTE: The head of institution and primary contact listed in the system will receive an email notification when a new ASSIST task has been assigned for their institution. ASSIST Task

10 10 Terminology Executive Summary The Executive Summary is a narrative diagnostic tool that captures your school or school system’s story. It contains the vision and cultural context of the institution, as well as key information about how the school provides teaching and learning. Challenges and opportunities are highlighted in the document.

11 11

12 12 Resources and Support Ginger Kinnard Project Manager/Technical Support 502.564.4403 ext. 4048 AdvancED 1.888.413.3669 CSIP/CDIP Questions

13 13 Resources and Support Ginger Kinnard Project Manager/Technical Support 502.564.4403 ext. 4048 AdvancED 1.888.413.3669 CSIP/CDIP Questions

14 14 Resources and Support  School Report Card School Report Card  Continuous School Improvement  AdvancED

15 15 Accessing ASSIST

16 16

17 17 Demonstration

18 18 Exercise 1 Completing and Submitting a CSIP/CDIP Report Training Site

19 19 Training Site Exercise 2 Building Goals and Plans

20 20 Training Site Exercise 3 Tracking Progress of Goal Implementation and Impact

21 21 What’s next?

22 22 Questions?

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