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Best practices and future challenges of the LEADER approach / CLLD in the Czech Republic 28th May, 2014 Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic.

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Presentation on theme: "Best practices and future challenges of the LEADER approach / CLLD in the Czech Republic 28th May, 2014 Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best practices and future challenges of the LEADER approach / CLLD in the Czech Republic 28th May, 2014 Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic Bruxelles, Belgium

2 LEADER approach in RDP 2007 – 2013 Axis IV. Leader  112 approved LAGs  181 approved cooperation projects  140 inter-territorial  41 transnational  budget: 202 mil. EUR  paid out: 158 mil. EUR  the greatest interest within Implementation of local development strategy:  Basic services for the economy and rural population  Village renewal and development  Conservation and upgrading of the rural cultural heritage  Encouragement of tourism activities  Support for the creation and development of micro-enterprises 2

3 LEADER approach in RDP 2007 – 2013 Transfering best practices:  implementation of cooperation projects  transfering best practices to not approved LAGs  Cooperation projects were mostly focused on:  the branding local products,  local folklore and customs,  mapping and restoration of small cultural heritage,  creating paths.  Skills acquisition, animation and implementation  aprroved 59 local partnerships  obligation of cooperation with one of approved LAGs  Activities of National Rural Network  publications about the best projects supported within RDP  cooperation with National Network of Local Action Groups in the Czech Republic 3

4 CLLD  possibility for LAGs implement their strategy through CLLD in period 2014 – 2020  completely different system of administration  5 % of the 2014-2020 RDP budget  175 LAGs within RDP from EAFRD  72 % of the Rural population covered by the LAGs  over 777 million EUR from ESIF  the assumed budget - approximately 4.44 million EUR per LAG 4

5 CLLD  a territory covered by LAGs  sub-regional rural area with 10,000 to 100,000 inhabitants anywhere in the Czech Republic,  exception of the capital city of Prague and cities with more than 25,000 inhabitants  possibility to set Lead fund to support all running and animation costs  support for running and animation costs  maximum rate of 25 % of the total public expenditure within CLLD strategy  CLLD  obligation for Rural Development Programme  possibility for ESI funds 5

6 CLLD Rural development Programme 2014-2020:  Support for implementatation of operations under community-led local development strategy:  Knowledge transfer and information actions (art. 14)  Investments in physical assets (art. 17)  Investments in non-agricultural activities (art. 19 1. b))  Prevention and restoration of damage to forests from forest fires and natural disasters and catastrophic events (art. 24)  Investments improving the residence and environmental value of forest ecosystems (art. 25)  Investment in forestry technologies and in processing, in mobilising and in the marketing of forest products (art. 26)  Co-operation (art. 35)  preparation and implementation of cooperation activities of the local action group  inter-territorial co-operation  transnational co-operation 6

7 CLLD  deadline for approval LAGs is the end of 2017  we expect that the Czech Republic will have selected all LAGs in the autumn 2015  if necessary, will be announced a second call of selection LAGs in 2016  LAGs first have to meet the standards  for setting standards is responsible Ministry of Agriculture  if the LAGs pass this process of standardization, they will be able to apply for support for their strategies  for support strategies is responsible Ministry for Regional Development 7

8 CLLD  the Ministry of Agriculture  call for submission of standards in September 2014  the Ministry of Regional Development  approval process of strategies  no later than three months after start accepting applications for the standardization  in December 2014 or in January 2015 8

9 Thank you for your attention Josef Tabery Director of Managing Authority Department for RDP Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic e-mail:

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