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1 Off-the-Job. Injury Facts  2 Injury Data Highlights Injury Facts® 2011 Edition Injury Facts® 2011 Edition Most current data available – 2009, 2008,

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1 1 Off-the-Job

2 Injury Facts  2 Injury Data Highlights Injury Facts® 2011 Edition Injury Facts® 2011 Edition Most current data available – 2009, 2008, or 2007 – depending on the source Most current data available – 2009, 2008, or 2007 – depending on the source

3 Injury Facts  3 Off vs On-the-Job Deaths – 16:1 Source: Injury Facts, 2011 Ed.

4 Injury Facts  4 Off vs On-the-Job Injuries – 3:1 Source: Injury Facts, 2011 Ed.

5 Injury Facts  5 Time Lost from Work – 6:1 Source: Injury Facts, 2011 Ed.

6 Injury Facts  6 Off-the-Job Deaths and Injuries Source: Injury Facts, 2011 Ed.

7 7 Home & Community Venue

8 Injury Facts  8 Home & Community Venue 90,300 deaths (+8%) 90,300 deaths (+8%) 30,500,000 medically consulted injuries 30,500,000 medically consulted injuries  1 out of 10 people

9 Injury Facts  9 Home and Community Trends Source: Injury Facts, 2011 Ed.

10 Injury Facts  10 Home & Community Deaths, 2009 Source: Injury Facts, 2011 Ed. *Inhalation or ingestion of food or object obstructing breathing.

11 Injury Facts  11 Trends in Leading Causes Home & Community Source: Injury Facts, 2011 Ed. *Inhalation or ingestion of food or object obstructing breathing.

12 12 Unintentional Poisoning

13 Injury Facts  13 Trends in Poisoning

14 Injury Facts  14 Older Adult Falls

15 Injury Facts  15 Trends in Fatal Falls – Ages 65+ Source: Injury Facts, 2011 Ed.

16 Injury Facts  16 Falls Death Rates by Age Group, 2009 Source: Injury Facts, 2011 Ed.

17 17 Other Leading Causes

18 Injury Facts  18 Choking* Death Rates by Age Group, 1999 & 2009 *Inhalation or ingestion of food or object obstructing breathing.

19 Injury Facts  19 Drowning Death Rates by Age Group, 1999 & 2009

20 Injury Facts  20 Fires/Burns Death Rates by Age Group, 1999 & 2009

21 21 Intentional Injury

22 Injury Facts  22 Leading Causes of Death, 2007 1-45-1415-2425-3435-4445-54 1U-IU-IU-IU-IU-ICancer 2 Cong Anom CancerHomicideSuicideCancer Heart Dis 3Homicide Cong Anom SuicideHomicide Heart Dis U-I 4CancerHomicideCancerCancerSuicide Liver Dis 5 Heart Dis HIVSuicide 6 Infl & Pneu Suicide Cong Anom HIVHomicideCVD 7SepticemiaCLRDCVDDiabetes Liver Dis Diabetes 8Perinatal Infl & Pneu Diabetes HIV CVDCVDHIV 9NeoplasmsNeoplasms Infl & Pneu Cong Anom DiabetesCLRD 10CLRDCVD Preg / HIV / Sep Liver Dis Septicemia Viral hepatitis

23 Injury Facts  23 Intentional Injury, 1992-2007 Deaths per 100,000 populationDeaths

24 Injury Facts  24 Homicide Death Rates, 2007

25 Injury Facts  25 Suicide Death Rates, 2007

26 26 What’s Ahead? Accidental Death Projections

27 Injury Facts  27 Projection to 2014 – All UI R 2 =.96

28 Injury Facts  28

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