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DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 1 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Power PMAC Operational Summary November.

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1 DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 1 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Power PMAC Operational Summary November 2013

2 DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 2 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data What Power PMAC Software Does Execute synchronous sequenced motion programs (Script only) Execute asynchronous PLC programs (Script and C) Perform kinematic transformations Compute commanded motor trajectories Process feedback and master position data Close motor (position/velocity) servo loops Calculate compensation table corrections Provide synchronous data gathering of desired registers Perform electronic phase commutation Close motor current loops Perform safety checks, status updates, and general housekeeping Respond to on-line commands from host computer Execute independent C applications

3 DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 3 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Power PMAC Task Priority Levels Phase interrupt – frequency set by Servo/MACRO IC (9 kHz default) –Motor phase commutation –Motor current-loop closure –Phase data gathering Servo interrupt – frequency set by Servo/MACRO IC (2.25 kHz default) –Encoder conversion table processing –Trajectory update (fine interpolation) –Compensation table calculations –Position/velocity servo-loop closure –High-priority safety & status checks –Servo data gathering Real-time interrupt – frequency set by Sys.RtIntPeriod (750 Hz default) –Motion program calculations –Segmentation calculations: coarse interpolation, kinematics, lookahead –Foreground Script PLC program calculations –Foreground C PLC program calculations –Medium-priority safety & status checks

4 DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 4 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Power PMAC Task Priority Levels (cont.) Background tasks (when all interrupt tasks are done) –Power PMAC scheduled background task cycle One scan of one active Script background PLC program One scan of all active C background C PLC programs Repeat above until all active Script background PLCs execute once Background status and housekeeping updates Release to Linux GPOS –Linux GPOS tasks User C independent applications Operating system tasks –Allocation of time between Power PMAC scheduled tasks and GPOS tasks “Sleep” period between scheduled background task cycles for GPOS tasks Variable sleep – 0.25 msec to 10.0 msec – as set by Sys.BgSleepTime (in µsec) Default is 1.0 msec when Sys.BgSleepTime = 0.0 Only change from default if have CPU time allocation problem

5 DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 5 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Sample Power PMAC Multi-Tasking Time Line

6 DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 6 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Hardware/Software Coordination

7 DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 7 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Power PMAC System Clock Generation Power PMAC requires one source of system Phase and Servo clocks –Interrupt the processor for hard real-time task execution –Trigger ASIC I/O tasks to keep hardware and software fully coordinated All DSPGATEn ICs can generate or receive system clocks –One IC in system must be chosen as source of system clocks –Power PMAC CPU automatically chooses one on system re-initialization ($$$*** command or hardware change) –Gaten[i].PhaseServoDir = 0 on this IC, = 3 on others –Few users will need to change default selection of source IC Clock-control setup elements on source IC set system clock frequencies –Gate1/2[i].PwmPeriod, PhaseClockDiv, ServoClockDiv on PMAC2 ICs –Gate3[i].PhaseFreq, ServoClockDiv on PMAC3 ICs Recommended to match these frequencies on non-source ICs –Clocks in these ICs synchronized to source through phase-locked loops –Small adjustments keep hardware better synchronized to software

8 DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 8 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data IDE Clock Frequency Setup Window From IDE “Tools” menu, select “System Setup” Can enter Phase clock frequency directly Can select Servo clock frequency from “pick list” of frequencies divided down from Phase clock IDE will automatically set values of Power PMAC ASIC saved setup elements to obtain these frequencies Also sets software elements (e.g. Sys.ServoPeriod) to match these frequencies

9 DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 9 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Sample Clock Distribution Block Diagram On power-up reset, Power PMAC automatically sets PhaseServoDir to 0 on clock source IC, to 3 on other ICs If ICs have bi-directional buffers (as in UMAC rack), buffer direction automatically set to corresponding IC direction

10 DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 10 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Default Clock Source Priority Rules On re-initialization ($$$*** command), Power PMAC checks for all possible clock-source ICs Selects a single IC as system clock source according to following priority rules: 1.) Lowest-numbered DSPGATE3 IC with MACRO interface 2.) Lowest-numbered DSPGATE2 MACRO IC 3.) Lowest-numbered DSPGATE3 IC with Servo or I/O interface 4.) Lowest-numbered DSPGATE1 IC Servo IC This IC set up to output phase and servo clocks All other ICs set up to accept external phase and servo clock inputs MACRO ring operates best if synchronizing ring master IC is also system clock source for Power PMAC

11 DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 11 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Changing the System Clock Source A few users will want to select a clock source different from re- initialization default Must change clock directions of old and new source ASICs and matching buffer directions –Buffer separately controlled with PMAC2 ICs –Buffer automatically matches directions for PMAC3 ICs Must change all directions in single command line –To prevent signal contention or loss of signal to watchdog timer –For example: Gate3[0].PhaseServoDir=0 Gate2[0].PhaseServoDir=3 Cid[4].Dir=0 Use save command to store new settings to flash memory New clock-source configuration will automatically be set up on subsequent power-up/reset

12 DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 12 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data CPU Self Clocking Needed when no clock-generating IC present –Useful for simulations with CPU only –Useful for systems with motion networks (e.g. EtherCAT TM ) that do not use clock-generating ICs Sys.CpuTimerIntr = 1 tells processor to generate its own timer-based interrupt In this mode, Sys.ServoPeriod actually sets interrupt period (in msec); does not just inform algorithms of IC-set period Both phase and servo cycles operate at this rate Must save and reset Power PMAC to get these settings to take effect Processor cannot output clock signals to ICs –If ICs are present, cannot be kept synchronized to CPU

13 DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 13 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data IDE Task Manager Display From IDE “Tools” menu, select “Task Manager” “Tasks” tab of Task Manager shows data on each priority level Continually queries status elements in Power PMAC For each priority level, displays: –Frequency (inverse of last period) –Latest cycle’s calculation time at this level –Maximum calculation time at this level –Latest duty cycle at this level Very useful to evaluate processor loading

14 DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 14 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Power PMAC Watchdog Timer Hardware/software combination to monitor for timely execution of all task priority levels Monitors action of both foreground and background tasks Decrements counter (if positive) each new real-time interrupt (RTI) Resets counter to maximum value each background cycle LSB of counter feeds watchdog circuit as digital frequency signal; must be > 25 Hz to prevent hard trip Time thresholds tunable by two saved setup elements –Sys.WDTReset specifies max counter value set each background cycle (if less than 100, value of 5000 [default] is used) –Sys.BgWDTReset specifies max number of background cycles without RTI before (soft) fault Provides “soft” (stay-alive) fault and “hard” (total shutdown) capabilities

15 DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 15 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Power PMAC Watchdog Timer (cont.) “Soft” (stay-alive) fault permits easier analysis of problem source –Triggered if RTI task sees counter has reached zero (Sys.WDTFault = 1) –Triggered if background task has seen more than Sys.BgWDTReset background cycles without an RTI (Sys.WDTFault = 2) –On a soft watchdog trip: All motion programs aborted, all motors “killed” All interface ICs forced into reset state – outputs “off” or “zero” Processor stays operating for communications Software reset ($$$ command) can (attempt to) restore operation “Hard” watchdog fault provides complete shutdown –Tripped if no soft fault before circuit sees absence of 25+ Hz signal –Tripped if 5V supply dips below -5% threshold –On a hard watchdog trip: All interface ICs forced into reset state – output “off” or “zero” Processor operation halted, no communications possible Power must be cycled to (attempt to) resume operation Red Watchdog LED on CPU turned on

16 DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 16 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Watchdog Timer Foreground Failure Example

17 DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 17 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Watchdog Timer Background Failure Example

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