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DB Installation and Care Carmine Cioffi Database Administrator and Developer ICAT Developer Workshop, The Cosener's House 25-26 August 2009 1.

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Presentation on theme: "DB Installation and Care Carmine Cioffi Database Administrator and Developer ICAT Developer Workshop, The Cosener's House 25-26 August 2009 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 DB Installation and Care Carmine Cioffi Database Administrator and Developer ICAT Developer Workshop, The Cosener's House 25-26 August 2009 1

2 Outline Team and Our Role The Oracle Server ICAT Schemas SVN Installation Initialization ICAT Jobs Monitoring and Backup ICAT DLS Passed and Future Work 2

3 Team and Our Role Gordon D. Brown Keir C. Hawker Carmine Cioffi Eter Pani Richard B. Sinclair 3

4 Team and Our Role We all watch over the databases. Keir and I are the primary DBA on ICAT system but if something does happen to us (e.g. we get swine flu  ) there will always be someone to look after ICAT (even Gordon ) We actively participate in the development and maintenance of the database schema and PL/SQL code 4

5 The Oracle Server Version 64bit 5nodes RAC Each node has 2 Dual core Intel Xeon 5160 3GHz 4 GB RAM Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Is located in the new building R89 (UPS room) 5

6 RAC diagram 6

7 ICAT Schemas ICAT system makes use of 3 schemas: –The main database (ICAT) where the real data are stored –API schema is used by the application API to store user session information –Data Portal schema is used by the Data Portal application to store user session information 7

8 ICAT Schemas Different schemas are installed for different version and for different facility: –CLF has none ICAT Version 3.1: Only ICAT DLS is installed ICAT( 280MB) Data Portal(51MB) 8

9 ICAT Schemas Version 3.3 Both facilities (DLS, ISIS) are installed ICAT size –DLS 223MB –ISIS 10.5 GB Data Portal size: –DLS 3MB –ISIS 3MB API size: –DLS 20MB –ISIS 36MB 9

10 SVN We have two SVN repositories: –EDB SVN: subversion system for our own code –ICAT SVN: subversion system for ICAT code ICAT SVN: –Contains the ICAT DB-schema installation scripts –Used by developers (?) –Used by us –Is the ICAT official code repository EDB SVN: –Contains the ICAT API and Data Portal DB- schema installation scripts –Is used only by us 10

11 SVN EDB SVN (cons): –It is not the ICAT official repository –It is a private area –We dump the schemas from the production database: No way to keep track of changes in the schema apart from taking regular dump from the database –If we install a new ICAT API or Data Portal schema we may miss the latest changes This should change: –EDB Scripts should be stored in ICAT SVN –Developers should maintain it 11

12 Installation We create an account (schema in Oracle terms) We put the ICAT initialization files on the database server. These are tvs files We run the installation script: –We got an installation script for each ICAT flavour: DLF,ISIS and CLF install_icatdls.sql install_icatisis.sql install_icatclf.sql Distribute the connection string, password and account name 12

13 Initialization The initialization is done using external tables With External tables is possible to read data from external (tvs) text files stored on the server ICAT 3.1 use 8 external tables: ICAT 3.3 use 11 external tables 13


15 ICAT JOBS ICAT 3.1: –ISIS: None –DLS: ICAT_DLS_PROPOGATION: –Enabled –Run every 15 minutes ICAT 3.3: –ISIS: SET_RANGE_AND_DATES: –Enabled –Run every 15 minutes –DLS: SET_RANGE_AND_DATES: –Disabled ICAT_DLS_PROPOGATION: –Enabled –Run every 30 minutes 15

16 Monitoring and Backup Oracle Enterprise Manager: –manages the database –monitors the database –set up alert for metrics that cross threshold set by us Recovery Manager (RMAN): –Helps to makes database backup –Database Backups are done daily on the local file system –File system backup to tape (ADS) are done daily 16

17 Monitoring and Backup 17

18 Monitoring and Backup 18

19 ICAT DLS The ICAT DLS system does deploy at the moment 15 different databases: –DUO desk –ICAT –13 Ikittens The propagation job (ICAT_DLS_PROPOGATION) is responsible of keeping data flowing between them 19

20 ICAT DLS propagation job flow chart 20 DUO deskICAT I02 I03 I22 I04 I16 I041 I05 I24 I19 I18 I15 I11 P60 propagation ICAT database is located in R89 DUO desk is located at Diamond Each Ikitten is local at each diamond beam line New investigation with shifts (etc.) are set at DUO desk level. This information is then propagated to ICAT and from here to the Ikittens.

21 Passed and Future Work Last year we worked with Devigo on the development of the new ICAT schemas (ICAT 3.3) : –Creation of the migration script from ICAT 3.1 to ICAT 3.3 –Update the propagation script –Develop new triggers and PL/SQL packages –Help in tuning SQL statements We are fully dedicated in maintaining the current system and committed to help any further development that may raise from this meeting 21


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