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April 10, 2010. Platinum and Gold Partners Data Encryption and Key Management in SQL Said Salomon Database Administrator Unitrin Direct Insurance.

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Presentation on theme: "April 10, 2010. Platinum and Gold Partners Data Encryption and Key Management in SQL Said Salomon Database Administrator Unitrin Direct Insurance."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 10, 2010

2 Platinum and Gold Partners

3 Data Encryption and Key Management in SQL Said Salomon Database Administrator Unitrin Direct Insurance

4 Who am I?  I has over 25 year experience as an Information Technology Professional. He has a vast array of abilities in the field in the areas of Network, Desktop Support, DBA, Staff Project Management, Application Software Development, Business Analysis and Quality Assurance. I have Microsoft certifications as a MCTS, MCPS, and MCNPS, and multiple certifications from the Insurance Institute of America. Current Said is a DBA at Unitrin Direct Insurance.

5 SQL Key Management Overview

6 2008 Key Management Overview

7 Service Master Key  One per server instance  Backup  Restore  Alter  Is automatically generated when needed  There is not create command for Service Master Key

8 Database Master Key  One per database  Is encrypted by the server master key and the password used when created.

9 Certificate  Can have as many as need  Is encrypted by the database master key as well as the password use on the certificate

10 Asymmetric key  Why?  Public key  Private key  No backup  Poor performance (100 x)

11 Symmetric key  Can have as many as needed  Is encrypted by the Certificate or Asymmetric key or Symmetric key or password  Algorithms DES | TRIPLE_DES | TRIPLE_DES_3KEY | RC2 | RC4 | RC4_128 | DESX | AES_128 | AES_192 | AES_256  No Backup

12 Symmetric Functions  EncryptByKey  DecryptByKey  EncryptByPassPhrase  DecryptByPassPhrase  Key_ID  Key_GUID

13 Asymmetric Functions  EncryptByAsmKey  DecryptByAsmKey  EncryptByCert  DecryptByCert  Cert_ID  AsymKey_ID  CertProperty

14 SQL Encryption Step-by-Step

15 Backup Service Master Key  BACKUP SERVICE MASTER KEY TO FILE = 'path_to_file' ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'password'

16 Restore Service Master Key  RESTORE SERVICE MASTER KEY FROM FILE = 'path_to_file' DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'password' [FORCE]

17 Create (Database) Master Key  CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'password'

18 Backup (Database) Master Key  BACKUP MASTER KEY TO FILE = 'path_to_file' ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'password'

19 Restore (Database) Master Key  RESTORE MASTER KEY FROM FILE = 'path_to_file' DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'password' ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'password' [ FORCE ]

20 Sharing a symmetric key  CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY test_aes128_key WITH KEY_SOURCE = 'I am the very model of a modern major general', IDENTITY_VALUE = 'E pluribus unum', ALGORITHM = AES_128 ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'p@$$w0rd';'p@$$w0rd'

21 Transparent Data Encryption (2008 only)

22 Please complete the online evaluation form

23 Resources  SQL 2005 Symmetric Encryption By Michael Coles  My web site  My Twitter SaidSalomon

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