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Educator Performance Evaluation Office of Educator Effectiveness January 31, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Educator Performance Evaluation Office of Educator Effectiveness January 31, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educator Performance Evaluation Office of Educator Effectiveness January 31, 2013

2 Agenda for today  Successes & challenges  Resources  Formative Assessments  Problem Solving

3 Where we are today  5,079 licensed educators  82% have goals & action steps approved  6,103 observations logged in EDFS  21,133 artifacts uploaded in EDFS  285 formative assessments have been started

4 Nice work! 90 - 100% of goals and action steps have been approved at: Bradley Elementary Hurley K-8 Mildred Avenue K-8 McKinley Middle Tech Boston Academy Tobin K-8 Condon Elementary Winship Elementary Winthrop Elementary Excel High School Charlestown High Beethoven Elementary Everett Elementary Grew Elementary Sumner Elementary Ohrenberger Elementary Philbrick Elementary Dever Elementary Murphy Elementary S Greenwood K-8 Mozart Elementary Holmes Elementary Otis Elementary Boston Evening Academy BCLA Kenny Elementary Burke High Henderson Elementary Rogers Middle The Harbor School Latin Academy Bates Elementary Lyndon K-8 Another Course To College Lee Academy Umana Middle Mendell Elementary Trotter Elementary Gardner Pilot Academy Blackstone Elementary Carter Center Haynes EEC Roosevelt K-8 Warren/Prescott K-8 Boston Latin Lee Elementary CASH

5 Way to go! Every educator has received feedback through EDFS at: Bradley Elementary Charlestown High Philbrick Elementary Mozart Elementary Roland Hayes Middle School Academy Sumner Elementary Tobin K-8 CASH Holmes Elementary Otis Elementary Beethoven Elementary Bates Elementary Everett Elementary Rogers Middle Murphy Elementary Gardner Pilot Academy Marshall Elementary Winship Elementary Fifield Mckay Elementary Condon Elementary Umana Middle West Zone ELC S Greenwood K-8 Conley Elementary Curley K-8 Latin Academy

6 To Do List:  Approve goals & action plans ASAP  Log observations & artifacts in EDFS  Schedule & complete Formative Assessments

7 We Hear You  We know the EDFS statistics do not reflect all of the work you are doing.  We know the system needs to be improved. Developers are working hard on making EDFS more reliable.

8 Resources: Artifacts


10 Standard IStandard IIStandard IIIStandard IV Unit plans & assessments Lesson plans Data made public to students Class activities/ assignments Data analysis Plans for re- teaching Exemplars Rubrics Differentiated instructional plans & materials Class routines, rules, norms Student work samples Letters & emails to families Invitations to participate in class activities Progress reports Log of contact with families Family surveys Thoughtful self- assessment, goals, & action plans Reflection on participation in PD Reflection on leadership role Records of participation in team meetings

11 Resources: Prescriptions

12 Standard IStandard IIStandard IIIStandard IV -Teacher X must post daily content and language objectives in student friendly language. - Teacher X needs to create a classroom management plan that addresses and reduces the off- task behaviors that are occurring in the classroom. - Make at least three calls home per week to the families of students in your classes to update them on their progress. Be sure to note these calls in your Call Log - Teacher X should be sure to submit work in a timely manner. She should contact her supervisor in advance of deadlines if she needs extra time or support with completing any work related tasks.

13 Resources: Claims Standard IStandard IIStandard IIIStandard IV

14 Formative Assessments: The Basics  Mid-cycle, no hard deadline  Teachers should have advance notice  Ratings on each goal and standard inform an overall rating  Overall rating may lead to a change in plans

15 Formative Assessments: EDFS  Can start & and save it before releasing  Info from observations & artifacts will be at the bottom of the screen  Ratings of “Needs Improvement” & “Unsatisfactory” require prescriptions  Releasing will send an email to the educator; they have 5 days to comment

16 Formative Assessments: Guiding Principles  Rationales for ratings should include:  Claim about performance  Connection to the rubric  Evidence from observations & artifacts

17 Formative Assessments: Guiding Principles  Evidence accumulates throughout the year  If formative is thorough, summative may not be very different  If formative is brief, summative should have more evidence

18 Formative Assessments: Examples  Read through the ratings and rationales for Standard II in each examples.  Identify the claims in each  What similarities and differences do you notice?

19 Formative Assessments: Comparing the Examples  Looking at each rationale for Standard II,  Does it include…? o Claim about performance o Connection to the rubric o Evidence from observations and/or artifacts

20 Pop Quiz! Work with the people around you to check your understanding of some of the details of the evaluation process.

21 Pop Quiz! 1.True 2.I. Curriculum, Planning & Assessment II. Teaching All Students III. Family and Community Engagement IV. Professional Culture 3. False 4.Exemplary, Proficient, Needs Improvement, Unsatisfactory 5.False 6.Timing & implications 7.True 8.False 9. Progress toward… Proficiency in… + = Student Learning Goal Professional Practice Goal I. Curriculum, Planning & Assessment II. Teaching All Students III. Family & Community Engagement IV. Professional Culture Overall Rating

22 Problem Solving: Top 10 Questions #10: What should I do if the Formative Assessment is extremely late?  Write and release the Formative Assessment anyway, and then complete the Summative by the plan’s end date. Accept the probability that it will be grieved by the teacher.

23 Problem Solving: Top 10 Questions #9: What happens I give someone on a Self-Directed plan an overall rating of “Needs Improvement” or “Unsatisfactory” at the Formative Assessment?  The teacher can continue on the Self-Directed plan until the Summative Evaluation. OR  You can end the current Self-Directed plan create a new plan. The teacher may be placed on a Directed Growth Plan or an Improvement Plan.

24 Problem Solving: Top 10 Questions #8: If I start someone on a new plan now, how long should it last?  A new plan will require another self-assessment, new goals and a new action plan. The plan starts when the goals are approved by the evaluator.  There are 140 calendar days between today (1/31/13) and the end of the school year (6/20/13). Allowing time for creating the plan, the maximum plan length is about 130 days.

25 Problem Solving: Top 10 Questions #7: What should I do if an educator has not uploaded any artifacts?  If no artifacts are uploaded or submitted, the evaluator can note this as evidence in the rationales of the Formative Assessment.  Your responsibility is to notify the educator of the date of the Formative Assessment. The contract says artifacts should be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance, but you may choose to accept artifacts up to the day of.

26 Problem Solving: Top 10 Questions #6: What should I do if an educator files a grievance after a Formative Assessment?  Contact Labor Relations at 617–635 –1577. Do not change the Formative Assessment.

27 Problem Solving: Top 10 Questions #5: What can I do to streamline the writing of a Formative Assessment? 1. Review evidence: Read through the goals, action steps, observations, and artifacts. 2. Identify ratings: Use the teacher rubric to identify the educator’s performance level in priority elements in each standard. 3. Write the rationale: Use the language of the rubric to write claims, and support them by citing specific evidence.

28 #5 Streamlining the Formative continued…  You don’t need to restate evidence and feedback from observations, just refer to them.  If you don’t have multiple sources of evidence for each rationale, it’s ok – you can add more before the summative.  While it is a best practice, it is not mandatory to write a rationale for proficient ratings.  The same prescriptions may apply to multiple educators. Write “See rationale for Standard _” instead of restating information in the Statement/ Evidence of the Problem sections.

29 Problem Solving: Top 10 Questions #4: What can I do if I release a Formative Assessment but realize something is missing?  Formative Assessments can be edited within 5 school days of being released.  If the five days have passed, changes can still be made, but the issue may be grieved.  Another option is to upload a statement about the mistake as an artifact.

30 Problem Solving: Top 10 Questions #3: What if an educator wants to add comments to a Formative Assessment after the five day window has closed?  The teacher may type up his/her comments and send them to the principal. The principal can send them to OEE and we can upload the document as an artifact to the educator’s plan.

31 Problem Solving: Top 10 Questions #2: What happens if someone receives an overall rating of Unsatisfactory at the end of an Improvement Plan?  Notify Labor Relations & request an “Intent to dismiss” letter  Compile all written correspondences with the educator related to performance evaluation & submit them to OEE  Meet with the educator to discuss the evaluation. Let him/her know that you are requesting the ‘Intent to dismiss’ letter.

32 Problem Solving: Top 10 Questions #1: Do I have to do this twice every year for every teacher?  No. All of the information from the Formative will filter into the Summative. If you complete a thorough Formative Assessment, your Summative Evaluation may not need many changes or additions.

33 Support: Office of Educator Effectiveness  Ross Wilson, Assistant Superintendent for Educator Effectiveness (  Jared Joiner, Implementation Specialist (jjoiner)  Emily Kalejs Qazilbash, Implementation Specialist (eqazilbash)  Angela Rubenstein, Implementation Specialist (arubenstein)  Kris Taylor, Implementation Specialist (ktaylor2)  Jenna Costin, EDFS On-line System Coordinator (jcostin)  Chason Ishino, Consultant (cishino)

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