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The Book of Revelation - Other Interpretations. Throughout this Presentation approach so far – the approach has been “Continuous Historic.” “Preterist”

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Presentation on theme: "The Book of Revelation - Other Interpretations. Throughout this Presentation approach so far – the approach has been “Continuous Historic.” “Preterist”"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Book of Revelation - Other Interpretations. Throughout this Presentation approach so far – the approach has been “Continuous Historic.” “Preterist” and “Futurist” interpretations indicated here to yield overall understanding. Some other views also published – space precludes consideration here. No attempt made to systematically compare and contrast the three approaches – see “The Revelation – Which Interpretation?” Graham Pearce, Christadelphian Scripture Study Service, South Australia. 5031.

2 “Continuous Historic” Interpretation. 2000 years covered from AD 96 as book unfolds. Letters form integral part show apostate trend. To ecclesias not Israel in captivity. Error starts early - takes major steps. Apostate oppressive system emerges. Ultimately this system makes war against Jesus on his reappearance and is destroyed.

3 “Preterist” Interpretation Events are in AD 70 and/or at return of Christ. Date of writing crucial claimed AD 64-68. Seals & Trumpets apply - Israel AD 65-70. Earthquake 6th Seal - end Jewish constitution.

4 Preterist Interpretation. Interpretation - words in Revelation linked & applied to OT context- to Israel. Notes impressive correspondence between “Continuous Historic” view and actual events in history. ‘in general the way in which the one answers to the other is impressive.’

5 Preterist Interpretation Criticism of Continuous Historic - it is unBiblical. Claims no Biblical warrant for linking prophecy given, to certain historical epochs. Contrasts with e.g. Nebuchadnezzar’s image context identifies, “thou art this head of gold..” and leads into a Biblical based interpretation. Postulates ‘Beast’ is nothing related to Rome but to Russia and Arabs at time of end.

6 Futurist Interpretation Interpretation is sequential - chaps 6 to 20 all still in future. Chapters 4 & 5 considered together- Chap 4 vision of heaven with Almighty on throne Chap 5 - arrival of Jesus in heaven. Seals 1-4 general description of past 18 centuries until return of the Lord. 6th Seal about activities of God himself, directed to ending existing order of things.

7 Futurist Interpretation. Trumpets - open manifestation of God’s power - to bring repentance to earth. Rainbowed angel - messenger from Christ commissioning true believers to preach after the terrifying events of Trumpets. Two Witnesses identified with faithful followers of God with His power. The woman - Israel, giving birth to Jesus the man-child caught up to God - ascension.

8 Futurist Interpretation. Woman in wilderness is Nation of Israel scattered among the nations. Beast of Sea is dreadful anti-christian power yet to arise, supported by new religion, the god of the earth later as the false prophet. Lamb on Mount Zion is picture of the preaching of the Gospel, Christ not yet having returned.

9 Futurist Interpretation. Vials are another series of terrific judgments carried out by angels. Harlot riding the beast is Israel emerging from wilderness or it may be apostate Christianity or may represent union between apostate Israel and apostate Christianity. Beast is a political system derived from Rome, but not in any way to be identified with apostate Christianity or Judaism.

10 Futurist Interpretation. Author, having stated derivation from Rome and 7 hills of this political system, questions if any physical location indicated. Identity of Babylon chap 18 may be Rome or Jerusalem; it may represent wealth and power of the nation of Israel or the Catholic system. Chapter 19 rejoicing is by angels because Christ has now come - believers probably being taken to judgment seat.

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