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Stereotype Unit Terms and Definitions. Assumption Definition – an idea that is taken for granted but not necessarily proven. Context – Non-Asians often.

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Presentation on theme: "Stereotype Unit Terms and Definitions. Assumption Definition – an idea that is taken for granted but not necessarily proven. Context – Non-Asians often."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stereotype Unit Terms and Definitions

2 Assumption Definition – an idea that is taken for granted but not necessarily proven. Context – Non-Asians often make the assumption that Asians are smart.

3 Bias Definition – Attitudes or behaviors based on stereotypes of people. Context – When we omit people of color in our history lessons, we display a bias that suggests that their contributions are not important.

4 Ethnicity Definition – A categorization of people according to a shared culture, language, or geographic region. Context – The terms “Italian” and “Irish” describe two distinct ethnic groups.

5 Race Definition – A categorization of people based on shared biological traits such as skin color, hair texture, and eye shape. Context - One function of the U.S. Census is to count the citizens by race, which is categorized as Black, White, Latino, or Native American.

6 Stereotype Definition – A generalized picture of a person, created without taking the whole person into account; to make such a generalization. Context - When we stereotype a group of people, we depict all of the individuals within that group as having the same characteristics.

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