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We are learning to: - Enhance our Mathematical learning skills. (Which Enterprise skills?) -Accurately interpret and draw real life graphs. (Level 6)

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Presentation on theme: "We are learning to: - Enhance our Mathematical learning skills. (Which Enterprise skills?) -Accurately interpret and draw real life graphs. (Level 6)"— Presentation transcript:


2 We are learning to: - Enhance our Mathematical learning skills. (Which Enterprise skills?) -Accurately interpret and draw real life graphs. (Level 6) Always aim high! LESSON OBJECTIVES Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? AUTHOR Where are we in our journey? Real life cross/curricular links?

3 LEARNING JOURNEY Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using?

4 BRAIN IN GEAR Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? Work out the following Mathematical anagrams: TASK EXTENSION Develop your own Mathematical anagrams as above as a creative entrepreneur. RANTGIED LOARHIZONT CELARVIT EXAMPLE DITDIONA can be rearranged to make ADDITION Gradient Horizontal Vertical

5 STARTER EXTENSION TASK Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? 1) Simplify: 7a - 5b – 9a + 8b 1) Work out the volume and surface area of the cuboid below: = -2a + 3b 7 2 2) (a) 5 2 + X 7 X 5 35 - 1410 = = 35 4 (b) 8 3 ÷ 6 4 8 x 4 36 = = 18 32 16 9 = Fill in the blanks below: 3) 1 mile …… km 1 gallon …… litres 1 kilogram …… pounds 1 inch …… cm 1.6 4.5 2.2 2.5 Value of 9e - 6 when e = 5 4) = Replace e with 5 9 x 5 - 6 = 39 1cm 4cm 6cm Volume of a cuboid = l x w x h Volume of a cuboid = 6 x 4 x 1 Volume of a cuboid = 24cm 3 2) Expand and simplify: 8(y - 6) - 3 = 8y - 48- 3 = 8y - 51

6 Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? REAL LIFE GRAPHS INTRODUCTION What does this graph show? Distance Time Stationary (not moving)

7 Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? REAL LIFE GRAPHS INTRODUCTION What does this graph show? Distance Time Steady speed

8 Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? REAL LIFE GRAPHS INTRODUCTION Compare the other two graphs to the first one. Distance Time Fast speed Steady speed Slow speed

9 Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? REAL LIFE GRAPHS INTRODUCTION What does this graph show? Distance Time Acceleration

10 Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? REAL LIFE GRAPHS INTRODUCTION What does this graph show? Distance Time Steady speed moving away Stationary Steady speed moving further away

11 Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? REAL LIFE GRAPHS INTRODUCTION What does this graph show? Distance Time Steady speed moving away Stationary Steady speed coming back

12 Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? REAL LIFE GRAPHS INTRODUCTION What does this graph show? Distance Time Steady speed moving away Stationary Slower steady speed moving away

13 Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? TASK 1 (LEVEL 6) REAL LIFE GRAPHS Match each graph with its statement. Graph A Graph B Graph C Graph D Graph E Graph F

14 Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? EXTENSION 1(a) (LEVEL 6) REAL LIFE GRAPHS Match each graph with its statement. Graph A Graph B Graph C Graph D

15 Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? EXTENSION 1(b) (LEVEL 6) REAL LIFE GRAPHS Match each graph with its statement.

16 Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? REAL LIFE GRAPHS EXTENSION 1(c) (LEVEL 6) – CARD SORT

17 Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? EXAMPLE REAL LIFE GRAPHS The graph below shows the variation in the depth of water as Earnest takes his early morning bath. Match the different parts of the graph to the statements shown. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Pulls the plug Hot and cold taps turned on Turns off hot tap Gets into bath Cold tap turned off, gets undressed Gets out of bathRelaxes in bath

18 Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? REAL LIFE GRAPHS A test tube containing a chemical liquid is used in an experiment. During the experiment the depth d of the liquid changes with time t. Match the different parts of the graph to the statements below. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Liquid is added slowly to the test tube Some liquid is poured in quite quickly The test tube is emptied The level of the liquid remains constant Some liquid is poured out quickly TASK 2 (LEVEL 6)

19 Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? REAL LIFE GRAPHS 1) TASK 3 (LEVEL 6) Write a story explaining the journey from London to Paris and back.

20 Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? REAL LIFE GRAPHS 2) TASK 3 (LEVEL 6) In pairs, create a story about this graph to explain what is happening.

21 Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? REAL LIFE GRAPHS 1) TASK 4 (LEVEL 6) 2) 15g 6g 10 seconds Not being eaten 60m 9.5 secs 110m No distance covered in 0 secs

22 Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? REAL LIFE GRAPHS EXTENSION 2 (LEVEL 6) 1) Create your own real life graph by labelling each part and the axes. 2) Write a commentary about what your graph shows. 3) How would you calculate the average speed from your graph?

23 Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? MINI-PLENARY – ASSESSING UNDERSTANDING REAL LIFE GRAPHS Water is poured into each of the containers below at a constant rate. The graphs show how the depth (d) of the water varies with time (t). Match the containers to their corresponding graphs. d d d t t d t t

24 DISCOVERY LINK BACK TO OBJECTIVES - Accurately interpret and draw real life graphs. Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? What level are we working at?

25 Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? PLENARY ACTIVITY 1 - MATCHING Match the graphs with their respective descriptions. REAL LIFE GRAPHS

26 20 Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? PLENARY ACTIVITY 2 REAL LIFE GRAPHS I set off from home to pick up a dog from the vet. I travelled for 1.5 hours at an average speed of 60km/h. It took me 30 minutes to get the dog settled into my car. I then travelled back home at an average speed of 40km/h as I did not want to jolt the dog. Draw a distance-time graph of the journey. 40 60 80 100 Distance from home (km) 1 2 3 4 5 Time (hours) 0 90km ÷ 40km/h = 2.25hours

27 Draw your brain What have you learnt? In your brain, write or draw everything you can remember about drawing real life graphs. It can be a skill or a reflection, or something else that might be prominent in your brain. What level are we working at? Where are we in our journey?

28 . How well do you understand the task? I dont understand I nearly understand I fully understand Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? SELF ASSESSMENT Plenary Activity

29 SELF ASSESSMENT Plenary Activity On your post it notes… Think about how you can improve your work. On your post it notes… Think about how you can improve your work. WWW (What Went Well) EBI (Even Better If) Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using?

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