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United Kingdom By: Kristina Lewis, Thug Steph, Mackenzie Blank.

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1 United Kingdom By: Kristina Lewis, Thug Steph, Mackenzie Blank

2 Background  Capital: London  Official language: English, also Irish and Scottish are spoken.  Population: 63,181,775  The United Kingdom formed in the 1800’s.

3 Government  Constitution monarchy and parliamentary democracy.  Consist of a Queen, and a parliament.  Parliament made up of two houses.  Length of term is 5 years for parliament.  The two houses are, House of Lords and the House of Commons.  House of Lords, 692 members, House of Commons 651 members.

4 Constitution  There is no written constitution. The crown is the supreme authority.  The constitution is composed of the Magna Carta.  Other features are: Acts of Parliament, EU law, conventions, Works of authority, treaties, Common laws, and Royal prerogative

5 History of Politics  For the past 300+ years, the domestic political differences have been resolved without coming to revolution or violent civil wars.  There has been many changes over the years with industrialization, imperialism, loss of empire, the creation of a welfare state, the move away from the welfare state under Thatcher, and now the move to devolution under Blair.  These changes have all occurred gradually and peacefully.

6 Key Leaders  Queen Elizabeth II  David Cameron: Prime Min.  Strathclyde: Leader of house of the lords.  George Young: Leader of house of commons.  Mervyn Allister: Governor.  Peter John Westmacott: Ambassador to the US.

7 Ethnic Diversity  There are many different ethnic groups and races with white being dominant. The percentages are as followed.  84.1% White,  6.9% South Asian,  5% Black,  6.2% Mixed race,  0.8% Chinese,  0.4% other.

8 Political Parities  Labour Party  Conservative Party These two parties split dominance  Liberal Democrats * Similar to Americas two-party system.

9 Citizens Role  Unknown

10 Interest Group System  There are many different interest groups in the United Kingdom.  They all have individual goals and purposes  Some of the interest groups are: public transport, automotive user, security, and freight.  These are a few examples of groups formed and used for specific reasons.

11 Role of Media  A way for individuals to share their opinions through different sources.  TV, is the most used form of media in Britain. People are able to watch the house of commons deliberate live.  During the British election TV played an important role for the people who wanted to witness history.

12 Economic System  Great Britain is one of the world's leading industrialized nations.  Britain imports about 40% of their food supplies.  The largest industries include: machine tools, ships, cars, aircraft, metals, chemicals, coal, paper and printing.

13 Role and Participation in the UN  Britain is a member of the UN Security Council.  They hold the power to veto, but rarely use it.  Britain is the 4th largest contributor to the UN budget.  Britain has participated in many UN peacekeeping operations.

14 Public Policy  Britain has a public policy exchange.  They hold regular seminars which can open up for debate, discussion, or even networking.  These special events offer local practitioners, civil servants and other stakeholders not only an insight into current policy thinking.

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