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From the Civil War to WW1 Alex Nam Alexander Wong.

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1 From the Civil War to WW1 Alex Nam Alexander Wong

2 Civil War- Thaddeus S. C. Lowe Helped create the first U.S. Balloon Corps during the Civil War Used such things to perform intelligence service for the Union Lowe’s aerial observations of Confederate troop movements probably saved the Union from defeat in battles Also distracted cannon batteries away from a point, where the Union army could attack while they were distracted Also helping in the development of hot air balloons for use in warfare

3 Civil War- Battle of Fair Oaks The Union Army Balloon Corps established two balloon camps on the north side of the river of the area They observed Confederate troops moving in battle formation, the information was relayed to the McClellan’s headquarters Reports were continuously being sent to the command center from the balloon Intrepid to the telegraphs It was one of the many times where hot air balloons were used by the Union to conduct surveillance on the Confederates

4 Progressive Era- Wright brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright both invented the first concept of aircraft by gliders After the Civil War, many entertainers were using Hot Air Balloons for shows and stunts, while others were finding ways to create flying aircraft Where the two brothers, through trial and error, created an entire machine and cylinders attached to a glider The airplane later met the governments requirements and was meeting foreign intrests It later became the first aircraft, in which other countries would harbor and create war planes that would later be used in the First World War

5 WW1- Manfred von Richthofen Manfred von Richthofen, known as the Red Baron, was one of the greatest aces in air warfare in WW1 He was known as the ace of aces, where he scored the most of almost 80 kills Although being other aces within the war, he brought a legacy for having the most kills, which would later carry on to the tactics and skilled pilots that would later break his record Being that he also contributed to the creation of the infamous German Tri-fold plane that would be used widely by the Germans in both WW1 and early WW2, as both fighting and reconnaissance He later brought upon the fame and fear of other aces to follow in other wars

6 WW1- Battle of Saint-Mihiel The battle was known for being one of the most important battles, its first, for the American Expeditionary Force during World War 1 In which the test of troops and aircraft would be put in use, with 1476 allied planes to participate in a offensive against some 500 German aircraft on a four day battle From the evolving of the use of aircraft in warfare, America finally began to use it against the Germans Although it was used in a most part for attacking ground forces in most battles or to “support the troops”, then the attacking of aircraft would be second priority Such tactics were used by the Americans and were later brought upon on World War two as support for infantry Although aircraft did have their own special missions where destroying aircraft is first priority

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