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2 nd Grade Problem of Day – Set #2. Frank has 4 nickels. He spends 3 of his 4 nickels on gum. a.Does Frank spend all of his nickels on gum? _______ b.What.

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Presentation on theme: "2 nd Grade Problem of Day – Set #2. Frank has 4 nickels. He spends 3 of his 4 nickels on gum. a.Does Frank spend all of his nickels on gum? _______ b.What."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 nd Grade Problem of Day – Set #2

2 Frank has 4 nickels. He spends 3 of his 4 nickels on gum. a.Does Frank spend all of his nickels on gum? _______ b.What fraction of his nickels does Frank spend on gum?_________

3 Popcorn Cupcakes Ice Cream Each stands for 2 votes. Ms. Gina’s class voted for their favorite afternoon snack. Look at the graph below. It shows the number of students that voted for certain snacks. What would be a good title for this pictograph? __________ How many students voted for popcorn? ___________ Which snack got the most votes?_____________________ Popcorn got ___________ more votes than cupcakes. How many students voted in this survey? ________________

4 Look at this shape. a.What shape do you see? ____________ b.If a square was made using Popsicle sticks, how many Popsicle sticks would be needed?________________ c.How many Popsicle sticks would we need for 2 squares? ____________ 3 squares?_____________

5 Linda loves Beanie Babies. She has eight Beanie Babies on her dresser and six on her bed. a.Write the number sentence that tells how many Beanie Babies Linda has altogether. ______________________________________ b. Write the number sentence that tells the difference in the number of Beanie Babies on Linda’s dresser and the number of Beanie Babies on Linda’s bed. __________________________________________

6 Suppose you wanted to cover the inside of each figure with little squares. ( All squares are the the same size.) Which figure would take the most squares to cover it? _________ Which figure would take the fewest squares to cover it? _________

7 The second grade class visited the library. Jen selected a book with sixty-three pages. a.How many digits would it take to represent the number sixty-three? _____ b.Write the number sixty-three? __________________ c.The number sixty-three has _____ “ty” packages and __________ extras.

8 Today in art class you may choose one item from each of the lists to create your picture. Make a list of your choices. Crayons Markers Art paper Coloring book List A List B ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

9 Look at this traffic light! The traffic light is made up of what shapes? _______________ For every traffic light a car passes, there are _______ circles and _____ rectangles. Tom passes three traffic light on his way to school. Tom sees ______ circles and ____ rectangles.

10 Brooke and Cora picked flowers for their mom. Brooke picked 4 flowers. Cora picked 3 more flowers than Brooke! A. Draw the flowers that each girl picked. B. Which girl picked more flowers? _____ C. Added together, Brooke and Cora picked a sum of ___________ flowers.

11 The triplets, Billy, Bob, and Brandon are having a birthday party for their sixth birthday. Draw a clock that shows 2:30! Write another way to say 2:30: ___________________________ Draw the triplets, their cake, and the candles on the cake.

12 If the triplets – Billy, Bob, and Brandon each invite 3 friends, how many people will be at their party? _______ If each child gets 1 party hat and 3 balloons, how many party hats and balloons will the parents need to buy? ______ balloons _____ party hats

13 There are 8 boys and 4 girls that attend the triplets’ party. a.Write a number sentence that shows how many children attend the birthday party altogether. b. Write a number sentence that shows the difference between the number of boys and the number of girls that attend the birthday party.

14 Here are some of the presents the triplets received. Find the one that is the heaviest and explain your answer in your journal.

15 Five girls go into a bakery and each order the same number of donuts. The baker takes these donuts off the tray and bags them. USE YOUR COUNTERS!

16 Jimmy’s sister was born the second Sunday of January. What is the date of his baby sister’s birthday? _________________ If his sister would have been born a week later, what would her birthday be? ____________________________

17 Mr. Jones plants cucumbers on two rows in his garden. He has 8 cucumber plants on one row and 9 cucumber plants on another row. A. Write a number sentence showing the total number of cucumber plants Mr. Jones plants on both rows. B. Write the 2 number related facts that match this situation.

18 Write a fraction to show the shaded part of each picture. __________________ _________________

19 Dan took these coins out of his pocket for his afternoon snack. How much does Dan’s snack cost? (Write answer in a complete sentence.)

20 Mr. Green went to the bank. He cashed a check for 468 dollars. The cashier gave him _____ hundred dollar bills, _____ tens and _______ ones.

21 Randy counted 236 stars in the sky. Dennis counted 10 more than Randy. Dennis counted ______ stars.

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