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WELCOME!!! Cub Scout Pack 499 2014-2013 Popcorn Kickoff Hosted by: Cub Master BJ Aka: Popcorn Chair.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME!!! Cub Scout Pack 499 2014-2013 Popcorn Kickoff Hosted by: Cub Master BJ Aka: Popcorn Chair."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME!!! Cub Scout Pack 499 2014-2013 Popcorn Kickoff Hosted by: Cub Master BJ Aka: Popcorn Chair

2 We get 38% of total Sales, so while everyone heard $30,000 Our Pack Received about $11,400 and make wise use of every $ This year we have rollover of about $2500 to cover our fall expenses (den supplies, pack supplies, etc) Our fiscal year runs JAN-DEC, so popcorn sold LAST year covers boys through DEC, NEW Scouts need to pay for events if they want to attend (ie: Nauticus or Family Fall Pipsico Camps) The reason for sharing all of this…. Knowledge=Power We want to have another GREAT year! We have not increased popcorn dues, and those who pay out of pocket will have to pay the exact same amount as someone who is earning it through popcorn. It’s easier to EARN IT Financial Assistance? Popcorn is your way!!! How do I sell? Show and Sells!!!! We had many boys hit over $1000 with mostly or all show and sells. Almost all our boys hit their numbers with show and sells. Shifts will be available tonight Labor Day weekend (VOTE)

3 $450 Goal = $171 to Pack$750 Goal = $285 to Pack Minus Rank/Reg. TOTAL--$63 Rank $3 Hat $12.99 Neckerchief $6.99 Slide $4.99 Registration BSA $24 Insurance BSA $4 Boy’s Life Mag $12 Minus Rank/Reg TOTAL--$63 Rank $3 Hat $12.99 Neckerchief $6.99 Slide $4.99 Registration BSA $24 Insurance BSA $4 Boy’s Life Mag $12 Average Award Cost per Boy --$55 Includes: Badges, Belt Loops, Beads, And other special insignia and awards Average Award Cost per Boy --$55 Includes: Badges, Belt Loops, Beads, And other special insignia and awards Contribution to Pack Expense ~$53Event Costs --$82 NOTE: WEBELOS 2 goes towards Cross Over Awards/Scout Gear/AOL awards Event A $32 Event B $20 Event C $30 **Neither amount includes PrizesContribution To Pack Expense~ $85

4 CONSIDER AUTO PAID EVENTS! ***Covered at the $450 Dues level Pinewood Derby Family Camp Out Raingutter Regatta Pizza Parties Pool Party Cub Camp Out and August Picnic Pack Events and Den Meetings (supplies) Blue and Gold Service Projects, Leader Training and more These all cost the pack $$$$ $750 Dues Level= MOST POPULAR! All of the above PLUS 3 Extra Pack Events Paid for the Scout: THE $750 Dues Level this year (Jan 2014-Dec 2015 will include: Ocean Breeze, The Living Museum Overnight and one other Pack Event paid for the scout (parents still have to pay).

5 Show And Sells, Family, Friends & Other Show and Sells…. TONIGHT: Sign up, each scout for 4-5, fill up August first then go into September (We hold back Oct for new scouts who sign up in Sept) –note on Labor Day Weekend…. NOTE: If you don’t sell popcorn you owe the same amount as if you do sell popcorn! $450 level base dues=$171 $750 dues level (3 paid events)=$285 (Webelos Must hit or pay for Crossover Items and to cover AOL Awards as well as extras that go into the Crossover Ceremony) Other sales include Mom or Dad taking the form to work, door to door sales (with an adult) and group neighborhood walks (may be organized with other families) Get creative! If you need help, show and sells are the way.

6 Prize Changes New prize levels this year!!! Still TOP DEN SELLER PRIZES NEW THIS YEAR: Photos will be posted on website! It is in a Power Point on the bottom of the Incentive Page Prize levels can help you pay for CAMPS!!!

7 Rules of Engagement ADULT PER SCOUT EACH SHIFTCOUNT & COUNT & COUNT No cell phones unless emergencyBoys must be on best behavior If you can’t make your shift CALL!Credit Card Machine Sign Offs Donation Policy/Military DonationWhen someone tells your child to keep the money 4 Show and Sell Sign ups tonight Fill in August First then Sept. Boys Should not be in the drawer Keep money under the table Chocolate popcorn stays in Cooler But remember it is there to promote! Check Out procedures… $250* or $500*… payment procedures $50 tins must be prepaid All paperwork must be signed NO chocolate popcorn can be returned or traded!! Double check our numbers We have a better filing system now Must call ahead to check out popcorn and let us know what you need, please be exact Do encourage children do the selling and learn the products We need volunteers for opens/closes (pick up & return) Keep Receipts! Some ………………………paperwork changed Keep accurate records Keep chocolate cool inside*

8 Who is Responsible? DEADLINES? You are responsible for every tin/box you check out. You may return non chocolate popcorn (as long as can/tin is not dented and box is still in good shape) ALL MONEY NEEDS TO BE TURNED IN BY Tuesday October 28th !! All prize Forms will be collected during Pack Meeting in November Notes on prizes… availability of items may fluctuate. Military Donations, it is your responsibility to make sure some form of receipt is filled out for us to properly document the MILITARY DONATIONS (even if you put your son’s name on it)

9 CALENDAR OF EVENTS We will have the calendar and show and sell dates published by the first of August PACK MEETINGS MOVED TO ARROWHEAD still on Friday Nights!!! Cub Skills Camp planning for Spring Prizes and BSA Camps We need someone to shadow and learn the popcorn processes from the Tiger or Wolf Den.

10 WEBSITES!!! PACK WEBSITE: *Note doesn’t always display properly on phones (Explain) PACK POPCORN SITE (can link from main site) OR ADDRESSES are on the SITE Show and Sell Schedules and Open Slots will be posted with only first initial and last name

11 FAMILIES WITHIN THE PACK You are the reason we changed the prize levels to include earned camp money That was a big hit last year so we will continue. We will work with you to make sure siblings have even numbers (but for council prizes no combining)

12 $400-$599: Emergency Whistle OR Bug Kit $600-$799: Knife Sharpening Kit OR Knife Sheath Kit OR Cubscout LED Flashlight OR First Aid Kit OR Stainless Steel Camp Mug

13 $800-$899: Starter Compass OR Youth Patch Vest OR BSA Binoculars OR Tent Lamp OR Scout Firesteel $900-$999: $20 Toward Camp of Choice OR Guide Compass OR Camp Chair OR Classic Patch Blanket OR Cub Scout Whittling Knife OR BSA Binoculars $20

14 $1000-$1099: $20 Toward Camp of Choice & Choice of: Beginner Compass OR Youth Patch Vest OR Tent Lamp OR Scout Firesteel $20 $1100-$1199: $30 Toward Camp of Choice & Choice Of: Guide Compass OR Camp Chair OR Classic Patch Blanket OR Cub Scout Whittling Knife OR BSA Binoculars $30

15 $1200-$1499: $50 Toward Camp of Choice & Choice of: Fishing Pole OR Water Backpack OR Camp Lantern OR Cooler $50 $1500-$1799: $50 Toward Camp of Choice & Choice of: Sleeping bag OR Tent OR Weather Radio $50 $1800 & Up: $100 Toward Camp of Choice & Choice of: Tent OR Single Person Air Mattress OR Weather Radio OR Sleeping Bag $100

16 Go over Notes/Addendum No Call No Show-new policy this year! Vote on Labor Day weekend (4 show and sell shifts per boy without, 5 with) Volunteer for entire Labor Day Weekend First weekend in August popcorn sales begin Order forms pick up before you leave, sign up show and sells before you leave, write down your dates, times and locations Time differences between BWW & rest of locations Two siblings on the same shift? YES- two adults on that shift. Each day’s total is divided by shifts, boys are credited for how many shifts they worked (double shifts get double credit, ½ shifts get ½ credit) the shift you work that day does not matter. All boys are weighted equally.


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