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Creation and implementation of multimeter universal components on Stratix DSP evaluation board and NanoBoard NB1 Work in PERG under promotion of D r hab.

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Presentation on theme: "Creation and implementation of multimeter universal components on Stratix DSP evaluation board and NanoBoard NB1 Work in PERG under promotion of D r hab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creation and implementation of multimeter universal components on Stratix DSP evaluation board and NanoBoard NB1 Work in PERG under promotion of D r hab R. S.Romaniuk and Dr K. Poźniak eng. Adam Piotr Grodecki

2 Agenda 1. General purpose 2.Subject of interest 3.Parameters of measured signal 4.Implementation on Stratix DSP e.b. 5.Implementation on NanoBoard NB1 6.Actual state of work 7.Future plans

3 General purpose Multimeter DXP Altium

4 Stratix DSP evaluation boardNanoBoard NB1 Altera@Stratix EP1S25F80C5 Altera@Cyclone EP1C2Q24QC7 Altera@Stratix EP1S10F780C7 Xilinx@Spartan XC2S300E-6PQ208C Xilinx@Virtex II Pro XC2VP7-5FG456C FPGA ADC Communication Analog Devices AD9433 AD converter 12 bit; 125 MHz; 5.0 V Maxim MAX1037EKA-T AD converter 8 bit; 1,7 MHz; 3,3V or 2,0 for high precision EPP up to 24 kB/s I 2 C and EPP-JTAG up to 50 kB/s Subject of interest

5 Stratix DSP evaluation boardNanoBoard NB1 50 MHz 500 KHz 5.0 V3,3 and 2,0 for higher precision Parameters of measured signal Frequency Voltage Data 75 MB/s500 kB/s

6 JTAG EPP Data flow. Implementation on Stratix DSP e.b. Signal AD onboard converter

7 epp <> matlab xiid.dll EPP inpout32.dlleppii.dll source.iid mex files ii_function.dll Implementation on Stratix DSP e.b.

8 epp<>stratix<>board EPP D/A A/D AREA STATE MACHINE Internal Interface EPP interface DPM_PROG CNT Implementation on Stratix DSP e.b.

9 Implementation on NanoBoard NB1 Signal NanoBoard NB1 Altium DXP 2004 JTAGParallel DELPHI script AD onboard converter I 2 C protocol

10 State of work A/D reading part, viewing data in Matlab of 10 bit samples collected using A/D converter tacted by 80 MHz clock. A/D reading part, using NanoBoardNB1, 8 bit samples, stored in memory.

11 Future plans Visualization and GUI in Matlab. Additional AD converter board for faster signal measuring using NanoBoard NB1

12 Questions

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