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Church Planting Models Cross-Cultural Church Planting School Craig Ott.

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1 Church Planting Models Cross-Cultural Church Planting School Craig Ott

2 Approaches to Pioneer Church Planting  The Solo or Paratrooper Church Planter

3 Approaches to Pioneer Church Planting  The Solo or Paratrooper Church Planter  Colonization or Church Planting Team

4 Approaches to Pioneer Church Planting  The Solo or Paratrooper Church Planter  Colonization or Church Planting Team  Non-Resident or Short-Term Church Planting

5 Approaches to Pioneer Church Planting  The Solo or Paratrooper Church Planter  Colonization or Church Planting Team  Non-Resident or Short-Term Church Planting  International Church Plant  Indirect Church Plant

6 Approaches to Church Multiplication  Cell Division or Mother-Daughter Church Planting

7 Approaches to Church Multiplication  Cell Division or Mother-Daughter Church Planting  Multi-site or Satellite Church Planting

8 Approaches to Church Multiplication 5 to 5,000 from 1989 to 2006 Community Christian Church, Naperville

9 Approaches to Church Multiplication International Examples of Multi-site Churches Abidjan, Ivory Coast – Works and Mission Baptist Church, 150,000 people in hundreds of satellites Lisbon, Portugal – Igreja Mana Church, 60,000 worshippers in 400 satellite churches Bombay, India – New Life Fellowship, 50,000 people at 250 satellite churches. From Geoff Surratt, Greg Ligon and Warren Bird, The Multi-Site Church Revolution (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006), p. 203.

10 Approaches to Church Multiplication  Cell Division or Mother-Daughter Church Planting  Multi-site or Satellite Church Planting  Adoptive Daughter Church  Multiple Mother or Partnership Church Plant

11 Approaches to Church Multiplication Multiple Mother or Partnership Church Plant Bonn Cologne Portz Central Munich Dachau County North Munich

12 Approaches to Church Multiplication  Focus Group Church Plant or Multi- Congregation

13 Approaches to Church Multiplication  Focus Group Church Plant or Multi- Congregation  House Church Network

14 Approaches to Church Multiplication  Focus Group Church Plant or Multi- Congregation  House Church Network  Church Split or Unplanned Parenthood

15 Regional Strategies  Harvest Priority

16 Regional Strategies  Harvest Priority  Strategic Beachhead

17 Regional Strategies Church Planting in Former East Germany by the Evangelical Free Church in the Early 1990s

18 Regional Strategies  Harvest Priority  Strategic Beachhead  Cluster Church Planting

19 Regional Strategies 1967 1977 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 2001 Cluster Church Planting in Greater Munich

20 Regional Strategies Cluster Church Planting in Greater Lima

21 Regional Strategies  Harvest Priority  Strategic Beachhead  Cluster Church Planting  Spreading Vine Church Planting

22 Regional Strategies 1990 1992 1996 1995 1994 1998 Church Planting by the EFCA in Romania

23 Regional Strategies Church Planting by the German Alliance Mission in Mali San – Korientze 330 km 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1990 1990 1994 1997 Church Planting in the Mopti Region

24 Regional Strategies 1989 1991 19921993 1994 1994 1994 1994 Kokoum 1998 Church Planting in the Bamako Region of Mali

25 Regional Strategies  Harvest Priority  Strategic Beachhead  Cluster Church Planting  Spreading Vine Church Planting  Dandelion, Spontaneous or Diaspora

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