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Pronunciation. Goals of Pronunciation teaching Discussion: Should we require students to acquire native- like pronunciation? Can the non-native teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "Pronunciation. Goals of Pronunciation teaching Discussion: Should we require students to acquire native- like pronunciation? Can the non-native teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pronunciation

2 Goals of Pronunciation teaching Discussion: Should we require students to acquire native- like pronunciation? Can the non-native teacher serve as a model for target language pronunciation? What should be the realistic goals of pronunciation teaching?

3 Goals of Pronunciation teaching Consistency: the pronunciation should be smooth and natural Intelligibility: the pronunciation should be understandable to the listener Communicative efficiency: the pronunciation should help convey the meaning that is intended by the speaker

4 What does pronunciation teaching involve?

5 Aspects of pronunciation: -English phonemes (vowels & consonants) -stress (word, sentence) -rhythm (meaning group and pauses) -linking -incomplete plosives -weak forms -intonation (rising, falling, falling-rising)

6 Principles for teaching pronunciation Foster intelligibility (清晰度) during spontaneous speech. Keep affective considerations firmly in mind Avoid the teaching of individual sounds in isolation Provide feedback on learner progress Realize that ultimately it is the learner who is in control of changes in pronunciation

7 Basic procedures: say the sound alone; explain how to make the sound; get students to repeat the sound in chorus; get individual students to repeat the sound; say the sound in a word; contrast it with other sounds; say the sound in meaningful contexts.

8 Ways to teach 1. Using minimal pairs ● raise race ● weather feather; ● leave leaf ● sin seen ● dog dot ● pit bit ● dim deem ● bath bathe ● cloth clothes ● pan pen two words which have only one different sound. Can you give more examples?

9 2. Which order ---The teacher reads each group of words in a different order and the students mark the words with l, 2, 3 to indicate the order in which the words are read. ● pit pet bet ● bear tear ear ● beard beer bear Can you give more examples?

10 3. Same or different ---The teacher reads pairs of words and asks the students to tell if the pairs of words are the same or different. The words aren’t written out. met meet well well well will Can you give more examples?

11 4. Odd one out ---The teacher reads a group of words a time and the students identify the different word or sound. Again the words are not written out. bit bit bit pit lid led lid lid bag bag back bag load loud load load Can you give more examples?

12 5. Completion ---The teacher reads a series of words which have only one different sound. The students complete the words they hear. --ate --ate --ate --ate --ate --ate --ate --ate Can you give more examples?

13 Ways to practice 1. listen and repeat -- students repeat what teacher/the speaker in tapes says. 2. fill in the blanks -- students fill in blanks in sentences with words which contain certain sounds. a. Children love to ___ games. b. Black and white___ grey. c. After April comes ___. d. Hurry up. Don't be ___ for school. e. We study in the same class. We are ___.

14 3. make up sentences --students are given a group of words containing the same sound or similar sounds. They should make up sentences using as many of the given words as possible. The sentences do not have to be realistically meaningful and logical. Humorous sentences are preferred. Try to make a sentence with the words given in the box below. last fast past mast (The Master’s car moved past the mast very fast last March.) Jack black cat fat glad bad sad mad (Fat Jack was sad because his black cat had been mad and that bad cat was glad.)

15 4. use meaningful context --The sounds to focus on are embedded in a meaningful context and students perform meaning tasks while "keeping an eye on" the sounds. role play: A: What's wrong with you, Mr. Bloggs? B: I hate this horrible job. A: What job? B: Washing socks. A: What do you want to do? B: I want a holiday.

16 5. use tongue twisters -- Students are given time to practice on their own for a few minutes before they are asked to perform in front of the whole class. She sells seashells on the seashore. Five wives drank five bottles of fine wine. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. lf Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where is the peck of pickled peppers that Peter Piper picked?

17 5. use /poems/songs Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May And summer's lease hath all too short a date:. So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this and this gives life to thee.

18 Practicing stress and intonation Who’s that man with the black hat? 1) I know the man with a black coat. 2) I know who the man in the gray hat is. 3) I know who the woman in the black hat is. 4) I know who the other man with the black hat is

19 Intonation Would you please open the door? Sorry. ↑ Sorry. ↓ Can you give more examples?

20 Value good pronunciation Good pronunciation makes communication easier. Speaking like a native speaker is not a realistic goal. Demonstrate concern for students’ pronunciation and their progress in it.

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