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Sign Song Introduction. Sign Song - Intro Songs are poetry set to music Well interpreted songs not only are conceptually accurate (sign what it really.

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Presentation on theme: "Sign Song Introduction. Sign Song - Intro Songs are poetry set to music Well interpreted songs not only are conceptually accurate (sign what it really."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sign Song Introduction

2 Sign Song - Intro Songs are poetry set to music Well interpreted songs not only are conceptually accurate (sign what it really means), but they also have an artistic quality that is similar to ASL poetry.

3 Sign Song - Intro Well written songs have rhythm, rhyme, alliteration / assonance as well as a pleasing melody. This is why we enjoy them. Well interpreted songs also have these features. But how do you translate a sound quality such as rhythm and rhyme?

4 Sign Song - Intro Well interpreted songs use handshapes and balance. Often signs are altered slightly to do this. This is not much different from how we alter the pronunciation of words to fit the music or make it rhyme. Other features of the music can be captured with the rhythm and flow of the signs.

5 This Land is Your Land Handshapes 5, open-B, and Y Gloss together in class. This land is your land This land is my land From California to the New York islands From the redwood forest to the gulf stream waters This land was made for you and me.

6 This land is your land Right hand CL:5 (LAND) arc rt – lft Rh B (YOURS) lft – rt (returning to side) This land is my land Left hand CL:5 (LAND) arc lft – rt Lh B (MINE) From California to the New York islands CA. (with Y) place lower rt NY place upper left. From the redwood forest to the gulf stream waters TREE+++ upper rt, WAVES 2 ‘5’ hands lower left. This land was made for you and me. LAND (2 ‘5’ hands) arc inward, EVERYONE (2 B hands) arc outward.

7 This land is your land Right hand CL:5 (LAND) arc rt – lft Rh B (YOURS) lft – rt (returning to side) This land is my land Left hand CL:5 (LAND) arc lft – rt Lh B (MINE) From California to the New York islands CA. (with Y) place lower rt NY place upper left. From the redwood forest to the gulf stream waters TREE+++ upper rt, WAVES 2 ‘5’ hands lower left. This land was made for you and me. LAND (2 ‘5’ hands) arc inward, EVERYONE (2 B hands) arc outward.

8 Let’s Practice S2aE Woody Guthrie S2aE

9 How can we translate this… Groups of 3 Take a look at me now There’s just an empty space And your coming back to me now Is against all odds A chance I have to take 1:29 Remember: Limited handshapes Balance of signs Conceptually accurate

10 Against All Odds 27Vknyo soph :55- 1:30 27Vknyo YnnQyc Keith Wann : 50 – 1:30 YnnQyc

11 Day 2

12 Conceptual Accuracy While there are many artistic ways to interpret a song into ASL, the most important concept is to have ‘Conceptual Accuracy.’ Many English words have multiple meanings. It is imperative that you make sure you choose the correct meaning of the word. Examples: LIKE: I like you…you look like your mom.. LAST: last week …..the last week….how long will it last….

13 Conceptual Accuracy Conceptual Accuracy applies to words…. And it also applies to the overall meaning of a statement or expression. Example: Take this job and shove it. Here is an example of a song that is intentionally translated without conceptual accuracy. See if you can pick out the words that are translated literally instead of accurately… I like big Butts

14 Conceptual Accuracy Songs have meaning for Deaf audience if they are conceptually accurate. They lose all meaning if they are translated literally (Signed English) Here is comedy example of a song that is a mixture of Signed English, all fingerspelling and ASL. Pay attention to the differences. &feature=relmfu &feature=relmfu

15 Translation or Interpretation? Translation means to take each word and change it from the English word to the ASL sign. A good translation will be sure to pick the right ASL sign that has the correct meaning of the English word. (like, or like) Conceptual Accuracy A translation is considered to be Signed English not ASL.

16 Translation or Interpretation? Interpretation means to analyze the deeper meaning of what is being said in English and then choosing ASL signs that capture that same meaning or intent. A good interpretation will capture the “spirit of the message.” An interpretation is considered to be ASL.

17 The Rose 3xsok 3xsok Signed English (literal word translation) Beginning signer – How do I know? Small errors in sign parameters Good background and good dress

18 The Rose BG4o BG4o Interpretation Conceptually accurate Paints a picture with classifiers

19 The Rose hU99E hU99E Theatrical Interpretation Conceptually accurate Paints a picture with lots of classifiers Uses ‘same as’ 2 handed sign Difficult to see so far away

20 The Rose cont. hNw24 hNw24 BSL Can you understand some of the signs? Which ones?

21 Translation or Interpretation? A translation of a song is not very difficult to do. All you have to do is look up each word and then memorize the song and the signs you have chosen. This would be considered ASL 1 level of competency. An interpretation, on the other hand required much thought. You have to first analyze the song lyrics for the deeper meaning. You have to ask “What is the true spirit of this message?” Then you need to choose your signs carefully to capture that message and portray is in a poetic manner, paying attention to chose of handshapes, rhythm and balance. This is considered to be ASL 2 and 3 level of competency.

22 Translation or Interpretation? Against All Odds Eng translation; some conceptual errors (a-t-a-l-l, nude) ASL interpretation

23 Day 3

24 Translation or Interpretation? Somebody I Used to Know conceptually accurate signs in Eng word order. (need to know English to really understand the song) ASL interpretation Would be very clear meaning without music Conveys spirit with facial expressions Boring during musical interludes ditto

25 Translation or Interpretation? Firework Eng translation (6 feet, ah,ah,ah) elmfu ASL -visual, signs a picture of the analogies =mfu_in_order&list=UL ASL interpretation with poetic qualities.

26 Sign Song - Paint a Picture Traditional songs are frequently poetry set to music. In modern times, music has seen a trend to write a song that “tells a story.” This is especially true for both Country and Urban music genres. Likewise, another completely different way to give song interpretation a flair is to adapt the qualities of “ASL Story-Telling” to the song. A skilled interpreter can choose his signs not based on the literal words of the song, but rather he will sign in a way to paint a picture in the viewers mind. The focus of this style of song interpretation is to “capture the spirit and mood” of the song.

27 Sign Song - Paint a Picture Here is an excellent example of a song that is interpreted with conceptual accuracy and has lots of classifiers and mime interwoven to ‘paint a picture’. gBWfA gBWfA Before He Cheats

28 Sign Song - Paint a Picture Here is another artist that is also very skilled in capturing the ‘spirit of the message’ and painting a picture with the interpretation. A deaf person would enjoy watching this song and would definitely understand the meaning. If I were a boy elated&hl=en-GB&v=w33NCRHvaAY elated&hl=en-GB&v=w33NCRHvaAY

29 Creative Interpretations The next 2 songs are very poetic in the interpretation. They both use lots of ASL signs that are usually only understood by those in the Deaf community. (you won’t find them in ASL dictionaries) Bleeding love hl=en-GB&v=rKjBukqUCYg hl=en-GB&v=rKjBukqUCYg Grenade

30 Great Interpretations 6go8e4 6go8e4 Cry Me a River HMvto HMvto Heartless

31 Day 4

32 Repeated lyrics WHERE IS THE LOVE &feature=related &feature=related

33 What not to do Watch without sound 3ZwOc 3ZwOc Boring? Why? Word for word – literal Too many signs, repeated signs over and over Back ground, dress

34 What not to do Thank you Olyvia rR_U&list=UUq4nwGEyAhB- f85nycgfV0A&index=5&feature=plcp rR_U&list=UUq4nwGEyAhB- f85nycgfV0A&index=5&feature=plcp Every breath you take

35 Musical interludes sEZQ&feature=related sEZQ&feature=related Born this way FJ8o thriller FJ8o


37 Additional

38 Costumes j7qcI&feature=related fresh prince j7qcI&feature=related BMXo&feature=related bad romance BMXo&feature=related 8_h8s&feature=related whole new world 8_h8s&feature=related DhmRaY&feature=related beauty and the beast DhmRaY&feature=related

39 Duets Telephone great partnership e=related no air performance e=related =related grease – you’re the one that I want =related Left and right handed signer- I gotta a feeling

40 Sign Song MTV Sign Song MTV is the common deaf name for making sign song videos. With this style of interpreting, the signer not only has to capture the meaning of the song with the signs. There is also a considerable amount of ‘acting’ incorporated into the translation to add flavor to the interpretation. This also requires the software and knowhow to edit the video. Often times Deaf teens enjoy Sign Song MTV.

41 Sign Song MTV Break ya neck BgcQ BgcQ A3_ns&feature=relmfu price tag A3_ns&feature=relmfu

42 Sign Song MTV Hero W-x_I&feature=related W-x_I&feature=related Beautiful GpGNJQ GpGNJQ

43 Super visual GIMM4&feature=related GIMM4&feature=related Bohemian rhapsody

44 Sign Song MTV o5uQs0&feature=relmfu the middle o5uQs0&feature=relmfu Excellent ASL signs and NMS’s vbZ4o&feature=related summer nights vbZ4o&feature=related

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