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2nd International Workshop On Nuclear Data Evaluation for Reactor applications September 29th – October 2nd, 2009 Tuesday 29 th of September 2009 11.30-12.15.

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Presentation on theme: "2nd International Workshop On Nuclear Data Evaluation for Reactor applications September 29th – October 2nd, 2009 Tuesday 29 th of September 2009 11.30-12.15."— Presentation transcript:

1 2nd International Workshop On Nuclear Data Evaluation for Reactor applications September 29th – October 2nd, 2009 Tuesday 29 th of September 2009 11.30-12.15 Bus: Aix-en Provence -> Château de Cadarache 12.15-14.00 Registration + Lunch (buffet) 14.00-14.30 Welcome + Brief overview on CEA-Cadarache activities 14.30-15.50 Chairman: E. Berthoumieux Nuclear data measurements (I)  Y. DANON ; New Capabilities for Nuclear Data Measurements at the RPI LINAC (40’)  X. LEDOUX ; NFS : A neutron facility at SPIRAL-2 (40’) 15.50-16.20 Coffee break 16.20-18.00 Chairman: Y. Danon Nuclear data measurements (II)  Y. KIYANAGI ; Nuclear data measurements on the neutron nucleus reaction instrument (NNRI) at the materials and life science facility (MLF) at J-PARC (40’)  E. BERTHOUMIEUX ; First results of the new n_TOF spallation target commissioning (20’)  G. BOUTOUX ; Neutron induced (n,  ) cross sections for transmutation via the surrogate method (20’)  C. SAGE ; Neutron cross section measurements on 241Am (20’) 18.15 Bus: Château de Cadarache –> Aix en Provence

2 Wednesday 30 th of September 2009 8.30-9.30 Bus: Aix-en Provence -> Château de Cadarache 9.30-10.50 Chairman: O. serot Nuclear data measurements (III)  I. FABRY ; Prompt fission neutron emission spectrum of 235U(n,f) at thermal energies (20’)  L. MATHIEU ; New neutron long-counter detector on the Lohengrin spectrometer (40’)  D. BERNARD ; Actinide neutron induced cross section measurements using the oscillation technique in the MINERVE reactor (20’) 10.50-11.20 Coffee break 11.20-13.00 Chairman: C. Wagemans Theory, modeling and evaluation of nuclear data (I)  V.M. MASLOV ; 235U(n,f) prompt fission neutron spectra (40’)  O. LITAIZE ; Monte Carlo Simulation of Fission Fragment Evaporation (20’)  O. GRUDZEVICH ; Neutrons and gammas of fission fragments (20’)  O. BOULAND ; Advanced Modeling of Neutron-Induced Fission Cross-Sections (20’) 13.00-14.30 Lunch 14.30-15.50 Chairman: R. Capote Theory, modeling and evaluation of nuclear data (II)  P. RIBON ; Average widths in the URR (20’)  M.T. PIGNI ; Evaluation of 23Na Neutron Cross Sections for Nuclear Data Assimilation (20’)  P. ARCHIER ; 23Na Evaluation with CONRAD for Fast Reactor Applications (20’)  B. BECKER ; Applications of the new Stochastic Resonance Dependent Scattering Kernel in Reactor Calculations (20’) 15.50-16.20 Coffee break 16.20-18.00 Chairman: C. De Saint Jean Theory, modeling and evaluation of nuclear data (III)  H. WIENKE ; Treatment of inelastic neutron scattering from 238U using the deformation-dependent Tamura-Udagawa-Lenske (TUL) multi-step direct model (20’)  R. CAPOTE ; Modelling challenges of new U-238 evaluation (20’)  H. DERRIEN (presented by L. LEAL) Reevaluation of 58 Ni and 60 Ni resonance parameters in the energy range thermal to 800 keV (20’)  S.I. SUKHORUCHKIN ; Compilation of neutron resonance parameters nrf-3 (40’) 18.15 Bus: Château de Cadarache –> Aix en Provence

3 8.30-9.30 Bus: Aix-en Provence -> Château de Cadarache 9.30-10.00 Chairman: G. Noguere 10.00-10.40 Chairman: G. Noguere Theory, modeling and evaluation of nuclear data (IV)  J.-C. SUBLET ; Unresolved Resonance Range Cross Section, Probability Tables and Self Shielding Factors (20’) P. SCHILLEBEECKX ; Covariance matrix: why and how to use? (10’) Uncertainties and covariance matrices (I)  W. ZWERMANN ; Influence of Nuclear Covariance Data on Reactor Core Calculations (40’) 10.40-11.20 Coffee break + Photo 11.20-13.00 Chairman: L. Leal Uncertainties and covariance matrices (II)  D. ROCHMAN ; TENDL-2009: on Evaluations and Monte Carlo Covariances (40’)  C. M. MATTOON ; Covariance Estimates for the Advanced Fuel Cycle Data Adjustment (20’)  P. SCHILLEBEECKX ; Covariance data of experimental observables in the resonance region (40’) 13.00-14.30 Lunch 14.30-16.10 Chairman: P. Schillebeeckx Uncertainties and covariance matrices (III)  C. DE SAINT JEAN ; Fast range Covariance Estimation with CONRAD (40’)  L. LEAL ; Covariance Generation using CONRAD and SAMMY Computer Codes (20’)  G. NOGUERE ; Retroactive Analysis of Fission Product Cross Section with the CONRAD Code (40’) 16.10-16.40 Coffee break 16.40-17.40 Chairman: M. Coste- Delclaux Processing and Validation of Nuclear Data (I)  T. D. HUYNH ; Validation of jeff-3.1.1 delayed neutron yields (20’)  R. MILLS ; Decay heat calculations: A study of their validation and accuracy (40’) 18.00 Bus: Château de Cadarache –> Aix en Provence Thursday 1rst of October 2009

4 8.30-9.30Bus: Aix-en Provence -> Château de Cadarache 9.30-10.50 Chairman: J.C. sublet Processing and Validation of Nuclear Data (II)  M. COSTE-DELCLAUX ; GALILEE: A nuclear data processing system for transport, depletion and shielding codes (40’)  C. GIL ; New Evaluation and Testing of Cross-Section Data for the AFC Applications (20’)  P. BLAISE ; Feedback on the new RPI Gd-evaluation on FUBILA/UGD core Calculation (20’) 10.50-11.20Coffee break 11.20-12.20 Chairman: J.C. sublet Processing and Validation of Nuclear Data (III)  S. T. HOLLOWAY ; CINDER 2008 – The Next Generation (40’)  G. MAINO ; Nuclear reaction data for IBA applications to cultural heritage diagnostics (20’) 12.20-13.30Lunch 13.30Bus: Aix-TGV station + Marseille-Provence Airport Posters A. K. M. MOINUL HAQUE MEAZE ; Measurements of neutron total cross-sections of niobium and palladium C. VAGLIO-GAUDARD ; Reduction of uncertainties associated to 56Fe nuclear data with integral experiment feedback D.H. KIM ; Sensitivity/Uncertainty Analysis with New Covariance Data for AFC Developments B. SLEAFORD; Improved Neutron Capture Data and Evaluation with Statistical Nuclear Structure Models for Transport Libraries  C. JOUANNE ; Uncertainty propagation by Monte Carlo method applied to a reduced depletion chain Friday 2nd of October 2009

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