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Spotlight text 1 5 hour Children and Young Peoples Sports Offer: Extending Activity A Childrens Plan for Sport Tracey Francis Mar 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Spotlight text 1 5 hour Children and Young Peoples Sports Offer: Extending Activity A Childrens Plan for Sport Tracey Francis Mar 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spotlight text 1 5 hour Children and Young Peoples Sports Offer: Extending Activity A Childrens Plan for Sport Tracey Francis Mar 2008

2 2 PESSCL PSA Targets – Where we are now. Enhance the take-up of sporting opportunities by five- to sixteen-year-olds by increasing the percentage of school children who spend a minimum of two hours each week on high quality PE and school sport within and beyond the curriculum from 25% in 2002 to 75% in 2006 and 85% by 2008 PSA for 2006 was 80% nationally PSA for 2007 was 86% nationally Within Every Child Matters is the ambition of offering all children at least 4 hours of sport every week, comprised of at least 2 hours high quality PE and school sport with the opportunity for at least a further 2-3 hours beyond the school day (delivered by a range of school, community and club providers).

3 3 Gifted & Talented Talented young sports people better supported in the education system Network of Sports Colleges and School Sport Partnerships Professional Development Teachers more confident in delivery of high quality PE to young people School Club Links More young people moving from school based sports to club sports Step Into Sport More young people actively involved in sports volunteering Swimming More children able to swim confidently QCA PE and Sport Investigation P.E. School Sport Club Links – PESSCL

4 4 The New PSA Context – Moving forward Fairness & Opportunities for All PSA 12 – Improve the health and wellbeing of Children and Young People. Stronger Communities & better quality of life PSA 22 – Deliver a successful Olympic games and paralympic games with a sustainable legacy and get more children and young people taking part in high quality P.E. and sport. PSA 14 – Increase the number of children and young people on the path to success. For 5-16 year olds the offer will be made up of 2 hours high quality PE and 3 hours of sport beyond the curriculum delivered through a range of school, community and club providers. The additional funding for the first time formally extends the reach of the strategy to 16-19 year olds. For this age group the offer is 3 hours of sport, rather than 5, unless they are studying sport.

5 5 A mandate for Change National Indicators & improvement targets:- NI 57 – Children and Young People participation in high-quality PE and sport NI 6 - Participation in regular volunteering NI 110 – Young Peoples participation in Positive Activities NI 88 – Number of Extended Schools Service Transformation Agreement / Departmental Strategic Objectives DCSF / DSO – Secure the well-being and health of children and young people. Every Child Matters London 2012 Opportunity? If we connect the Delivery System for Community Sport / 5hr offer with the local priorities identified by Local Area Agreements / Sustainable Community Strategy then we can position to protect existing investment and lobby to increase resources and achieve true sustainability

6 6 The Childrens Plan Building a Brighter Future - Our commitment to Children & Young People Places to go……. Outdoor space and a healthy lifestyle ……and things to do Lots more opportunities Education & Training Changing the way you are taught Helping you stay in education or training to 18 Give you more choices

7 7 The Childrens Fund Childrens Fund – Extension agreed 2008 – 2011 – Local Authorities will be allocated £132m. From April 2008 – mainstreamed through Childrens Trust arrangements, through area based grants.

8 8 Extending Activity – the mission! £36m for 0811 period 900,000 children and young people from the semi sporty(50% of Young People) types taking up 5 hour offer (2 hrs in school + upto 3hrs in the community) Pinch points/priorities at KS2/3 (10-11 yr olds) transition and 14 to 19 age range Term Time High Quality Sports Activities designed to stimulate and increase take up and sustain participation

9 99 Extending Activities: the aims to contribute to this Government target and to complement aspects of the National Curriculum and the Every Child Matters Agenda to hear what children and young people want and to deliver these activities through clubs and organisations within your delivery area to communicate with these young people through the County Sport Partnership delivery system and sign post them to a high quality, positive activity.

10 10

11 11 A real commitment to funding County Sports Partnerhsip Area Capacity & Delivery Funding Participation Derbyshire£868,000 22,230 new young people participating in plus 3 hours Leicestershire & Rutland£868,000 22,230 new young people participating in plus 3 hours Northamptonshire £382,650 9,570 new young people participating in plus 3 hours Lincolnshire£601,166 15,312 new young people participating in plus 3 hours Nottinghamshire£674,00617,226 new young people participating in plus 3 hours

12 12 Embedding sport into the Childrens Plan – A Childrens Plan for Sport It connects young people taking part and local deliverers with policymakers and investors in a simple and coordinated way Providing:- One system for sport & physical activity Clear roles An evidence based approach Robust performance management A bottom up, top down planning mechanism Resources that are placed where they can have the biggest impact.

13 13 Links to other programmes? Extending Activities workstrand will also help County Sports Partnerships to join up different programmes and funding streams A real opportunity for one, cohesive plan for Children and Young People in the community Opportunity to connect with the local priorities identified by Local Area Agreements / Sustainable Community Strategies: protect existing investment lobby to increase resources achieve true sustainability

14 14 Systematic Reform 2008 - 2011 Starting point – Term Time Action Plans Leicestershire & Derbyshire go live April 1 st 2008 Lincs/Notts/Northants Sept 1 st 2008 Starting the process:- Which Ideas/Aspects of the Childrens Plan for Sport translate to your work Area ? How will you move this area of work forward ? What support do you need to do so?

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