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Monitoring of altimeter measurements against a global tide gauge network F. Lefèvre, G. Valladeau, E. Sénant, J. Dorandeu F. Lefèvre, G. Valladeau, E.

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Presentation on theme: "Monitoring of altimeter measurements against a global tide gauge network F. Lefèvre, G. Valladeau, E. Sénant, J. Dorandeu F. Lefèvre, G. Valladeau, E."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitoring of altimeter measurements against a global tide gauge network F. Lefèvre, G. Valladeau, E. Sénant, J. Dorandeu F. Lefèvre, G. Valladeau, E. Sénant, J. Dorandeu (CLS, France) Local and global calibration/validation poster session - Hobart, March 2007

2 2 Fabien LEFEVRE Objectives 1.To perform the altimeter monitoring using a global tide gauge network 2.To do the long term monitoring of the determination of the altimeter bias 3.Use independent measurements (tide gauges) to calibrate the altimeter Altimeter relative range calibration against tide gauge network => operational

3 3 Local and global calibration/validation poster session - Hobart, March 2007 Fabien LEFEVRE Results of the poster Poster presents the results for: –TOPEX/Poséidon –Jason-1 –EnviSat –Geosat Follow-On. Example of Jason-1: –Cycles 1 to 181 –Bias relative to tide gauges –Evolution of the bias over time

4 4 Local and global calibration/validation poster session - Hobart, March 2007 Fabien LEFEVRE Main issues Problem: the estimation of the land drift at tide gauge location 2 on going sensitive studies to estimate these drifts: –Using 14 years of TOPEX/Poséidon data –Using geodetic observations (ITRF2005) Collocate tide gauges with: –DORIS –GPS –SLR –VLBI Extract vertical crustal motions from ITRF2005 data Correct tide gauges records of vertical crustal motions

5 5 Local and global calibration/validation poster session - Hobart, March 2007 Fabien LEFEVRE Conclusions Come and have a look at the poster to have fruitful discussions See you in front of the CV-9 poster!!!

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