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FES 2012 4th PROJECT MEETING… F. Lyard, L. Roblou, D. Allain.

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Presentation on theme: "FES 2012 4th PROJECT MEETING… F. Lyard, L. Roblou, D. Allain."— Presentation transcript:

1 FES 2012 4th PROJECT MEETING… F. Lyard, L. Roblou, D. Allain

2 Status and actions : T-UGOm Developments  Latitude-dependent g  Full non-linear solver tests  Linear/quadratic friction  NCP1xLGP2 & NCP1xLGP2 time stepping optimisation  Loading/self-attraction software Computing performances  10 Go  O(2h)  2 simulations/blade (2 cores, 8 in OpenMP sections)

3 Status : EnOI Developments  Code refurbished  Netcdf formats IO, DNP1xLGP2 discretisation  OpenMP optimized  Members decorrelation implementation  Quick diagnostic mode Computing performances  30 Go (elevation only)  O(20h)  Additional LEGOS computing facilities needed

4 Actions T-UGOm developments continue Assimilation  Data selection/decimation  Validation database (tide gauge): time series re-analysis outliers removal redundancy removal split in 4 specific databases:  open ocean  shelf seas  coastal seas  ultra-coastal zones (estuarines, etc…)

5 Tide gauge validation database Linked with Stammer inter- comparison project Retreated data:  Deep ocean: DARTS, ACCALAIM, GLOUPS  Shelf Seas: ROSAME, GLOUPS  Coastal Seas: GLOSS, SONEL, BODC shelf gaugesdeep gauges coastal gauges

6 FES2012 accuracy limiting factors Bathymetry  ETOPO-1 was a bad choice  Updated from Smith&Sandwell-v14 Lack of resolution ?  limited by project computational facilities  not sufficient in some places Linear/non-linear friction ? Spectral solver limitations Loading/self-attraction precision/accuracy

7 Bathymetry Patching still underway (version 25) Atlantic anomaly  too much energy dissipated in Hudson Strait and Bay  Ungava Bay bathymetry issue: local M2 resonance  spectral solver limitation ?  regional model study underway

8 Resolution reworking faulty mesh correction resolution increase FES2012

9 Loading self-attraction Muriel Lubes, Damien Allain

10 Latest experiments State of the art FES2012FES2013 M224 / 9313 / 53 S210 / 289 / 22 K111 / 3010 / 23 O112 / 307 / 19 FES2012 referenceJune 2012 comparisons against TP/J1/J2 (deep / shelf)

11 FES2013 ? Many new softwares and approaches have been developped but not fully deployed in FES2012… Accuracy in shelf/high latitude seas is the true challenge Much better prior solutions  bathymetry  T-UGOm improvements  increased resolution on shelf breaks and ridges  … Enhanced ensemble members  capitalize on FES2012 experience  improved de-correlation techniques (singular values threshold) Improved data:  CTOH coastal data assimilation  GLORYS correction extension

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