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Presentation on theme: "DEVICE DRIVER SAMPLES."— Presentation transcript:


2 How Many ? How to add an update?
Currently HYPACK has between Device Drivers There are 192 in the \HYPACK 2015\Devices folder. There are 143 more in the \HYPACK 2015\Devices\Custom folder. In addition, HYSWEEP has over 70 devices built in. Constantly modifying and maintaining them and providing updates. To add a new device driver: Copy the DLL to the \HYPACK 2015\Devices folder. In HARDWARE, click the “Rescan Driver List” button (highlighted in red).

3 ANCHORMANAGER.DLL Allows you to position each anchor:
On the main vessel (Barge) On any secondary mobile (Tugs) If Tugs have anchor positions, you can select which anchor positions (e.g. Fore and Aft) If Tugs do not have anchor positions, the anchor is transferred to the Boat Origin for the mobile. At a user-defined target. On the bottom. Anchor Management routines are now ‘Built-In’ to HYPACK SURVEY. They can be accessed from the Vessels menu item.

4 ADCP.DLL Collection for ADCPs (RD INSTRUMENTS and SONTEK) is now done with the ADCP.DLL.

5 AIS.DLL: Automatic Identification System Transponders
Generates mobile targets in SURVEY to denote vessel positions. AISTIDE.DLL reads tide corrections broadcast over AIS. Coming soon: Virtual Bouys!

6 DRAFTTABLE.DLL: Dynamic Draft Correction versus Speed
Allows for ‘Single’ or ‘Shallow Water and Deep Water’ curves. Interpolates when between the Shallow and Deep Depth Limits.

7 GENDEVALL.DLL: Reading Devices with Fixed Length Data Fields
This driver can be used to read a device that does not have a HYPACK driver. The only restriction is that the data format has to have a single, fixed format message. The length can’t change.

8 GENDEVPARSE.DLL Reading Devices with Comma, Space, or Tab separated Data Fields
Driver Test Raw Data from Device Driver Configuration This driver can be used to read a device that does not have a HYPACK driver. It parses different fields, either comma, space of tab delimited. It can also read fixed-format datagrams.

9 GENOFFSET.DLL Placing a ‘mobile’ at a fixed location on another ‘mobile’
Mobile ID = Mobile # of Main Barge or Vessel (usually = 0) This driver is used to position another mobile at a fixed offset from the primary mobile. For example, a crane that is fixed in position on the primary mobile, but can rotate independently.

10 GPS.DLL: Used to process NMEA Sentences from most GPS systems.
See the HARDWARE – BASICS presentation for details….

11 NTRIP.DLL: Designed to pass NTRIP corrections to GPS.
Shares same serial port as GPS.DLL. NTRIP Ver. 2 Compatible.

12 LptEvt.DLL Generating Event Marks via a Contact Closure
BNC Out (contact closure) LptEvt.DLL Setup: Generate contact closure at event marks. Generate contact closure when XTE is exceeded. USB In Connection to PC: USB: LptEvt.DLL

13 MAGNET.DLL AVI DF 1000 (Serial)
Geometrics 881/882/G-858 Map Mapper/G-882TVG Insight Marine (881 Dual) IXSEA Magis J W Fisher Proton 4 Marine Magnetics Seaspy/Seaquest Scintrex Envigrad Seaquest SMM II UC Mag GEM Systems GSM-19 Quantro Sensing Magnetometer AVI

14 PLAYBACK.DLL: Replay RAW Data Files in SURVEY
AVI ‘Connection’ should always be either a single RAW data file or a Catalog (*.LOG) of RAW data files. Slow down the ‘Update Rate’ under Advanced.

15 SEABEDID.DLL For Use with Roxann and EchoPlus Seabed ID Systems
Perform ‘Ground Truthing’ and create Seabed ID Square (*.SIX) in SEABED STATISTICS program. In real time, E1 and E2 info is plotted on Seabed ID Square and in Profile view. Data can be re-mapped to new *.SIX in Post-Processing

16 SIM32.DLL Positioning Echosounder SIM33 Differences: Speed Up/Down
Turn Left/Right Echosounder Single or Multiple Transducer Generates Depths based on Sine Curve SIM33 Differences: Speed and heading changes are continuously applied until ‘Steady’ or ‘Stop’ buttons are hit.

17 TIDEDR.DLL Read Predicted Tide Files (*.TID) into Survey
Additional generic tide gauge setup. Switch between telemetry and tide file real time. Now provides a real time graph. User can adjust ‘on-the-fly’ Tidefile2.dll now being phased out. When reading a *.TID file, set the update rate for the device to one second or greater.

18 WebIF.DLL Has it’s own presentation under ‘Survey’.
Used to view the SURVEY program (Area Map and Data) from an Intranet connection. Add WebIF.DLL to your HARDWARE configuration. It does not require any connection information. On another computer on the Intranet, you can then view the SURVEY or DREDGEPACK programs by entering the Web IP address (or computer name) with port 8080 (now configurable). (to view on same computer) Remote viewing is now built into HYPACK SURVEY.

19 YSI6600.DLL Environmental Sensor
YSI6600 (Sonde) can be configured with different sensor packages. Setup: Provide a name for each sensor, based on its channel. SURVEY: Driver displays text values and can display a graph for all sensors.

20 CUTTER.DLL Enhanced display of cutter suction dredge in DREDGEPACK.

21 Excavator Driver Multiple Inclinometers Directional GPS Position

22 EXCAVATOR.DLL: Used for Excavator Systems

23 INCLINOMETER.DLL Inclinometer for Cutter Suction Dredges and Cranes
Used for RVG, Ocala, A2TS, Rieker H4, Damen, AGI MD900T, Dickerson, eTrac, and WMI inclinometers. Measures the vertical angle (from the horizon).


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