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Marine Core Service MY OCEAN WP 09 Monitoring & Forecasting Centre for Mediterranean sea Marina Tonani-WP9 Leader.

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Presentation on theme: "Marine Core Service MY OCEAN WP 09 Monitoring & Forecasting Centre for Mediterranean sea Marina Tonani-WP9 Leader."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marine Core Service MY OCEAN WP 09 Monitoring & Forecasting Centre for Mediterranean sea Marina Tonani-WP9 Leader

2 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma INGV 16 partners 9 countries Reminder - Partnership

3 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Reminder - Objectives for R&D n Main objective was n Main issues INGV,USAM,OGS HCMR MERCATOR Specify Design Develop the Mediterranean system V0-V1-V2 Med-MFC-currents Med-MFC-biogeochemistry Backup system at HCMR Wave-currents interactions upgrades in NEMO (HCMR-INGV) Atmospheric pressure term in NEMO (INGV) Tools for the production of re-analisys (INGV) DEMO-High resolution atmospheric forcing (INGV-USAM) DEMO-Super-ensemble method (MERCATOR-INGV-HCMR) Med-MFC-currents Higher frequency of the production of the forecast (OGS) Data assimilation of biogeochemical data (OGS-INGV)

4 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma R&D : main achievements n Main achievements are n Med-currents: first step of wave-current interaction (introduction of the roughness in the computation of the wind stress drag coeff.) developed and tested (Operational V1) n Development of re-analysis tool (Ongoing production for V2 release) n Back-up system for Med-currents (Operational in V1) n Initialization of the Med-currents V1 system from climatology starting from year 1997 (V1 system) n Med-biogeochemistry off-line coupled with Med-currents V1 (V0 was off-line coupled in the “before MyO” Med-currents system not into Med-currents V0) (Operational in V1) n Med-biogeochemistry with new BC (rivers, atmosphere and light extinction factor) and Phosphorous co-limitation parameterization (Operational in V1) n Increase in the production frequency for Med-biogeochemistry, from weekly to bi- weekly (Operational in V1) n Development and test of atm. pressure term in NEMO code (Operational V2) n Development of Chl data assimilation in Med-biogeochemistry (Operational in V2) n Med-currents: second step of wave-current interaction (insertion of theCoriolis- Stokes term in the P.E. of NEMO) preliminary studies and results

5 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma R&D : main achievements n Remaining activities (in progress) n Med-currents: second step of wave-current interaction (insertion of theCoriolis- Stokes term in the P.E. of NEMO P.E.) full development n Med-biogeochemistry: data assimilation of Chl fully tested n Med-currents DEMO: Super-ensemble method for melding of three basin scale forecasting systems, Krishnamurti approach experiments and assessment of the results n Med-currents DEMO: high resolution atmospheric forcing experiments and assessment of the results

6 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Reminder - Objectives for Dev. & Maintenance INGV,USAM,OGS HCMR n Objectives Carry out the Implementation Phase for the Med-MFC and develop Initial Operational Procedures, IOP n Steps Development and maintainment of HW and SW infrastructures for production Overall production and service monitoring and reporting Upgrading capabilities Upgrade, deliver and validate in operational mode the V1-V2 systems following WP2 and Cal/Val protocols

7 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Dev. & Maint. : main achievements n Main achievements are n Med-currents and Med-biogeochemistry V1 system with all the WP2- WP16-WP17 required functionalities implemented on time n Implementation of all the components needed for the back-up system (in particular: establishment of a connection from INGV-nominal system to HCMR-back-up system for the daily delivery of the I.C.) n Med-biogoechemistry off line coupled with Med-currents: operational transition from “before MyO” to MyO V1 physical forcing n Transition from V0 to V1 for SST-TAC and INS-TAC products (now Med- MFC is connected to the Med-portal) n ALL the Dev. & Maint. operation have been performed in agreement with the PC protocols defined in the delivered documentation for V1 and following the MyOcean requirements n Main difficulties n Adaptation to the MyOcean standard and procedure. Production of all the required documentation n Remaining tasks n Transition from Vo to V1 for SLA products from SL-TAC n V2 implementation

8 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Reminder - Objectives for Production n Objectives MFC-CURRENT Analysis & Forecast V0V1V2 Potential Temperature XXX Salinity XXX Currents XXX Sea Level XXX ForecastV0V1V2 Chl-a XX X Nitrate X X Phosphate X X Phytoplancton biomass X Dissolved Oxigen X Primary Production X MFC-BIOGEOCHEMISTRY n Products* Ensure production & archiving Med-MFC-current & biogeochemistry products Cal/val products Re-analysis of Med-MFC-current & biogeochemistry  Following WP2-WP16 service protocols for V0-V1-V2 INGV,USAM,OGS HCMR * daily and bi-weekly production respectively for Med-currents and Med-biogeochemistry

9 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Production : main achievements n Main achievements are n D issemination of all the due products for V1 via MIS-GateWay and for Med-currents via FTP (on demand) n Standard names for the netCDF files following the recommendation of MyOcean and harmonization of the nomenclature between Med-currents and Med-biogeochemistry n Med-biogeochemistry: addition of nutrients fields to the pool of products n Statistics of users in V0 and V1 (see WP17 presentation for details) n Set-up of a PC Service Desk: connection point with all the DU/PU and with the Central Service Desk. Incident, RFC and notification procedure in place n Back-up system in terms of PU and DU n Delivery of Specific Core Products to EEA: SST forecast maps n MIS-GW delivery system performance tests n Remaining objectives n V1 stream 2 update of the system (e.g. addition of “DirectGetFile” functionality in MIS-GW) n V2 products and integration

10 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma n Objectives Develop a network-based validation system for Med-MFC products using local data sets and/or other existing models n Steps ftp network to collect every week all the obs and model data at INGV software developed ad-hoc for obs and model data intercomparison and visualization. This SW should be shared with all the CalVal partners and if possible interfaced with MyOcean Cal/Val system Data policy is established by MOON-DEA and MyO for both observational and model data in order to involve all the MOON partners Issues Q/C for observations to be used in Cal/Val Connection with WP15 Format of Cal/Val data (obs & model) Reminder - Objectives for Cal / Val CNR.ISPRA,OGS,INGV CSIC, PUERTOS IOLR HCMR, NKUA IFREMER NIB OC-UCY UMT-IOI-POU IMS-METU CNR.ISPRA,OGS,INGV IMS-METU

11 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Cal/Val : main achievements n Main achievements are n NRT CalVal network established. NRT diagnostic (Med-currents analysis and forecast vs. moored buoys and satellite SST) available on the web ( ), weekly update n NRT Chl evaluation for Med-biogeochemistry available on the web (, weekly update n Long time series evaluation for Med-currents (, weekly update n Multi-annual qualitative comparison, spatial aggregated and temporal aggregated statistis for Med-biogeochemistry n NRT model intercomparison at moored buoy location between Med- currents and some of the MOON nested sub-regional and coastal forecasting systems. Definition of format and protocol of data exchange, development of the SW for the statistics and visualization, preliminary results available on the web ( )

12 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Cal/Val : main achievements n Main difficulties n Collection and management of needed information n Data exchange format and structure of the database n Comparison between model and tide-gauge n Remaining tasks n technical task : additional functionalities in the SW n inter-comparison with ALL the MOON nested forecasting systems n MyOcean cross-cutting CalVal activities

13 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Main Challenges n Scientific Challenges  Med-MFC-biogeochemistry data assimilation  Current-wave interactions development: impact of waves on ocean circulation n Technical Challenges  Synchronization of the production among the different PUs n Operational Challenges  Provide the service on-time. Compliance with MyOcean protocols n Ultimate Challenges  High quality forecast capability

14 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Future Challenges n Scientific Challenges –Evaluation and assessment of V2 versus V1 system –Assessment of the Cal/Val network information n Technical Challenges –Further integration into the MyOcean system of systems –Delivery mechanism fully tested and assessed n Operational Challenges –Fulfillment of the user needs –Cross-cutting CalVal activities in place –More flexibility of the Catalog n Main Risks n Many goals to be achieved in short time

15 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma n Past (event, work or tasks achieved) : –May 2010: CIESM 39 th Congress –December 2010: MyOcean Science days –December 2010: V1 stream 1 –March 2011: MyOcean Med Workshop joint with MOON Annual Assembly –Meetings and videoconf: Internal and with TAC’s n Future : –June 2011 ESF-MedClivar Conference –September 2011 : V2 system in pre-operational –December 2011 : V2 Calendar

16 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma WP 11 EXPENSES Actual (March2010) Variance versus Budget Comments K€ % Coordination + 5+ 10%More… R&D - 10- 2%Less… Dev/Maint. Production Cal/Val WP Coordination 1st reporting period : Budget  Figures will be provided by PMO as soon as your partners have finished reporting and will be added to your presentation.  Be ready to give short explanations on main deviances during your presentation...  We are talking about estimated budget (best estimates) ! ~ 2 mn

17 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Some illustrations… Thanks to Claudia Cesarini (clu) for filming

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