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DAILY QUESTIONS #2 1.Describe an earthquake you have been in (if you have not, describe one you saw on the news). 2.Why do Earthquakes occur? 3.What device.

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Presentation on theme: "DAILY QUESTIONS #2 1.Describe an earthquake you have been in (if you have not, describe one you saw on the news). 2.Why do Earthquakes occur? 3.What device."— Presentation transcript:

1 DAILY QUESTIONS #2 1.Describe an earthquake you have been in (if you have not, describe one you saw on the news). 2.Why do Earthquakes occur? 3.What device do scientists use to measure earthquakes? 4.What do we call the scale that we use to measure an earthquake’s INTENSITY? 5.When earthquakes occur under water, what natural disaster can be produced? 6.What is the most famous fault in California called?

2 DAILY QUESTIONS #3 1.What was the mountain range where nuclear waste was proposed to be stored? 2.Based on the article, what is the best way to store the waste? 3.What were some of the cons of storing nuclear waste? Discuss 2. 4.What were some of the reasons that yucca mountain was chosen to house nuclear waste? C.O. – Students will explore the depths of the layers of the Earth. L.O. – Students will read together in groups about nuclear waste in the Yucca Mountains and discuss why they would or would not be safe based on their knowledge of the layers of the Earth.

3 DAILY QUESTIONS #4 1.Draw two rectangles on your paper describing how a convergent boundary moves. Use arrows 2.Draw two rectangles on your paper describing how a divergent boundary moves. Use arrows 3.Draw two rectangles on your paper describing how a strike slip boundary (also called transform boundary) move. 4.Describe what you felt if you have ever been in an earthquake. 5.What instrument(s) do we use to measure the movement of the ground of Earthquakes. 6.What do you think the difference is between the FOCUS of an earthquake and the EPICENTER of the earthquake. C.O. – Students will understand the causes and effects of earthquakes resulting from plate tectonics. L.O. – Students will work together to answer questions and write notes about Earthquakes.

4 Earth layers, Plate boundaries! Our next section is on Earth Science, which includes: Plate tectonics, earthquakes, Layers of the Earth, Volcanoes, and California Geology. Create a cover with 4 pictures, 4 colors each (minimum), on the right side of a new open entry based on our section.

5 Page 0!8.1 On the Left side (page 0), define these following terms: earthquake, focus, epicenter, fault, foreshock, aftershock And answer these questions: 1-5. REMEMBER to include the PAGE numbers where you found the vocabulary AND the answers to your questions. READ the section together, do NOT use the glossary for the key terms. Read them in context. Remember to get full credit, you must write the page number from the text book where you found the definitions of your words (NOT THE BACK!) and where you found your answers to the ?’s. C.O. – Students will understand the causes and effects of earthquakes resulting from plate tectonics. L.O. – Students will work together to answer questions and write notes about Earthquakes.

6 C.O. – Students will explore earthquake effects on the crust of the earth and the rock layers associated with it. L.O. – Students will work together in groups, reading together and building a fault model. Then they will answer questions based on their observations of the effects of their model moving in different ways.


8 The Science of Predicting Earthquakes Even though we cannot predict earthquakes, we have learned a lot from studying them. Like… - how to pinpoint the locations of earthquakes - how to accurately measure their size - how to build structures that can withstand them.

9 DAILY QUESTIONS #6 1.Name the 4 main layers of the Earth. 2.How many earthquakes happen in California a day? 3.How many earthquakes happen throughout the world every year? 4.Describe the difference in movement between a “normal” fault and a “reverse” fault. (think back to the models you made!) 5.What happens in a strike slip fault? 6.How many seismographs are needed to accurately pinpoint an earthquake? 7.What do we call that (from question 6)? 8.Name the 3 types of plate boundaries.

10 DAILY QUESTIONS #7 1.If each step in the “richter scale” is 10x greater than the step before it: how many times greater is a 7.5 earthquake from a 6.5 earthquake? 2.How many times greater is a 4.0 earthquake than a 2.0 earthquake? 3.How many times greater is an 9.0 earthquake than a 5.0 earthquake? 4.Name the 3 types of FAULT movement. 5.Name the 3 types of PLATE BOUNDARIES. 6.What 2 plates come in contact with each other in California at the San Andreas fault?

11 EARTHQUAKES! * Define EarthquakeMore than 30,000 earthquakes occur every year! 200-300 in California everyday!California EARTHQUAKES are the sudden shaking of the ground caused by the release of energy of plates slipping past each other. The FOCUS of an earthquake is the point IN the Earth where the earthquake actually started. The EPICENTER of an earthquake is the point on the surface of the Earth, where the EQ occurred.

12 You can STAND on the epicenter. You CANNOT stand on the focus

13 EARTHQUAKES! * Define Earthquake FAULTS are fractures in the Earth where movement of plates has occurred. The San Andreas Fault is the most famous fault in North America.

14 8.1 Quiz! Please get out your homework calendar. Study your VOCAB words from your 8.1 homework. Remember the flashcards. You should also be able to describe the 3 different types of FAULT movement.

15 8.1 Quiz! Please review your vocab and your faults homework paper to prepare for the quiz!

16 EARTHQUAKES! Draw this on the top half of Page 2! At a fault there is a hanging wall and footwall. In a “normal” fault, the hanging wall slides DOWN the footwall. In a “reverse” fault, the hanging wall pushes UP In a strike-slip fault, they slide past each other.

17 EARTHQUAKES! * What are the causes of earthquakes? As faults interact with each other at a boundary, it causes rocks to “bend” and store energy. At some point the rock is no longer able to sustain that energy and a “failure” occurs where the rock breaks or slips at the weakest point. Think of holding a door handle while someone is pushing/pulling and you suddenly let go…

18 EARTHQUAKES! Standard ESS2-3: Develop a model based on evidence of Earth’s interior to describe the cycling of matter by thermal convection. C.O. – Students will explore earthquake effects on the crust of the earth and the rock layers associated with it. L.O. – Students will work together in groups, reading together and building a fault model. Then they will answer questions based on their observations of the effects of their model moving in different ways.

19 EARTHQUAKES! * What are aftershocks and foreshocks? Aftershocks are the movements of the Earth that follow AFTER a major earthquake. Foreshocks often come before a major earthquake, days, even years before a major quake.

20 EARTHQUAKES! On the bottom half of page 2, write down 10 observations (in bullet points) that have to do with earthquake measurements from the video. They could be about the instruments used, examples of large earthquakes (and their measurement), damage caused, or HOW we measure them.

21 EARTHQUAKES! * Describe HOW a seismograph works.

22 We measure earthquakes with a SEISMOGRAPH Because earthquakes generate seismic waves, they can be measured by a seismograph A seismograph is implanted in the ground and sends digital signals to a computer that measures its MAGNITUDE!

23 EARTHQUAKES! Describe HOW a seismograph works. What type of waves are produced by Earthquakes? DRAW AN EXAMPLE OF EACH.

24 Earthquakes are simply the sudden shaking of the ground. This shaking produces SEISMIC waves by energy being released in all directions. There are 2 types of waves: Body and Surface waves. 1. Body Waves (travel through Earth’s interior) A. P Waves (Primary Waves) a. P waves are LONGITUDINAL. Travel through anything and are the fastest. b. they arrive at seismographs first.

25 Draw this on page 6

26 1. Body Waves (travel through Earth’s interior) A. P Waves (Primary Waves) a. P waves are LONGITUDINAL. Travel through anything and are the fastest. b. they arrive at seismographs first. B. S Waves (Secondary or Shear Waves) a. S Waves are TRANSVERSE waves. b. They do NOT travel through liquids.

27 Draw this on page 6 under your P wave Picture

28 1. Body Waves (travel through Earth’s interior) A. P Waves (Primary Waves) a. P waves are LONGITUDINAL. Travel through anything and are the fastest. b. they arrive at seismographs first. B. S Waves (Secondary or Shear Waves) a. S Waves are TRANSVERSE waves. b. They do NOT travel through liquids. 2. Surface Waves (travel on Earth’s surface) A. Rayleigh Waves (circular motion), like the ocean a. Slower than p and s waves


30 1. Body Waves (travel through Earth’s interior) A. P Waves (Primary Waves) a. P waves are LONGITUDINAL. Travel through anything and are the fastest. b. they arrive at seismographs first. B. S Waves (Secondary or Shear Waves) a. S Waves are TRANSVERSE waves. b. They do NOT travel through liquids. 2. Surface Waves (travel on Earth’s surface) A. Rayleigh Waves (circular motion), like the ocean a. Slower than p and s waves b. Cause major surface damage B. Love Waves (side to side motion) a. Slower than p and s waves b. Cause moderate surface damage.


32 C.O. – Students will explore earthquake effects on the crust of the earth and the rock layers associated with it. L.O. – Students will work together in groups, reading together and building a fault model. Then they will answer questions based on their observations of the effects of their model moving in different ways.

33 Seismic waves produce MOVEMENT on the earth. Seismographs are INSTRUMENTS used to measure these waves There are 2 scales we use to “measure” earthquakes.


35 The Great Chilean Earthquake! (label both left and right hand pages) You will be given an article about the largest earthquake we have ever recorded (there have been larger before our civilization). You will read the article and complete some written responses.

36 Mind Map (left side, Copy this using the whole page) Great Chilean Earthquake Facts about Damage to Chile Effects of Tsunami Unknown words (circle) Damage to Hawaii Damage to California

37 Written response Write your answers in COMPLETE sentences (include the question in your answer). 1.Why is the Chilean earthquake referred to as the largest earthquake in the 20 th century? 2.Global seismic release means the total energy released by earthquakes around the world. Estimate the % of the pie slice that represents the Chile earthquake. 3.Record the deaths from each area that were recorded from this earthquake? Use the “high” estimate for Chile. 4.About how fast did the tsunami waves travel? 5.If 1 meter equals about 33 inches, how tall was the wave as measured by the Crescent City tide gauge? 6.List the amount of damage ($) from each area in the article. 7.Based off the picture, estimate how long it took for the tsunami to reach San Francisco, CA; Wellington, NZ; and Sydney,AU? 8.Under these questions write a 1 paragraph summary report of this earthquake. Must have 6 sentences and at least 5 pieces of evidence supporting your report.

38 8.2 Homework. On page ….! Vocab: seismograph, seismogram, surface wave, P wave, S wave. Questions 1, 2, 3, 4

39 DAILY QUESTIONS #8 1.What are 2 tools we use to measure earthquake movements? 2.Where (country) did the largest earthquake ever recorded occur? 3.What 2 scales do we use to “measure” (compare) earthquakes? 4.What are the 2 types of waves that an earthquake releases. 5.If the definition of a “wave” is: “a wave carries energy from one place to another”. Why are earthquake waves so damaging to buildings? 6.What are the 2 types of Surface waves? 7.What are the 2 types of Body waves?

40 EARTHQUAKES! Describe the scales we use to measure earthquake waves. You will copy 2 charts on the LEFT hand side

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