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Dr. Adrian Todd - New Church Values Triggered by discussion seminar at the Ichthus Leaders’ Conference.

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1 Dr. Adrian Todd - New Church Values Triggered by discussion seminar at the Ichthus Leaders’ Conference What distinctives do we have? No church has everything correct, we are doing church the way we believe God has called us. We do not always apply things correctly, we grow in our understanding as we come to know the Lord more.

2 Dr. Adrian Todd - Important Values A God who is Love Salvation in Jesus Christ The working of the Holy Spirit; gifts, fruit, power… But there are other things that determine how we express being the Body of Christ Relationship Church as Family Sharing Life together The Priesthood of all believers

3 Dr. Adrian Todd - Other Churches They are singing our songs! The meetings look the same Some have seen genuine renewal  some are more pragmatic  even the atheists The New Churches started out with a desire for New Testament style church We do things the way we do from Biblical principle

4 Dr. Adrian Todd - Commitment Commitment to what? First to Jesus (Colossians 1:15-18) To love one another (John 13:34, 1 Cor 13:4-8) A commitment to the people of the Body of Christ  Not to the institution of the church Be devoted to the fellowship (Acts 2:42)  the partnering in the work of the Gospel  mutual responsibility Commitment, submission, accountability

5 Dr. Adrian Todd - Committed actions Giving moving nearer visiting friends & family at weekends sharing cars

6 Dr. Adrian Todd - Submission We submit first to God (James 4:7) We submit ourselves to one one another out of fear of Christ (Ephesians 5:21) We obey (be persuaded by) our leaders, and hence submit (give way) to them (Hebrews 13:17) - we learn from each other  not blind obedience  we are responsible to God for ourselves Submission is about servant heartedness

7 Dr. Adrian Todd - Accountability Am I my brothers keeper? (Genesis 4:9) YES! We are accountable for, and to, one another (Phil 2:3-4) “How is your walk with the Lord?” is a legitimate question.  in the context of Love Paul holds the churches to account,  because he loves them.

8 Dr. Adrian Todd - What difference does it make? Brings a sense of belonging  as opposed to just attending Provides a safe environment  somewhere where we are valued, cared for, not abandoned Somewhere to grow in Jesus Walking together in fellowship (partnership)

9 Dr. Adrian Todd - Christ-like qualities Submitted - if this cup… …not my will but your will (Matthew 26:39) Committed - set his face towards Jerusalem (Luke 9:51) Accountable - only did what he saw the father doing (John 5:19) If we aspire to be like Jesus then these are some of the qualities we want seen in our lives.

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