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By: Richard Kitain, Michael Fuchs, Samantha Ong, and Jordan Lefkowitz.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Richard Kitain, Michael Fuchs, Samantha Ong, and Jordan Lefkowitz."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Richard Kitain, Michael Fuchs, Samantha Ong, and Jordan Lefkowitz

2  Encomienda- gave the Spanish the right to put the indigenous peoples to work in mines or fields.  Quinto- one-fifth of silver production reserved for Spanish monarchy  The Engenho- Brazilian sugar mills  Indigenous peoples compelled to work in mines- sought out to find silver and gold.  Sugar (product made in the Americas) was used in trade. In the Triangular trade, sugar/molasses was traded for slaves.  Columbian Exchange  Conquistadors - Hernan Cortes- defeat of the Aztecs -Francisco Pizarro- conquest of the Incas  Settlers seize the land and issue their own rules (treaties)  Taino conscripted to gold


4  With the introduction of European foreigners, the indigenous peoples went from your typical hunter-gatherers to an enslaved nation working to please the monarchies oversea.  Columbian Exchange  New resources- gold, silver, sugar, etc.  Introduction of weapons leads to a decrease in populations  Mercantilism

5  Aurangzeb of Mughal Empire- Hindus taxed (jizya)  Vasco da Gama  Trading posts of India  Indian Ocean Trade  The want to create sea link between Europe and Asia  India was middlemen  Alfonso d’ Albequerque- set strategic location for trading


7  Vasco da Gama first to reach India opens trade  Aurangzeb taxing Hindus leads to great animosity  Portuguese and the Indian Ocean Trade  Europe becomes wealthier

8  Africa participated in the Trans-Saharan Trade, Indian Ocean Trade and Atlantic Trade networks.  Africa’s main trading products were gold, ivory and slaves.  Cash crops like tobacco and sugar began to grow in popularity.  Swahili states traded slaves to Arab merchants to the East.  Kingdom of Kongo and the Songhay Empire engaged in the Triangle Trade, where they traded slaves for European manufactured goods like textiles.  They got firearms from the Europeans which caused major power shifts because with guns, different people could rise to power.

9  The Portuguese established a trading post and colony at Angola  The economy within Africa, not involving outsiders, was severely damaged simply because of the sheer numbers of slaves that were taken.  More men were taken than women so women were forced to take a large part in the economy.  There was however some population growth because the Africans diets were improved due to the introduction of new crops from America.


11  Trans-Saharan Trade had been a large trading network for 1000 years, the Indian Ocean Trade had been around for about 700 years, but the Atlantic trade was brand new.  Slavery had always been an integral part of African Society but a change was that now slaves were being taken to other places, most importantly the Americas.  Clans, tribes and kinship groups usually ruled but now that firearms were introduced, corruption increased and anyone who could get a hold of guns could gain power.  American Crops gave Africans a better and healthier diet which led to population growth.

12  Exploration: Portuguese arrived in India and brought in immense profit at the ports they established; Allowed English and Dutch to enter the Indian Ocean Trade; Various other ports in Asia (especially Southeast Asia) and Africa were created; Mercantilism  Columbus in the New World: Began the Columbian Exchange; Crops and diseases spread between Europe and the Americas  Seven Years’ War: Competition for trading ports in Asia and the Americas; Britain came out dominant  Capitalism: Allowed private parties a chance for profit in the free market through their goods and services, Supply and demand (Prices depended on necessity),  Triangular Trade /Atlantic Slave Trade: Europe brought their goods into Africa for slaves, took the Slaves to the Americas, Returned to Europe with American goods

13  Change  Western Europe enters the Indian Ocean trade, bringing in an immense amount of profit. Islands in Southeast Asia are under European control (Philippines)  Columbian Exchange: Population increases in Europe from American crops leading to urbanization  Capitalism allowed for more freedom for businessmen to make decisions instead of the upper class and government (power shift)  Continuity  Demand for Asian products  Exploration and colonization

14  During expansion, Russia forced Siberia to pay them tribute in the form of products: Received furs in exchange for iron tools, cloth tea and liquor  Peter the Great created a port at the Baltic Sea, connecting Russia to Western Europe  Trade in Caspian sea and Volga River with the Indians and Ottomans  Built St. Petersburg, a major trading port  Change  Russia became more westernized  Continuity  Depended on agriculture


16  Main crops: wheat and rice.  Tobacco encouraged trading after it was introduced in 1600.  American crops had little effect  They traded along the silk roads (gunpowder and silk)  Change: Tobacco, coffee, and coffee houses.


18  American foods accepted in Europe, but not in the Islamic empires.  Islamic empires mainly traded in old lands, while Europeans were prospering off new territory.  Both the Islamic empires and Western European countries were changed by coffee and tobacco.

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