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Presented at the 4 th Annual VCARA Conference Digital Stewardship & Knowledge Dissemination in the 21st Century May 2013 SLIS Island – Second Life By Sarah.

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1 Presented at the 4 th Annual VCARA Conference Digital Stewardship & Knowledge Dissemination in the 21st Century May 2013 SLIS Island – Second Life By Sarah Fihe

2  Preserving History Old  Journals  Scrapbooks  Newspapers New  Blogs  Personal Websites  Social network feeds

3   Archive of all public tweets  Gifted to the Library of Congress in 2010  Over 400 requests have been received for use of this archive  Social media value Twitter Archive

4   Facebook and scrapbooks are both “locations of personal media assemblage and archives” – Katie Good, 2012  Three specific functions  Documenting friendship  Album amicorum  Autograph albums  Social network “friends” list Facebook not as unprecedented as originally thought

5   Navigating New Media Abundance  Scrapbooks to store clippings of print material  Using social network sites to filter internet content  Expressing taste and building cultural capital  Aristocratic ‘cabinet of curiosities’  Confession books  Scrapbooks  Posts, comments, “likes,” and who they follow Three specific functions continued

6   Governments now using Facebook as a primary communication tool  Communicate policy  Solicit opinions  Share information  Announce events  Content and context vital to future understanding Government use of social media

7  Method of Long-Term Preservation Image from: Hwang, Y., Jang, I., & Lee, K. (2013). The Archiving Method for Records of Public Sector’s Facebook Page

8   Initially seen as positive but reliability has been questioned  Internet just as reliable as radio, and more reliable than television or magazines but less reliable than newspapers  Social networks, especially Twitter, as sources of breaking news  Barack Obama’s Election Tweet  Iran Election Protests  Boston Marathon Bombing Perspectives of Social Network Sites

9   Social networks now provide real time news, breaking stories and popular reactions  Constant change on the internet leaves information vulnerable  Social network content is an important part of our social history Summary

10   Arceneaux, N. & Schmitz Weiss, A. (2010). Seems stupid until you try it: press coverage of Twitter, 2006-9. New Media Society, 12(1262). doi:10.1177/1461444809360773  Flanagin, A. & Metzger, M. (2000). Perceptions of internet information credibility. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly,27(3). 515-40.  Good, K.D. (2012). From scrapbook to Facebook: A history of personal media assemblage and archives. Conference Papers -- International Communication Association, 1-32. doi: 10.1177/146144812458432  Hwang, Y., Jang, I., & Lee, K. (2013). The archiving method for records of public sector’s Facebook page. International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications, 7(1). 161-169.  Schmierbach, M. and Oeidorf-Hirsch, A. (2012). A little bird told me, so I didn’t believe it: Twitter, credibility, and issue perception. Communication Quarterly, 60(3). 317-337. doi: 10.1080/01463373.2012.688723 References

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