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ESDS and the wider world Kevin Schürer, Director, ESDS/UKDA.

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Presentation on theme: "ESDS and the wider world Kevin Schürer, Director, ESDS/UKDA."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESDS and the wider world Kevin Schürer, Director, ESDS/UKDA

2 CESSDA – the Council of European Social Science Data Archives

3 MADIERA –all key CESSDA empirical data available on-line –an integrated resource discovery gateway in order to identify and locate relevant resources (including the relevant tools to overcome the language barriers) –extensive amounts of metadata available (including hyperlinks from the metadata to relevant reports and publications) –the ability to carry out simple browsing, visualisation and analysis of the data on-line MetaDater –develop a comprehensive data model and tools for metadata management in survey research –support technical harmonization and integration of survey data from many different sources –establish standards for the description and metadata management of large scale comparative surveys over space and time CESSDA projects

4 ICPSR – North America Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research UKDA is the UK national member of the Consortium UKDA member of ICPSR Council DDI – Data Documentation Initiative

5 International standing Russia - Goskomstat – Russia Kyrgyzstan – Ministry of Economic Development Netherlands – NIWI Australia – ASSDA Canada IASSIST officers

6 Closer to home ESRC –joined-up portfolio (eg Qb, ULSC, Census) –implementation of Datasets Policy –Information Strategy –e-Science JISC –Development Strategy Group –interoperability standards –Digital Curation Centre Digital Preservation Coalition, NA/PRO RSS Government Departments

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