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Ch. 13 S. 3 – A Global Conflict A. War Affects the World

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2 Ch. 13 S. 3 – A Global Conflict A. War Affects the World
The Gallipoli Campaign: Allied attempt to seize Dardanelles strait from the Turks to supply Russia through the Black Sea - Conducted mainly by Australia & New Zealand under British command - Allies lost- 250,000 casualties in 10 months

3 The War in Asia and Africa
- Allies attacked German colonies in China and Africa - Allies recruited native populations from their own colonies to help in the war – some served as battlefield soldiers, others as laborers Tirailleurs Senegalais in World War I France

4 Indian Gun Crew

5 America Joins the Fight
- US had no clear favorite – immigrants from all warring nations lived here - After Belgian atrocities, US began arming the allies – Germany reacted by: 1. Unrestricted submarine warfare – Germans declared that they would sink all ships travelling to or from Great Britain

6 - Sinking of the Lusitania
– The British passenger ship was sunk in 1915, over 1100 dead, including 128 from US - Americans were outraged, even though it was carrying weapons, too - Many other American ships were sunk attempting to arm GB - Zimmerman Telegram - Germany’s foreign minister, Arthur Zimmerman Sent a coded message to Mexico encouraging Them to declare war on the US - In return, Mexico was promised that they would get all land lost to US during Mex/Am. war - The letter is the last straw – President Wilson asked congress to declare war


8 B. War on the Home Front Total War – countries devoted all of their resources to the war - Governments took control of businesses, converted them to the war effort - All able-bodied civilians were put to work - Essential goods –including food – were rationed – or limited - Govt’s suppressed anti-war activities w/ force - Propaganda – one-sided info designed to persuade – was used to keep up morale & support for the war - Women in the War – Women provided the labor force to arm & equip the men at the battle front




12 C. The Allies Win the War Russia withdraws:
- Civil unrest due to war-induced shortages of food & goods - Czar Nicholas stepped down due to protests - A new Provisional Gov’t took over, tried to continue the war effort - 5.5 million casualties for Russian soldiers - Soldiers went on strike & refused to fight - The Communists overthrew the provisional government, took charge, signed a peace treaty w/ Germany to end their involvement - Germany was now free to throw all forces at the Western Front

13 Central Powers Collapse:
- 2nd Battle of the Marne- Germans push back to the Marne, exhaust forces, are crushed by an allied tank assault - 2 million American troops arrived in Europe - Bulgarians & Turks surrendered - Kaiser Wilhelm II stepped down as Allies advanced on Germany - Officials of the new German republic signed an armistice or ceasefire on 11/11/18

14 D. The Legacy of War - Introduced the idea of global conflict
- Total War – everyone was a contributor and a target - Destroyed the economies of European countries - Millions dead, millions wounded, millions traumatized - Disillusioned survivors – insecurity & despair replaced faith in civilization - Peace settlement caused bitterness & resentment among defeated nations

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