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Chapter 5 Documentation for Maintenance
Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Manufacturer Documentation
Documents provided for maintenance of aircraft Form/content may vary Some customized (See Table 5-1) Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Manufacturer Documentation
Airplane Maintenance Manual (AMM) Formal document (ATA coding system) Aircraft & on-board equipment Explanation of how each system/sub-system works Basic maintenance described Various tests performed Functional/Operational/Adjustments Replenishing of various fluids Other servicing tasks Normally excludes repairs to: Structure Fiberglass paneling Technician signs off logbook/nonroutine work card (NRWC) Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Manufacturer Documentation
Component Maintenance Manual (CMM) Includes Vendor Manuals (VM) Many components made by other vendors Landing gears Flight crew seats Breakdown of all components Provides part numbers Technical data approved by FAA Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Manufacturer Documentation
Fault Isolation Manual (FIM) Set of fault isolation trees Block diagram Troubleshooting Isolate fault Identify/pinpoint problems Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Manufacturer Documentation
Illustrate Parts Catalog (IPC) Parts list/location of all parts Shows Assemblies Subassemblies Alternate part numbers Part inter-changeability Modifications (service bulletin) Pre and post modification Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Manufacturer Documentation
Storage and Recovery Document (SRD) Information about aircraft Out of service/stored for extended time Draining certain fluids Moving aircraft Protecting components from weather Part inter-changeability Old aircraft – separate document New aircraft – part of AMM Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Manufacturer Documentation
Structure Repair Manual (SRM) When should damage be fixed? Minor or major damage? Airframe specific Aircraft skin Structural damage Specific tolerances and procedures Damage beyond SRM tolerances Contact manufacturer engineering Engineering Order (OR) How to repair and sign off Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Manufacturer Documentation
Maintenance Planning Data Document (MPD) List of maintenance/servicing tasks All items identified by MRB Tasks listed by groupings Certification Maintenance Requirements (CMRs) Required by FAA Maintain aircraft certification Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Manufacturer Documentation
Schematic Diagram Manual (SDM) Detailed information Wiring harnesses Connectors Interfacing equipment Schematics of systems Electrical Electronic Hydraulic Logic diagrams for applicable systems Tasks listed by groupings Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Manufacturer Documentation
Wiring Diagram Manual (WDM) Essential for troubleshooting Wiring runs for all systems/components Harnesses Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Manufacturer Documentation
Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) Developed by manufacturer’s engineers All equipment on aircraft model Approved by FAA Identify equipment that may be Degraded Inoperative May have prescribed fix date Airline develops own MEL Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Manufacturer Documentation
Dispatch Deviation Guide (DDG) MMEL items inoperative/degraded May required maintenance action prior to dispatch Pull/placard circuit breakers Disconnect power Tie up loose cables for removed equipment Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Manufacturer Documentation
Configuration Deviation List (CDL) Similar to DDG but Involves aircraft configuration Does not affect airworthiness/safety May have restrictions Icing conditions Flight speed restrictions Repair cycle customized by aircraft operator Discovered during line checks/pre-post flights Panels Gear doors Flap hinge fairings Cargo doors Warning systems Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Manufacturer Documentation
Nonessential Equipment and furnishing Items (NEF) Do not affect safety/airworthiness Deferral program Usually fixed at first available opportunity Most common deferred items Paneling Cup holders Missing paint Cosmetic items Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Manufacturer Documentation
Nonessential Equipment and furnishing Items (NEF) Do not affect safety/airworthiness Customized from MMEL Deferral program Usually fixed at first available opportunity Most common deferred items Paneling Cup holders Missing paint Cosmetic items Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Manufacturer Documentation
Task Cards (TC) Selected items chosen Action completed without entire manual Service Bulletins, Letters, Maintenance Tips Airframe/Engine manufacturer Modifications Suggestions Bulletins – modification Improve safety/operation Detailed description Service Letter Improve maintenance actions without modification Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Regulatory Documentation
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) All aspects of aviation Private Commercial Airports Navigational aids ATC Controllers Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Regulatory Documentation
Advisory Circulars(AC) Issued by FAA Provide assistance meetings FAR requirements Suggestions how to comply “means, but not the only means” FAA not trying to micromanage Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Regulatory Documentation
Airworthiness Directive (AD) Mandatory Unsafe condition Service Bulletin could turn into AD Description of unsafe condition Product with AD applies Corrective action required Date of compliance Where to get additional information Alternative methods of compliance Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) Intent to change/amend FARs Public hearings Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Airline Documentation
Operations Specification (Ops Spec) Required for each aircraft flown Parent document Strict FAA requirements Help from FAA representative Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Airline Documentation
Technical Policies and Procedures Manual (TPPM) Primary document for M&E FAA requirement for maintenance manual Written by engineering Ensures accuracy Define exactly M&E functions/activities carried out Detailed document Several volumes Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Airline Documentation
Inspection Manual (IM) Separate document or part of TPPM All inspection activities Mechanic inspection tasks QC inspector’s tasks Special inspections (Hard landing, bird strikes) Required inspection items (RII) program Required paperwork, forms, reports Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Airline Documentation
Quality Assurance Manual (QA) Special manual or part of IM Defines Duties/responsibilities Annual QA processes and procedures Forms Follow-up/enforcement procedures of QA write-ups Reliability Program Manual Defines reliability program Chapter 18 Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Airline Documentation
Minimum Equipment List (MEL) Airline customizes MMEL to their model Mandatory for airline’s dispatch Cannot be less restrictive than MMEL Discourage operation with inoperative equipment Penalties in passenger/cargo capacity PIC can refuse to fly Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Airline Documentation
Task Cards Produced by airline manufacturer One action only for each card Engineering Orders (EO) Work nor covered in standard maintenance plan Official Issued by engineering Approved by QA Could be called work order Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
ATA Document Standards
Uniform coding system All mode/types of aircraft Description and Operation ( ) What system does Various operational modes Detailed description of how it works Fault Isolation (101 – 199) Fault trees Specific faults based on flight deck effects Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
ATA Document Standards
Maintenance Practices ( ) When 2 or more actions must be used to complete task Followed by test Servicing ( ) All servicing tasks Step-by step instructions Required materials Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
ATA Document Standards
Removal/Installation ( ) Detailed step-by-step LRUs All conditions addressed Adjustment/Test ( ) Normal maintenance Component replacement Operational test procedures Functional test procedures Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
ATA Document Standards
Inspection/Check ( ) Zonal inspection activities Cleaning/painting ( ) Aircraft Washing Cleaning Painting Approved repairs ( ) Identifies repairs to Structure and aircraft skin Approved by FAA Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
TPPM Controlled document Identifies Key personnel
Job functions Qualifications definitions Maintenance facilities Layout drawing/maps Shops Hangars Ramps Other significant buildings Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
TPPM Identifies Describe in detail activities involving
Maintenance Inspection Testing Maintenance facilities Layout drawing/maps Shops Hangars Ramps Other significant buildings Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred acft production, the acft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
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