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XML-Based Construction of Input Files for Computational Chemistry  Use XML files to populate the graphical interface  Use XML files to identify combinations.

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Presentation on theme: "XML-Based Construction of Input Files for Computational Chemistry  Use XML files to populate the graphical interface  Use XML files to identify combinations."— Presentation transcript:

1 XML-Based Construction of Input Files for Computational Chemistry  Use XML files to populate the graphical interface  Use XML files to identify combinations of input exclusive  Use XML files to dynamically disable and enable made by user menus file selections that are incompatible or mutually menu selections based on current menu selection  Use XML files to dynamically inter-convert input files from one comp chem software package to another

2 Example Restrictions for a GAMESS Input File $GROUP $Keyword=Value Required Required Restrictions Group Keyword or Comments $CONTRL SCFTYP = RHF (default) $SCMI optional for RHF = UHF $SCF group optional = ROHF for RHF, UHF, ROHF = GVB $SCF = MCSCF $DET $MCSCF optional or $DRT = NONE $CONTRL CITYP = ALDET RUNTYP=ENERGY = ORMAS and GUESS=MOREAD = FSOCI = GENCI excludes selection of MP2 or = GUGA MPLEVL = 0 (default) = 2 excludes selection of CITYP, CCTYP, and DFTTYP only for SCFTYP = RHF, UHF, ROHF, and MCSCF if SCFTYP = MCSCF, must choose numerical derivatives unless RUNTYP = ENERGY, TRUDGE, SURFACE, or FFIELD $MRMP and $MCQDPT optional if SCFTYP = MCSCF

3 Example Restrictions for a GAMESS Input File $GROUP $Keyword=Value Required Required Restrictions Group Keyword or Comments $CONTRL CITYP = NONE (default) CITYP excludes selection of MP2, CCTYP, and DFTTYP = CIS $CIS only for SCFTYP = RHF $CISVEC if RDCISV =.TRUE. is selected in $CIS = ALDET $CIDET only for RUNTYP = ENERGY = ORMAS $CIDET $ORMAS = FOSCI $CIDET only for RUNTYP = ENERGY $SODET = GENCI $CIGEN only for RUNTYP = ENERGY = GUGA $CIDRT gradients available only for SCFTYP = RHF. For other SCFTYP’s, only for RUNTYP= ENERGY, TRUDGE, SURFACE, FFIELD, TRANSITN

4 Example Restrictions for a GAMESS Input File $GROUP $Keyword=Value Required Required Restrictions Group Keyword or Comments $BASIS GBASIS = MINI optional but if omitted, basis set must be given = MIDI in $DATA group = STO $BASIS NGAUSS = N21 $BASIS NGAUSS = N31 $BASIS NGAUSS = N311 $BASIS NGAUSS = SBKJC NGAUSS use only for GBASIS = STO, N21, N31, N311 = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for GBASIS = STO = 3, 6 for GBASIS = N2 = 4, 5, 6 for GBASIS = N31 = 6 for GBASIS = N311 NDFUNC = 0 (default) = 1 = 2 SPLIT2 optional = 3 SPLIT3 optional

5 XML File for Populating Interface Menus CONTRL SCFTYP RHF UHF ROHF GVB MCSCF NONE MPLEVL 0 2


7 XML File for Identifying Restrictions on Input Selections UHF <restriction inptyp = ”option” grp = ”CONTRL” kw = ”CITYP” menu = “mn_ciOptions” rtyp = “excluded”>CIS MVOQ AVACO PAVACO NCO NSETO NO NPAIR CICOEF AVACO COUPLE F ALPHA BETA CIS CISVEC SCMI MCSCF DET DRT

8 XML File for Identifying Restrictions on Input Selections MRMP MCQDPT TDHF TDHFX GVB <restriction inptyp = ”option” grp = ”CONTRL” kw = ”LOCAL” menu = “mn_localOptions” rtyp = “excluded”>POP <restriction inptyp = ”keyword” grp = ”CONTRL” menu = “mn_methodKeywords” rtyp = “excluded”>MPLEVL <restriction inptyp = ”option” grp = ”CONTRL” kw = ”MPLEVL” menu = “mn_mpOptions” rtyp = “excluded”>2 SCF CIS CISVEC SCMI MCSCF MRMP MCQDPT TDHF TDHFX...

9 Done Cancel Molecular Structure 0 1 Charge: Multiplicity: Symmetry: Descriptive Title: File Edit Molecular Specification

10 Future Interface Development Plans Near-term: (end of September) Completion of GAMESS interface  Complete addition of functionality to remaining menus  Categorize submenu items in order to compress their length  Incorporate molecular display into GAMESS interface Intermediate-term: (end of 3 - 5 months) Construct interface for NWChem and MolPro using the XML constructs from GAMESS interface Far-term: (end of 6 months) Reconstruct Gaussian interface using the XML constructs from GAMESS interface Inter-conversion between interfaces for Gaussian, GAMESS, NWChem, and MolPro

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