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Skin Cancer by Yousuf Asfour.

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1 Skin Cancer by Yousuf Asfour

2 Causes ·        The primary cause of skin cancer is ultraviolent rays from sun exposure ·         Smoking tobacco can also cause skin cancer ·         HPV infections can increase the risk of squamous cell carcinoma ·         Some genetic syndromes that cause moles or birthmarks may cause a higher risk for skin cancer ·         Radiation from sources such as X-rays also can cause skin cancer

3 Types · Malignant melanoma o Rarest type from the 3 skin cancers
o   Metastasizes much more frequently causing death more often ·         Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) o   Most common type of skin cancer o   Rarely metastasizes and is almost never lethal and is easily treated ·         Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) o   Common, but not as common as BCC o   Metastasizes more than BCC but very slowly

4 Signs and Symptoms · Malignant melanoma
o   If a mole changes shape or color, that is a warning sign of a melanoma o   Most melanomas are brown or black looking lesions ·         Basal cell Carcinoma o   Usually a pearly translucent elevated bump on sun exposed regions o   Blood vessels may appear and bleed ·         Squamous cell carcinoma o   Appears as a red thickened scaly patch on sun exposed regions o   May crust and bleed

5 Prevention ·         The best way to prevent any skin cancer is using sunscreen while outdoors ·         Limit exposure to radiation from X-rays and other radiation emitting machines ·         Where protective clothing ·         Take scheduled visits to the doctor to examine the cancer

6 Cures ·         The non-melanoma skin cancers can be easily dealt with, especially when dealt with early on ·         Melanomas can also be dealt with, but must be removed very early on or else they can cause extreme damage ·         All skin cancer must be removed before metastasizing

7 Treatment · Surgical methods are usually used to deal with skin cancer
·         Treatment depends on who has the cancer ·         The treatment also depends on age, health, and severity of the cancer of the person o   If the person who has the cancer has other diseases and is old, they may not treat it and have to live with it

8 Bibliography ·    "Skin Cancer." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Feb   ·      "Skin Cancer Facts." Skin Cancer. Web. 10 Feb ·       "Skin Cancer Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Prevention and Diagnosis on" Web. 10 Feb  

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