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Exam 4 Review – Chapters 20 - 23 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Lymphatic System Immune System Respiratory System Digestive.

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1 Exam 4 Review – Chapters 20 - 23 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Lymphatic System Immune System Respiratory System Digestive System Everything!

2 Lymphoid Cells and Tissues: $100 Question Isolated areas of lymphoid follicles found in the intestinal mucosa are called ________. a. lacteals b. Peyer’s patches c. germinal centers d. Brunner’s glands BACK TO GAME

3 Lymphoid Cells and Tissues: $100 Answer Isolated areas of lymphoid follicles found in the intestinal mucosa are called ________. a. lacteals b. Peyer’s patches c. germinal centers d. Brunner’s glands BACK TO GAME

4 Introduction: $200 Question The thoracic duct receives lymph from _________. a. the upper left body b. the upper right body c. the lower body d. both a and c e. both b and c BACK TO GAME

5 Introduction: $200 Answer The thoracic duct receives lymph from _________. a. the upper left body b. the upper right body c. the lower body d. both a and c e. both b and c BACK TO GAME

6 Lymphoid Cells and Tissues: $300 Question These cells are able to produce antibodies. a. T lymphocytes b. Plasma cells c. Macrophages d. Dendritic cells BACK TO GAME

7 Lymphoid Cells and Tissues: $300 Answer These cells are able to produce antibodies. a. T lymphocytes b. Plasma cells c. Macrophages d. Dendritic cells BACK TO GAME

8 Function of Other Lymphoid Tissue: $400 Question All of the following statements are true of the spleen except: a. it stores platelets. b. it produces red blood cells in the fetus. c. it removes debris and foreign matter from the blood. d. it atrophies after puberty. BACK TO GAME

9 Function of Other Lymphoid Tissue: $400 Answer All of the following statements are true of the spleen except: a. it stores platelets. b. it produces red blood cells in the fetus. c. it removes debris and foreign matter from the blood. d. it atrophies after puberty. BACK TO GAME

10 Lymphoid Cells and Tissues: $500 Question All of the following statements are true of most lymph tissues except: a.they house lymphocytes and macrophages. b.they are largely composed of reticular connective tissue. c.they are the site of lymphocyte proliferation. d.the B lymphocytes are able to secrete antigens into the blood. BACK TO GAME

11 Lymphoid Cells and Tissues: $500 Answer All of the following statements are true of most lymph tissues except: a.they house lymphocytes and macrophages. b.they are largely composed of reticular connective tissue. c.they are the site of lymphocyte proliferation. d.the B lymphocytes are able to secrete antigens into the blood. BACK TO GAME

12 The Adaptive Immune System: $100 Question Substances that provoke an immune response are called ________. a. antibodies b. interferons c. antigens d. immunogens BACK TO GAME

13 The Adaptive Immune System: $100 Answer Substances that provoke an immune response are called ________. a. antibodies b. interferons c. antigens d. immunogens BACK TO GAME

14 Inflammation: $200 Question Neutrophils are able to squeeze through the capillary walls in a process called ________. a. leukocytosis b. margination c. diapedesis d. hyperemia BACK TO GAME

15 Inflammation: $200 Answer Neutrophils are able to squeeze through the capillary walls in a process called ________. a. leukocytosis b. margination c. diapedesis d. hyperemia BACK TO GAME

16 Inflammation: $300 Question These proteins are released by infected cells and help protect surrounding uninfected cells. a.Complement b.Defensins c.Interferons d.Prostaglandins BACK TO GAME

17 Inflammation: $300 Answer These proteins are released by infected cells and help protect surrounding uninfected cells. a.Complement b.Defensins c.Interferons d.Prostaglandins BACK TO GAME

18 Humoral Immunity: $400 Question The ability of antibodies to block specific sites on pathogens so that they cannot bind to cell receptors is called _______. a. agglutination b. activation c. neutralization d. precipitation BACK TO GAME

19 Humoral Immunity: $400 Answer The ability of antibodies to block specific sites on pathogens so that they cannot bind to cell receptors is called _______. a. agglutination b. activation c. neutralization d. precipitation BACK TO GAME

20 Cell-Mediated Immunity: $500 Question Class II MHC proteins would be found on all of the following except: a. dendritic cells. b. macrophages. c. B cells. d. neutrophils. BACK TO GAME

21 Cell-Mediated Immunity: $500 Answer Class II MHC proteins would be found on all of the following except: a. dendritic cells. b. macrophages. c. B cells. d. neutrophils. BACK TO GAME

22 Mechanisms of Breathing: $100 Question All of the following statements are true of inspiration except: a. the rib cage is elevated. b. the diaphragm is relaxed. c. volume in the thoracic cavity has increased. d. intrapulmonary pressure has decreased. BACK TO GAME

23 Mechanisms of Breathing: $100 Answer All of the following statements are true of inspiration except: a. the rib cage is elevated. b. the diaphragm is relaxed. c. volume in the thoracic cavity has increased. d. intrapulmonary pressure has decreased. BACK TO GAME

24 Control of Respiration: $200 Question Normal quiet respiration is controlled by the: a. dorsal respiratory group. b. ventral respiratory group. c. pontine respiratory group. d. cerebral cortex. BACK TO GAME

25 Control of Respiration: $200 Answer Normal quiet respiration is controlled by the: a. dorsal respiratory group. b. ventral respiratory group. c. pontine respiratory group. d. cerebral cortex. BACK TO GAME

26 Control of Respiration: $300 Question A decrease in pH will have what effect on the respiration rate? a. Decrease b. Increase c. No effect d. No effect unless lung damage is present BACK TO GAME

27 Control of Respiration: $300 Answer A decrease in pH will have what effect on the respiration rate? a. Decrease b. Increase c. No effect d. No effect unless lung damage is present BACK TO GAME

28 When holding our breath for a long time we get the urge to breathe due to: a. a decrease in N 2. b. a decrease in O 2. c. an increase in CO 2. d. an increase in pH. BACK TO GAME Gas Transport: $400 Question

29 When holding our breath for a long time we get the urge to breathe due to: a. a decrease in N 2. b. a decrease in O 2. c. an increase in CO 2. d. an increase in pH. BACK TO GAME Gas Transport: $400 Answer

30 Gas Transport: $500 Question Which of the following will increase hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen? a. A decrease in pH b. An increase in P CO 2 c. An increase in temperature d. The presence of some O 2 already bound to the hemoglobin BACK TO GAME

31 Gas Transport: $500 Answer Which of the following will increase hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen? a. A decrease in pH b. An increase in P CO 2 c. An increase in temperature d. The presence of some O 2 already bound to the hemoglobin BACK TO GAME

32 Functional Anatomy of the Small Intestine: $100 Question Most of the digestive enzymes found in the small intestine come from this accessory organ: a. Liver b. Gallbladder c. Stomach d. Pancreas BACK TO GAME

33 Functional Anatomy of the Small Intestine: $100 Answer Most of the digestive enzymes found in the small intestine are secreted by this accessory organ. a. Liver b. Gallbladder c. Stomach d. Pancreas BACK TO GAME

34 Functional Anatomy of the Upper GI Tract: $200 Question The gastric cells that secrete pepsinogen are the: a. mucous neck cells. b. parietal cells. c. chief cells. d. enteroendocrine cells. BACK TO GAME

35 Functional Anatomy of the Upper GI Tract: $200 Answer The gastric cells that secrete pepsinogen are the: a. mucous neck cells. b. parietal cells. c. chief cells. d. enteroendocrine cells. BACK TO GAME

36 Introduction: $300 Question Which of these is found only in the stomach and no other digestive organs? a. Goblet cells b. Longitudinal layer of muscularis c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Oblique layer of muscularis BACK TO GAME

37 Introduction: $300 Answer BACK TO GAME Which of these is found only in the stomach and no other digestive organs? a. Goblet cells b. Longitudinal layer of muscularis c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Oblique layer of muscularis

38 Functional Anatomy of the Small Intestine: $400 Question This hormone triggers the release of enzyme-rich pancreatic juice. a. CCK b. Secretin c. Gastrin d. Bile BACK TO GAME

39 Functional Anatomy of the Small Intestine: $400 Answer This hormone triggers the release of enzyme-rich pancreatic juice. a. CCK b. Secretin c. Gastrin d. Bile BACK TO GAME

40 Which function of the stomach is most important in maintaining homeostasis? a. Production of acid. b. Chemical digestion of proteins. c. Production of intrinsic factor. d. Production of enteroendocrine hormones. BACK TO GAME Functional Anatomy of the Small Intestine: $500 Answer

41 BACK TO GAME Which function of the stomach is most important in maintaining homeostasis? a. Production of acid. b. Chemical digestion of proteins. c. Production of intrinsic factor. d. Production of enteroendocrine hormones. Functional Anatomy of the Small Intestine: $500 Answer

42 Everything : $100 Question Which of the following statements is not true of natural killer cells? a. They are specialized lymphocytes. b. They are part of the innate defense system. c. They react against very specific pathogens. d. They promote apoptosis. BACK TO GAME

43 Everything : $100 Answer Which of the following statements is not true of natural killer cells? a. They are specialized lymphocytes. b. They are part of the innate defense system. c. They react against very specific pathogens. d. They promote apoptosis. BACK TO GAME

44 Everything: $200 Question This substance secreted by the pancreas helps neutralize chyme. a. Chymotrypsin b. Bile c. Trypsin d. Bicarbonate BACK TO GAME

45 Everything: $200 Answer This substance secreted by the pancreas helps neutralize chyme. a. Chymotrypsin b. Bile c. Trypsin d. Bicarbonate BACK TO GAME

46 Everything : $300 Question This cell mediates the body’s cellular immune response. a. Neutrophil b. B cell c. Macrophage d. T cell BACK TO GAME

47 Everything : $300 Answer This cell mediates the body’s cellular immune response. a. Neutrophil b. B cell c. Macrophage d. T cell BACK TO GAME

48 Everything: $400 Question The rate of oxygen diffusion across the respiratory membrane depends upon all of the following except: a. the thickness of the respiratory membrane. b. partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli. c. partial pressure of oxygen in the blood. d. partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood. BACK TO GAME

49 Everything: $400 Answer The rate of oxygen diffusion across the respiratory membrane depends upon all of the following except: a. the thickness of the respiratory membrane. b. partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli. c. partial pressure of oxygen in the blood. d. partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood. BACK TO GAME

50 Everything: $500 Question Which of the following are not phagocytes? a. B cells b. Neutrophils c. Eosinophils d. Natural killer cells BACK TO GAME

51 Everything : $500 Answer BACK TO GAME Which of the following are not phagocytes? a. B cells b. Neutrophils c. Eosinophils d. Natural killer cells

52 Figure 22.3c The upper respiratory tract.

53 Figure 22.4 The larynx.

54 Figure 22.5b Movements of the vocal folds.

55 Figure 22.7 Conducting zone passages.

56 Figure 22.8a Respiratory zone structures.

57 Figure 22.9c Alveoli and the respiratory membrane.

58 Figure 22.10c Anatomical relationships of organs in the thoracic cavity.

59 Figure 22.16a Respiratory volumes and capacities.

60 Figure 23.1 Alimentary canal and related accessory digestive organs.


62 Figure 23.6 Basic structure of the alimentary canal.

63 Figure 23.9a The salivary glands.

64 Figure 23.15b Microscopic anatomy of the stomach.

65 Figure 23.21 The duodenum of the small intestine, and related organs.

66 Figure 23.22a Structural modifications of the small intestine that increase its surface area for digestion and absorption.

67 Figure 23.24 Gross anatomy of the human liver.

68 Figure 23.29a Gross anatomy of the large intestine.

69 Figure 23.30b Mesenteries of the abdominal digestive organs.

70 Figure 25.1 The urinary system.

71 Figure 25.4a Blood vessels of the kidney.

72 Figure 25.7a Blood vessels of cortical and juxtamedullary nephrons.

73 Figure 25.20 Structure of the urinary bladder and urethra.

74 Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 27.1 Reproductive organs of the male, sagittal view.

75 Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 27.4 Male reproductive structures.

76 Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 27.10 Internal organs of the female reproductive system, midsagittal section.

77 Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 27.12a Internal reproductive organs of a female.

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