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EYFS Co-ordinators Network Meeting
July 2014
Purpose Transition to Year 1 discussions
Focus on ‘emerging’ and ‘exceeding’ Focus on ‘gaps’ for ‘expected’ Focus on Characteristics of Learning – ‘gaps’
Update on Assessment in the FS
From 2016 the YR Baseline assessment will be the only measure used to assess progress of children who enter YR. The assessment will be linked to the L&D requirements (EYFS) and to KS1 NC in English and Maths. The STA has developed the criteria to be used for the baseline assessments. DfE will publish a list of assessments that meet this criteria in early 2015. In C&L / Literacy & Maths
The profile becomes non-compulsory from September 2016
Search – EYFS Baseline assessment ‘Reforming assessment and accountability for primary schools’
EYFS Statutory Requirements
The EYFS statutory framework has been updated and will be in effect from 1 September 2014. The revisions reflect changes which apply to Section 3 on Safeguarding and Welfare. There have been no changes to the areas of learning and development, including the early learning goals. The updated document can be found on the Foundation Years web site:
School transitions may involve:
Learning a new language Learning the new rules of the classroom Meeting new expectations Acquiring a new identity A decrease in independent learning
The challenge is to …………
Scaffold the process of transition without making it too smooth Make the new culture meaningful Question the assumptions of the school Have a common language Try to ensure some continuity of adult support Develop an understanding of EYFS philosophy/pedagogy
Points for action Schools should:
“ensure that learning experiences in Year 1 build upon the practical approaches and structured play in Year R” Transition from the Reception Year to Year 1 – an evaluation by HMI Points for action drawn out for : National level LA level and school level
Audit of current practice
Complete the audit of organisational strategies and discuss Are there any other strategies you have in place to promote effective transition? Feedback FEEDBACK ANY NEW IDEAS
What is the EYFSP designed for?
“The primary purpose of the EYFSP is to provide year 1 teachers with reliable and accurate information about each child's level of development as they reach the end of the EYFS, enabling the teacher to plan an effective, responsive and appropriate curriculum that will meet all children’s needs” Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Handbook 2014 Thank you for that………………… So moving on we are now going to give you an overview of the Profile, referring to the new handbook. SHOW - 2 copies of this have gone into all schools but we would recommend that you have your own copy. As the quote says the primary purpose of the profile as an assessment too,l is to enable year 1 teachers to plan effectively for the children as they move into Y1. This obviously has implications for Y1 teachers and for some of the schools you work in transition issues may need further consideration .
The Early Years Foundation Stage Profile
Covers seven areas of learning and development Communication & language development; Physical development; Personal Social & Emotional development Literacy development Mathematics development Understanding of the World Expressive arts and design Prime Areas Specific Areas
17 assessment scales ELG 01 Listening ELG 10 Writing
ELG 02 Understanding ELG 11 Numbers ELG 03 Speaking ELG 12 Shape, space and measures ELG 04 Moving and handling ELG 13 People and communities ELG 05 Health and self-care ELG 14 The world ELG 06 Self-confidence and self-awareness ELG 15 Technology ELG 07 Managing feelings and behaviour ELG 16 Exploring and using media and materials ELG 08 Making relationships ELG 17 Being imaginative ELG 09 Reading 1-3 – Communication and Language 4&5 - Physical Development 6,7 & 8 – Personal, social and emotional development 9&10 – Literacy 11&12 Mathematical 13,14 &15 Understanding the world 16&17 Expressive arts and design
What the scores mean………
Emerging – represented by 1 Not yet at the level of development expected at the end of the EYFS Expected The description of the level of development expected at the end of the EYFS Exceeding Beyond the level of development expected at the end of the EYFS ‘Practitioners should refer to the descriptors of age bands in Development Matters to determine which age band best describes a child’s development’ EYFSP handbook p45
Achieving a “Good Level of Development”
Defined as achieving the ‘Expected’ level in: Communication & language development; Physical development; Personal Social & Emotional development and: Literacy out of 17 Mathematics Secondary Measure: An average of the cohort’s total point score across all the Early Learning Goals Expected in all 17 = 34 points Number achieving a Good Level of Development All children At a National Level, 52.0% of children achieved a Good Level of Development (those achieving at least the expected level within the three prime areas of learning: communication and language, physical development and personal, social and emotional development and in the early learning goals within the literacy and mathematics areas of learning). In Gloucestershire, the figure was also 52.0%. Gender At a National level 60.0% of girls achieved a Good Level of Development compared with 44.0% of boys. In Gloucestershire 60.2% of girls achieved a Good Level of Development compared with 43.9% of boys. Secondary measure The average score for all children in England was 32.8 points and in Gloucestershire 33.9 points. The average point score achieved in England by girls was 34.1 points compared with 31.6 points for boys. In Gloucestershire the average point school for girls was 35.1 points compared with 32.6 points for boys.
Exceeding Descriptors
Annex 2 – page 50
Expected v. Exceeding Document:
‘An Exploration of the ‘Expected’ and ‘Exceeding’ descriptors’ Resources/Early years resources/EYFS Profile Useful Publications
Characteristics of Effective Learning
EYFS Profile Handbook Page 20 Annex 3 – page 52
Why continue with child initiated play in Year 1 ?
To enable children at the emerging level to move to expected To offer opportunities for children to operate at high cognitive level To develop creative thinkers and embed characteristics of learning Why continue with child initiated play in Year 1 ? To develop sustained shared thinking Evolution of CI play?
Scrutinise the data………
Are there particular areas of learning where attainment is low or high? Are there any patterns within the cohort of specific Early Learning Goals not being achieved? Are there any particular groups of children or individuals who have underachieved or have exceeded expectation
What next ? Accurately plan next steps in learning for individuals and groups of children Plan for children who are gifted and talented in one or more areas of the curriculum Plan for children who have special educational needs
Plan for children who have a specific weakness in one area of the curriculum
Plan for socially and emotionally immature children who need a modified curriculum Plan for children who have experienced a disrupted and unsettled time in the Foundation Stage.
Future dates: TA training: Thursday 25th September EYFS Co-ordinators: 19th November and 11th February Teachers training -New to EYFS: Fri 3rd October/10th October
Thinking year
Evaluation / future networks
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