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TOK Syllabus Theory of Knowledge Year 1 2014-2015.

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1 TOK Syllabus Theory of Knowledge Year 1 2014-2015

2 Ms. Christensen Teacher Extraordinaire North Park University Basketball Coach The Oldest – younger brother and sister

3 Amundsen Vision Amundsen High School is THE school of choice for our neighborhood families due to its excellent student achievement results and competitive academic and extracurricular programs, offered in a 21 st century facility. Teaching to ensure growth and achievement is the core principle of all instruction. AHS graduates embrace intercultural respect and possess the needed skills to be leaders in their communities and in a global setting. Finally, every AHS graduate will be Accountable, Honorable, and Scholarly.

4 Amundsen School Mission Our mission is to provide every Amundsen student with: a 21 st Century rigorous and relevant education, which prepares them for success in their post- secondary academic endeavors and careers; authentic learning experiences that develop their ability to be life- long, independent thinkers and learners, equipped with comprehensive literacy skills in mathematics, languages, arts, sciences, and technology; and, a foundation for understanding a variety of cultural perspectives and service-oriented mindset.

5 School Rules At all times, students must follow the dress code and visibly wear their IDs. Students will arrive to class on time, bring all materials, and be ready to learn. Any student in the hallway during class time must have a pass. A student without a pass will be escorted back to his/her scheduled room. Cell phones and other electronics are only permitted during the passing periods and during lunch, unless specifically allowed by the teacher for educational purposes. Students will respond promptly and politely to requests from any adult in the building.

6 Class Expectations Accountable Honorable Scholarly

7 Accountable Be on time Complete all work Come to class Be responsible for YOUR work…if you are absent, you need to find out what you missed and get it done.

8 Honorable RESPECT everyone in this room. Know everyone’s name.

9 Scholarly TRY every task Turn in all of your work. Ask questions

10 The Class Theory of Knowledge (TOK) How do we know what we know? How do we know if it is reliable and true? CHALLENGE what you know and why you know it. Broken down into WAYS OF KNOWING and AREAS OF KNOWING

11 Philosophy Fridays Every Friday we switch up what we are doing in class and look at different philosophers and their ideas.

12 IB Assessments TOK Presentation Presentation given at the end of senior year. TOK Essay Essay written in the middle of senior year. Prompts are given from IB. Extended Essay 4,000 word essay. 3 rd Quarter Junior Year – 2 nd Quarter Senior Year

13 Grading Scale Scale 90-100 = A 80- 89 = B 70- 79 = C 60- 69 = D 59 and Below = F Categories Participation Assessments Essays Class Work

14 Weekly Reflections Due the first class of every week. 2 paragraphs 1 st : A clear summary of the entire week in THIS class 2 nd : Reflection on the material Must be typed. Format will be shown next week. 1 st Weekly Reflection will be due September 15th

15 TARDIES!!!! I hate them. Especially in this class. IF you are tardy: Work that is already collected, you earn a 0. Go directly to your desk. When I open the door, I will QUICKLY tell you what you should be doing. Do not disturb anyone. You miss what you miss. You are still responsible for completing whatever that day’s tasks are ON TIME. (i.e. assessments, tweets, in class activities, notes, scenes…)

16 Tardy Extremely disrespectful, not just to me, but to everyone in the room. I have zero tolerance for them. Should not be an issue.

17 Absences AUX = Automatic zero for that day. No make up. That includes assessments. Work due that day will automatically drop one letter. AEX = You may make up that work. Time frame and completion are YOUR responsibility. Absent the day before an assessment? Still MUST take assessment on the same day. Make Up assessments are no longer accepted once I have passed back the graded work.

18 Attendance Attendance is KEY to this class. I will never chase after you for work. Everything is on the website in terms of handouts and notes. If you were absent the day before, you are expected to be fully prepared when you come back.

19 Cell Phones If I see them out, you lose your points for the entire day. If there are NO cell phone issues in the first few weeks, I will allow you to listen to music during your assessments If, at any point, you are doing other things on your phone, the whole class will lose the privilege. You will earn a 0 on the assessment/activity

20 Food/Drink You can have your drinks in here. The moment someone spills something or leaves a piece of trash behind, they will no longer be allowed. You will only be allowed BOTTLED water. No food. There are problems with bugs around here. I do not want those problems in here. I’m not your mama, and I have NO interest in cleaning up after you.

21 Copying Zero Tolerance Whether it comes online or from someone else, lying about your work is lying about your work. No make up options at all.

22 Write down the name of ANY animal.

23 Write down THREE adjectives that describe that animal.

24 Write down any color

25 Write down THREE adjectives that describe that color.

26 Write down a landmark

27 Write down three adjectives that describe that landmark.

28 Write down a body of water.

29 Write down three adjectives that describe that body of water.

30 List your three favorite songs IN ORDER. THINK about the lyrics….

31 What it means Animal Adjectives = Words that you think describe you

32 Color adjectives Describes how OTHERS see you

33 Landmark does not matter Adjectives describe how you think your PERFECT self should be

34 Body of water Adjectives describe your social life

35 Lyrics of the first song show your philosophy on life.

36 Lyrics of the second song show what you care about most

37 Lyrics of the third song show your mind works.

38 1 What is your favorite book? Why? What was your favorite class last year? Why? What are your biggest fears for this year? Be as descriptive as possible.

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